Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 278 Crazy Baby

Chapter 279

Li Xuemei was very surprised that there was a girl who looked exactly like herself in the capital. She wanted to see this girl too, and her eyes were full of longing.

"Tang Feng, thank you, if I have the opportunity, I will definitely meet her." Li Xuemei stood not far from Tang Feng, but looked away from Tang Feng.

"Thank you, this is what I should be, aren't we friends?" Tang Feng is still smiling, and the two are like little lovers who haven't seen each other for a long time.

Li Xuemei was a little surprised when Tang Feng regarded herself as a friend. She didn't expect Tang Feng to say that. She was still a little touched, "Yes, we are friends."

Every time Li Xuemei saw Tang Feng, she would think of what the two of them did in the car that day. She always thought that Tang Feng looked down on her and thought she was a bad woman. After several contacts, her view changed a little bit. .

"Okay, if you have nothing to do, go back to class. I should go back. I will be back to Beijing tomorrow. Then I can tell her about this matter." Tang Feng said, facing Li Xuemei, I really don't know. What was good, it seemed a little embarrassing, so I looked at the time on the phone.

Li Xuemei was a little disappointed by Tang Feng's words, but nodded, turned and walked towards the teaching building.

"Li Xuemei..." Li Xuemei just walked out a few meters, Tang Feng called her, saw her stop, and turned her body around, a little embarrassed smile, "Li Xuemei, let me take a picture of you! Go back! Fortunately, there is evidence."

Facing Tang Feng's comment that Li Xuemei felt a little bit shy about taking pictures, she didn't know where to put her hands, and actually grabbed the corner of her clothes. Tang Feng saw her shy appearance and smiled, "Don't be nervous, just as usual. It will be fine in a while."

Tang Feng picked up the phone and pointed it at the angle as he spoke, "Come and laugh...", "click" a photo and stay on the phone forever.

"Okay, take a look, how beautiful you smile." Tang Feng showed Li Xuemei the photo.

"Tang Feng, is she beautiful?" Li Xuemei was a little uncomfortable facing the close contact, but still did not dodge.

After listening to Li Xuemei’s question, Tang Feng smiled happily. “She and you are almost carved out of the same mold. If you praise her for being beautiful, you don’t mean you are beautiful.”(Read more @

Facing Tang Feng's words, Li Xuemei was even more shy. The blushing ones had passed the Red Lantern, and she glanced at Tang Feng secretly, "I mean she loves to laugh?"

Tang Feng thought about Li Xuemei’s problem for a long time, but didn’t think about it for a long time, because when two people were together, apart from quarrels or quarrels, he said embarrassingly: “I rarely go to school, and there are not many opportunities for us to meet. ."

"Aren't you going to school?" Li Xuemei asked in surprise.

Tang Feng didn't expect that he just said that he missed his mouth, and quickly added: "I started a small company outside, and I was busy every day, so the chances of going to school were less."

"Oh, you are not amazing. You will start a company when you are still in school." Li Xuemei has some admiration for Tang Feng. Being able to be admitted to Renmin University shows that Tang Feng's grades are good, and she also found that Tang Feng has grown more and more. The more handsome, the younger and the more gold.

"Just play around and mix in pocket money. I haven't made any money yet." This is the truth. Except for Jingdong Mall, it can maintain a balance of payments. Now all companies are in a state of loss. It is impossible to make profit within one to two years.

"Tang Feng, can I take a picture with you?" Suddenly Li Xuemei pointed to the phone in Tang Feng's hand.

Tang Feng was indeed a little surprised. He didn't expect Li Xuemei to make such a request, but he didn't refuse either. He smiled and nodded, "Of course I would like to take pictures with beautiful women. Don't say one, it's no problem for ten or 100. ."

Li Xuemei cut her hair and agreed to her request. She was very happy, "Thank you, just one piece is fine."

"Come here a little bit, you can't take a picture too far." Tang Feng adjusted his posture, and the two people pressed closely together, especially their heads, almost all stuck together. After a second, this was a beautiful picture. It was saved.

"Tang Feng, can you upload this photo to my YY?" Now YY has opened the YY space and has the function of uploading photos, and you can upload it directly with your mobile phone.

In this way, Tang Feng added Li Xuemei’s YY number, and he smiled after looking at the search results, “Crazy baby, is this you? You don’t like me to call this name, right?” Tang Feng said jokingly .

Li Xuemei, who was already blushing, became even more red when Tang Feng said this, and lowered her head as if she had tacitly agreed. Seeing Li Xuemei lowered his head, Tang Feng was suddenly dumbfounded, "Isn't she really in love with me?" thought in his heart.

"I'm just kidding, don't take it seriously, I already have a girlfriend." Tang Feng explained quickly.

Li Xuemei suddenly raised her head, as if mustered a lot of courage, "Is that the girl who looks very similar to me?"

"No, it was from our school before, and now is my university classmate. Her name is Chen Yuyao." Tang Feng explained quickly.

I still know Chen Yuyao and Li Xuemei. She must be considered a celebrity in school. It is normal to know her as a school girl. She was disappointed with Tang Feng's answer, but she quickly adjusted it, "Thank you, I am going back." ."

This time, Tang Feng did not hold back. He waited until Li Xuemei disappeared before he walked out of the campus. When he reached the gate, he greeted Uncle Li and left.

When Tang Feng came out of school, it was just over 3 o'clock. It was still early, and there was nothing to do. He simply called Zhao Deqiang. After coming back for so long, he didn't say hello. He must be helpful to him.

Zhao Deqiang was very happy when he heard Tang Feng's call and invited him to get together in the evening. Tang Feng thought for a while and agreed with nothing. He agreed to see him at his hotel at 6 o'clock in the evening.

There is still some time before 6 o'clock, just go to see my grandfather and grandma, two of them must still love them very much, not to mention that they treat their father well now.

When Tang Feng arrived at his grandma and grandfather’s house, the two elders were both at home. One was watching TV and the other was reading. The huge room was strangely deserted. Tang Feng held a big pocket in his hand, "Grandpa, grandma, I came to see you." This is a special product I brought from Beijing. I’ll give you something fresh.” Tang Feng put the big pocket in his hand on the table as he said, opened it, and took out some food from it. Pass it to the two elderly people.

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