Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 279 Called Sister-In-Law

Chapter 280

"Xiao Feng is really grown up, and I know that he respects his grandma. It seems that grandma didn't hurt you in vain." Tang Feng's grandma was very happy to see Tang Feng who came to visit them, and she almost couldn't close her mouth with a smile.

"Xiaofeng, it's good to come and see us. What else to bring, unlike my two granddaughters, they will be gone after a vacation. Who will come to see us? Now that we are old, my legs and feet are inconvenient. I can't do anything..." Tang Feng's grandfather sighed while talking. Tang Feng had no good way to deal with this result. He could only ask his parents to visit the two elderly people after returning.

I chatted with the two old people at my grandpa and grandma’s house for a while. In fact, I mainly listened to the nagging of the two old people. When they got old, they talked a lot. I hope I can find someone to talk to them. Unknowingly, more than an hour passed. Tang Feng checked that the time was almost the same, and then stood up from the sofa, "Grandpa, grandma, I will leave if I have anything else to do."

"You kid, I have come here. What are you leaving? I ate here in the evening and asked your parents to come together. The two of them don’t know what they’re up to. They haven’t come to see us for a long time. Even your little aunt is busy with them." Tang Feng's grandma was anxious when she saw Tang Feng was about to leave.

"Grandma, grandpa, I have an appointment with a friend, I must keep my word, I will stay one day tomorrow, the train in the evening, tomorrow night we will call my parents together early, let's get together, by the way, call my uncle and auntie together Come, we will be lively and lively when the time comes."

Tang Feng felt that the two old men were too lonely. He decided to do something for the two old men. Today is definitely not enough, so he has to wait for tomorrow.

Tang Feng's grandmother saw Tang Feng really going to leave, complained for a while, and finally let him go, and kept sending him downstairs and refused to go back until Tang Feng's back disappeared into the sight of the two people. Turn upstairs.

"A sensible child, it would be nice if Jiaojiao and Lili were so sensible." Grandma complained as she went upstairs.

"Even if it's useful to be sensible, the girl in charge will marry sooner or later, and it doesn't necessarily matter if she won't come back." Tang Feng's grandfather has always been an old thought, that is, patriarchal.

"Old man, are you still complaining about the big girl? She has gone so far. You are not happy to come back with so many things every year?" Tang Feng's aunt is about to establish the old man's heart, and only come back one or two every year Most of them left on the same day, even if they lived here for more than three days, so the old man was always dissatisfied with her.

After Tang Feng came out of his grandfather's house, he stopped a taxi on the side of the road and headed directly to the Haicheng Hotel. The traffic in Haicheng is much better than that in Beijing. There is no congestion along the way, and it takes about a quarter of an hour to arrive.

"Hi! Beauty, can you leave a contact information?" Tang Feng saw the two courtesy ladies at the door, or old acquaintances, when he got out of the taxi, and walked over with a smile.

"Sir, I'm sorry I already have a boyfriend." Because Tang Feng has changed so much, the two did not even recognize Tang Feng.(Read more @

"You, you, you are Tang Feng..." Suddenly a lady of etiquette almost screamed, and finally found out what was wrong.

"Two elder sisters, will you make a boyfriend if you don't see each other?" Tang Feng smiled and looked at the two people.

"Why, this is not because you are afraid of guests harassing you. Do you not know how to do our business, and you are so annoying all day long." One of the courtesy ladies complained.

"So I still have a chance?" Tang Feng said jokingly.

"Tang Feng, you don't want to kick us off. Who doesn't know your relationship with Mr. Bai. If you let her know that you can't drive the two of us, just let us go!"

"Really disappointed, it seems that I still have no charm. In that case, I have to go." Tang Feng waved to the two people after speaking, and then walked inside.

308 private room, this private room is too familiar. Tang Feng has been here countless times. He has left many good memories. He pushed the door and walked in. At that time, he was stunned. It surprised him a little. There are three people, one is Zhao Deqiang and the other is Bai Yaqing. There is not much surprise for Bai Yaqing to come back to Tang Feng. What surprised him was another person, a woman, and a beautiful woman.

"Why don't you know each other? Don't worry, this is not the road, I will not rob you." It was our beautiful traffic policeman Ren Xueying who spoke.

Zhao Deqiang felt a little embarrassed by Ren Xueying’s words. He knew it best. As long as he drove for three days at least one day, he would run into this eldest lady, and every time he was taught by her, he was scared that he did not dare to drive for a while. .

Ren Xueying was also very surprised by Tang Feng’s appearance. Although Bai Yaqing greeted her before Tang Feng came, she still had some surprises, but it was only for a while. It all started with Tang Feng. joke.

"Know, how can you not know, if you don't know anyone, you can't forget our Haicheng's first beautiful traffic police." Tang Feng originally wanted to come in, but when he saw Ren Xueying sitting in a chair, he didn't go. Walked inside, but leaned against the door.

"Tang Feng, come in and sit, don’t be familiar with Xueying, you don’t know, she is like this." Ren Xueying hadn’t spoken yet, and Zhao Deqiang, who was sitting next to him, took it, but Tang Feng told him The whole title is a bit strange.

Ren Xueying just glared at Zhao Deqiang, and then stopped talking, and the private room instantly became deserted.

Tang Feng was also not polite, and directly sat beside Bai Yaqing, "Brother Deqiang, it's been a long time since I saw how you found you are getting handsome."

"Tang Feng, what do you mean, don't you want us to praise you for becoming handsome?" Ren Xueying, who had closed her mouth, suddenly took the words over again.

Tang Feng didn't expect to be seen through by the other party and smiled awkwardly, "Ren Da traffic police, you deserve to be a policeman, you can see this."

"Just your little trick, you still want to deceive others, you can only deceive children, and don't call me a traffic policeman, but a sister-in-law."

"Sister-in-law?" Tang Feng was stunned, and didn't react for a while.

"Why, can't it?"

"No, it's not impossible, you want me to call my sister-in-law, and you have to find me a brother?"

"Okay, Tang Feng, stop making trouble. Now Xueying is my brother Deqiang's girlfriend. You should call my sister-in-law." Bai Yaqing, who was sitting on the side, couldn't listen anymore, so she interrupted. If you let two people talk like this, they won't have to eat.

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