Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 280 Zhao DeqiangS Plan

Chapter 281: Zhao Deqiang's Plan

After listening to Bai Yaqing's words, Tang Feng looked left and looked again, completely dumbfounded. When did the two of them get together? This was something Tang Feng didn't even think of.

"Sister-in-law..." Tang Feng finally reacted. Ren Xueying, who was originally full of arrogance, blushed when she heard Tang Feng's shout, where she was just as strong and shy.

"Okay, sit down! You are not hungry, I am still hungry." Zhao Deqiang saw Ren Xueying's shy appearance with a beautiful heart.

Originally, the two people were unrelated people, but because of the carjackings, the last two people found a good impression. It can be said that Ren Xueying conquered Zhao Deqiang. The combination of the two of them is more or less related to Tang Feng, maybe this is fate.

Before that, Zhao Deqiang had hesitated because there was a woman living in his heart, and that was Bai Yaqing’s good girlfriend. Zhao Deqiang had chased her for more than three years, but there was no result. Before he agreed to date with Ren Xueying, he The last time he confessed, he was rejected, and he was very decisive when he refused. He thought about it, and slowly walked with Ren Xueying.

At the dinner table, Tang Feng and Ren Xueying talked the most. They really didn't get together. Ren Xueying still remembers the incident about Tang Feng escaping from the car. She was really a little girl. Now she still jokes about Tang Feng.

"Xiao Feng, I heard that you have set up another entertainment company?" Zhao Deqiang asked suddenly during the dinner.

"Brother Zhao, there is such a thing, but the formalities have just been completed and it has not been started yet. If we wait for normal operations, it will take a few months." Tang Feng spoke and glanced at Bai Yaqing and knew that She told him, but it's no secret.

"Xiao Feng, others don't know your skills, I don't know yet, I guess it won't be long before you can operate normally." Zhao Deqiang looked at Tang Feng with a smile.

"Brother Zhao, that's what I said, but it's difficult to execute. Now there is not even an actor, there are too many directors, all kinds of equipment, and there are too many things. To be honest, I can't be too busy alone. "Before setting up the company, Tang Feng thought it was a simple thing. Now think about how ridiculous he was at that time. If it weren't for Ye Tianfeng's help, I'm afraid it would take half a year to go through the formalities.

"Xiao Feng, how about I help you?" Zhao Deqiang looked forward.

"You?" Tang Feng's eyes widened.

"If it doesn't work, forget it." Zhao Deqiang saw Tang Feng's expression a little disappointed.(Read more @

"No, no, Brother Zhao came to help me, I couldn't ask for it, the key is her sister-in-law..." Tang Feng glanced at Ren Xueying secretly.

"Look at what I do, it's him and not me." Tang Feng didn't expect that he was discovered by Ren Xueying, a little embarrassed, "No, I am afraid that my sister-in-law will be jealous? You don't know the entertainment company. There are beauties everywhere, if you get upset that day and trouble my brother Zhao, then I will become a sinner?"

"He dared, if he dares to touch the flowers and grass outside, I will ‘click’ him with scissors after coming back..." Ren Xueying said, she made a scissor movement, scared Tang Feng and Zhao Deqiang back.

"Well, sister-in-law, I can still trust my brother Deqiang as a person. You are guarding such a big hotel, and there are beautiful women in it, and you are not still clean." Now Tang Feng can understand, where Zhao Deqiang has found one. The girlfriend, obviously just found a little pepper, and only he can stand it.

"Tang Feng, you are okay to go to school well, do you want to start an entertainment company, not just to get more beauties, you are the boss, whoever wants the unspoken rules will have the unspoken rules." Ren Xueying used a kind of unkindness Looking at Tang Feng, he almost backed away in fright.

"Is Tang Feng that kind of person? Besides, there is a big beauty in front of me. I will never leave it alone and chase others?" Tang Feng said and looked at Bai Yaqing.

"You little kid still wants to chase my sister Bai, let's dream!" Ren Xueying said, curling her lips.

Bai Yaqing didn't hear what Tang Feng and Ren Xueying said, still eating her own.

"It's my business whether to chase or not, and it's my sister Yaqing's business to disagree or disagree, so you don't have to worry about it." Tang Feng refused to say anything, and the two people spoke louder and louder.

"Little kid..."

"Okay, I think you two are both children, hurry up and eat!" Bai Yaqing smiled thickly when she saw the two of them blushing.

After Bai Yaqing's reminder, Tang Feng suddenly woke up. He didn't know what was wrong with him, how he became more and more like people of this age.

It finally stopped. Even if Ren Xueying provoked Tang Feng, she didn't speak anymore, and finally she gave a helpless snort and started to eat.

"Brother Zhao, do you really want to come and help me?" Tang Feng looked at Zhao Deqiang's eyes and asked seriously after the meal.

"Xiaofeng, you also know that I am not a business man. This hotel is also operated because I like it. On the surface, it seems very popular, but in fact there is not much profit."

What Zhao Deqiang said is the truth. The main reason is that there are too many friends, and he often comes here to eat and drink for free. This is the reason why there is not much profit. Otherwise, he will have a few thousand income in a year if he guards such a big hotel. Now it is good to be able to make a profit of 10 million in a year, and after removing some of the usual expenses, there is almost nothing left.

"Brother Zhao, if you want to help me, you have to leave this hotel, are you willing?" Tang Feng's gaze never left Zhao Deqiang's face.

"To say that there is a bit of reluctance, I had a star dream when I was young, but I knew that it was not the material, so I gave up. Although I can't be a star, I can always be a star manager, right?"

Tang Feng did see the unwillingness in Zhao Deqiang's eyes, but was quickly replaced by another look. It was a longing, a luxury. Tang Feng understood it, and finally asked, "You are gone. What about sister-in-law?"

"I don't have to worry about it." Ren Xueying interrupted as soon as Tang Feng mentioned herself again.

"You don't have to worry about Xueying. Her home is in the capital, and she just has the plan to move back." Zhao Deqiang had told Ren Xueying before Tang Feng. He thought that Ren Xueying would not agree. Thinking that she agreed quickly, and as soon as Zhao Deqiang went to the capital, she would immediately transfer back.

In fact, Ren Xueying wanted to go back a long time ago, but she was angry with her family for a while and refused to bow her head. Being a traffic police here has been enough for a long time. It was her family's idea to let her go out on duty every day, which meant to force her to abandon the police. Career, return to the capital obediently, but she just refused to admit defeat, so the stalemate came down, and her family did not expect it to be able to persist until now.

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