Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 285 Family Gathering

Chapter 286 Family Gathering

A movie was so sullenly finished, until the end Tang Feng didn’t know what he was watching, because his heart was always on Bai Yaqing. Bai Yaqing’s situation was better than him, she wanted to do it again and again. Refusal, but every time she faces Tang Feng, it is difficult to control herself. She has been struggling hard all the time. She doesn't know why she is doing this?

When I left the cinema, it was already past 3 pm and it was too early. Tang Feng did not go back to the company with Bai Yaqing, she drove away by herself. She wanted to give Tang Feng away, but he refused.

After seeing Bai Yaqing's car disappeared, Tang Feng called for a taxi. Today is the time for a family gathering. He originally wanted to go back to the Internet cafe to go to his grandparents' house with his parents. Later, when he thought about it, he called his parents and told them to go first and asked them to go there earlier.

When Tang Feng arrived at his grandpa and grandma’s house, grandma was washing the vegetables there, and grandpa was also there to help. Tang Feng quickly took over the food from grandma, "Grandma, go and rest for a while, let me come!"

Because there are more people today and grandmother’s age is higher, it’s not suitable to cook a large table of dishes, so it’s simpler. It’s mutton-shabu. Shabu-shabu is still popular in the north, especially when it’s cold. They all like shabu-shabu.

"Xiao Feng, you go to rest, there is only a little bit. You don't need your help here." Tang Feng's grandmother was very happy to see Tang Feng coming, her face kept smiling.

"Xiao Feng, let's not make trouble here, come and play chess with grandpa." The old woman gave the order, and the old man took Tang Feng and walked outside. Tang Feng saw that the dishes were almost finished, so he didn't insist, and Grandpa came out of the kitchen together.

To be honest, the master's chess skill is really not very good, but in order to make the master happy, Tang Feng can only kill two people inextricably, and finally draw or narrowly win.

"It seems that I am getting old and my brains are too bad. Now it is your young people's world." After fighting for two consecutive games, the old man sighed helplessly while looking at the results on the chessboard.(Read more @

"Grandpa, where are you old? Now it looks like you're over 50 years old. You're still very young. You must live a hundred years old." Tang Feng said along with the old man.

"Xiaofeng, if you don't tell me, I also know that my body knows best by myself. When I grow old, I grow old." The originally low-pitched grandpa suddenly became louder, and he seemed to want to open up.

"Grandpa, where are you old? You are clearly young. As long as you keep exercising every day and maintain a good attitude, you will be young forever." In fact, Tang Feng is telling the truth. And long-term exercise, at least some minor illnesses will stay away from you.

"Okay, keep a good attitude, always young, come, we two are killing two rounds, I don't believe that we can't win you." Just like this, the old and the young began to fight again. Of course, Tang Feng deliberately lost two games in order to take care of his grandfather's face.

Tang Feng's parents arrived at about 5 o'clock, followed by Tang Feng's aunt. My little aunt was smiling, and only Tang Feng knew what was going on.

"Xiao Feng, how about playing chess with your grandpa? You have to let him point, or you will cry if you lose." As soon as Qian Shufang opened the door, he saw Tang Feng and his father sitting in the middle of the living room, and then joked. Said.

"Mom, my grandfather's chess skills are high, and I have lost several games." Tang Feng lifted up and looked at his mother, then revealed an aggrieved image.

Qian Shufang knew what was going on at a glance. Tang Feng must have released the water. She knew the strength of her son. She did not leave the old man who had killed half a village when she was just a teenager. She is simply an old man killer. As he gets older, his chess skills should be more refined. She also understands the strength of her father. Although she is well-known in the community, there is still a certain gap between Tang Feng and Tang Feng.

"Dad, it seems that you are the same." Qian Shufang immediately smiled and looked at his father. It seems that Tang Feng's mouth is just as sweet as his mother.

"Okay, you don't want to be silly. You were the most naughty when you were young. Now you can't change this habit when you are old. Go and see if your mother has anything to help." This round was originally a bad start. Well, one inadvertently was attacked by Tang Feng, and he was in a bad mood. As a result, Qian Shufang hit the gun. Tang Feng laughed at the image of his mother eating Karma, and was so angry that Qian Shufang beat him up. Impulse.

"Grandpa, let's come here today, and my uncle and aunt will almost come back in a while, let's take care of the meal!"

"Yes, Dad, let's get ready to eat! Xiao Feng will catch the train in a while." Qian Shufang said when Tang Feng gave him a step.

The old man originally wanted to finish this game of chess, and he would lose if he lost. He was not so stubborn yet. But when I heard that Tang Feng had to catch the train, he had to give up, "Don't play, even if I lose this game, next time Tang Feng comes back, I must fight him."

At about 5:30, Tang Feng's aunt and uncle also came. His two aunts and sisters did not follow, which may be the reason for going to school. As soon as the aunt's family arrived, the younger uncle came back, and then the eldest uncle and the eldest aunt also came. The only ones who did not come were Tang Feng's younger siblings and older sisters. The room was not very big at first, but it was filled quickly.

Now we all know that Tang Feng's family is well developed, and the eyes of the uncle and the aunt looking at Tang Feng are different, and they actually greeted each other on their own initiative. Tang Feng is not such a stingy person, others give him a smiley face, of course he has to smile back and go back, "Uncle, Auntie is here."

"Boss, what time is it, why hasn't the second house arrived yet?" The old man saw that the whole family had arrived, so he was missing Tang Feng's second uncle's house. He was a little unhappy to know that Tang Feng had to catch the train.

"Dad, don't worry, maybe on the way here, I will call you to remind you." Tang Feng's uncle's house and second uncle's house are usually close because the living conditions of the two families are similar.

"Hey! Second, what's the matter with you, why haven't you arrived? Dad is waiting anxiously." Tang Feng's eldest uncle directly picked up the phone and called his second uncle. He probably said there was something. Minutes, only then hung up the phone, not knowing what the other side said, they looked at him one after another.

"Dad, my younger siblings were a little late for the meeting today. They are already on the way now, and they will be there in about 10 minutes." Tang Feng's uncle looked at the old man after putting down the phone, and then explained.

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