Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 286 Suggestions

Chapter 287 Suggestions

Ten minutes later, Tang Feng's second uncle's family came late. At that time, the old man's face was a bit ugly, but Tang Feng's second uncle didn't care. The old man must be old and his prestige was no longer so high.

"Dad, let's eat. My second sister-in-law is not in a meeting? You also know that they have more education bureaus." Qian Shufang had already seen that the old man's face was not very good, so he explained. ??。.

The old man has always been patriarchal throughout his life. In the end, he was most concerned about his two daughters. After he was old, he had a certain change in Tang Feng's family. If Qian Shufang had the status of speaking in the past, it would be different now. Even Tang Feng's two uncles lowered their posture.

"Okay, eat, eat, everyone sits down." The old lady looked at the time, and then she helped everyone out.

The table was ready long ago, and the water was hot. A dozen people surrounded a table all over the floor, hands-on, chopsticks, chopsticks, the family was really happy.

"Dad, Mom, I want to tell you something, that is, the second sister wants to contract the Internet cafe to me." Tang Feng's aunt suddenly stood up during the dinner, and everyone was stunned after listening, especially Tang. Feng's first aunt and second aunt. The advantages of my original job are now found to be gone, and it really feels like a disaster.

"Shufang, your internet cafe heard that the business was pretty good, so why didn't you do it well? You transferred the internet cafe to the youngest, what are you going to do?" Tang Feng's aunt reacted first. Her heart was sour, but she was still very curious, and then she opened her mouth to ask.

Tang Feng’s aunt’s question is actually the question that everyone most wants to ask. Even Tang Feng’s aunt doesn’t know why. They were so happy that they forgot to ask. Now everyone’s eyes are on Tang Feng’s mother. Including the old man and the old lady.

"Xiaofeng’s friend has a restaurant ready to transfer. He wants us to take over. Xiaofeng is going to school in the capital. There are only two people in our family. If we open a restaurant, where is there any time to manage Internet cafes? I help, and she understands it, and I don't worry about transferring it to her." Tang Feng's mother said with a smile.(Read more @

"Shufang, the income of Internet cafes is hundreds of thousands a year, right? Opening an Internet cafe is not better than your restaurant. I don't think you need to take over that restaurant." Tang Feng's second uncle's family is better than better. More than that, Tang Feng's family opened an Internet cafe and bought a car. This is an indisputable fact. Nowadays, everyone except the old and small family is the worst in his family. This is a bit angrily said.

"Second uncle, there is no problem in opening an Internet cafe to earn hundreds of thousands a year. However, it does not mean that opening a restaurant does not make money, and opening a restaurant is permanent. It will only take a few years to open an Internet cafe. If you have a computer, then the Internet cafe will not work, and you will be able to earn a few years of money. Besides, the investment in the Internet cafe is very large. It seems that you can make a lot of money. The first two years can only be paid back, and the next two years will be earned. After the computers are old, they can only earn a depreciation money. Then there will be a lot less people. If you want to attract more people, you have to replace the new machine. Then it will be invested again. These are all cyclical."

Although Tang Feng has no hatred towards these two uncles, it does not mean that he has a cold towards them. And he told the truth.

"Xiao Feng, doesn't that mean that your little aunt has taken over the Internet cafe, and there is a possibility of losing money?" The old lady looked at him with some worry after listening to Tang Feng's words.

"Mom, you are so worried. My second sister said that the Internet cafe is just handed over to me to manage it. It is still her family, but it will give me dividends at that time, that is, 20% of the profit. The Internet cafe business is good for me. You can get more money." Tang Feng's little aunt saw that the old lady had misunderstood, and quickly explained.

Tang Feng's two people, uncle and aunt, were even more envious after listening. There are still such good things in the world. If you earn it, it’s your own, and if you lose it, it’s the Tang family. Both of them are a little moved, and they use a kind of pity. His eyes looked at Qian Shufang.

"Shufang, if that's the case, will your family lose?" the old lady asked with some worry.

"Mom, don't worry, the business of the Internet cafe is very good, and you can't pay it at all. Even if you lose it, it doesn't matter." The old lady was worried at both ends, and Tang Feng's mother quickly explained.

Now Qian Shufang is starting to feel big, and he can afford a rent of 5 million yuan a year. Don't mention this small Internet cafe. If the restaurant's business is good, you can earn several Internet cafes a year.

"Shufang, that's millions, how can you be so careless?" Aunt Tang Feng suddenly interrupted. Although she is a little uncomfortable with the bulge of Tang Feng's family, it must have already happened. In the future, where will she be in charge of this family? This reminded me.

"Sister-in-law, I know that you are all for our good. The restaurant is already set up. The Internet cafe must be redeemed. Rather than handing it to others, it is better to hand it to your own people. The old family has been helping me, of course. The family is suitable. If his family refuses to take over, Paiguo will let his younger brother manage it. Isn't this all an outsider?" Qian Shufang explained.

"Shufang, what kind of restaurant are you? It must be very large, right? An Internet cafe of this size can be left behind?" The second aunt Tang Feng, who had not spoken, suddenly asked curiously. At this time, everyone understood the key. They had a better way out, and they looked at Tang Feng's mother and waited for her answer.

"In fact, it's nothing, it's the restaurant we ate together last time." Qian Shufang said embarrassedly. This must be too horrible. If the second sister-in-law didn't ask, she would definitely not say it.

"The restaurant where you ate last time? Which restaurant?" Tang Feng's second uncle asked without knowing it, and looked at everyone. In his impression, there was no such restaurant at all.

"Second sister, what you wouldn't say is the Haicheng Hotel?" Tang Feng's uncle has been thinking about it. Recently, only Tang Feng in the family had a meal at the Haicheng Hotel when he was in school. I was shocked. Other people also thought of the Haicheng Hotel, but it was quickly denied. What is the Haicheng Hotel? How can it be said that the contract is contracted? The Haicheng Hotel is not only about money. The matter, that is a symbol of status. Even if the Tang family has a few small money, they have not yet reached that status, so everyone has denied it. Only Tang Feng's uncle asked stupidly.

After Tang Feng's uncle asked, everyone looked at Qian Shufang's expression, especially Tang Feng's second aunt. She was surprised. She found that Qian Shufang was a little shy, so her heart banged, "It won't be true." Right?" Shaking his head, "Impossible, absolutely impossible, I must have read it wrong."

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