Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 288 The Embarrassment Of Coincidence

Chapter 289

When he came back, Tang Feng sat on the train back to Beijing, but kept his eyes on the window. He didn't sleep for a long time. He didn't lie down until 11 o'clock, maybe he was tired. He didn't tell anyone when he came back today, only Chen Yuhua until, but she didn't know the specific time, only knew that he would be back today or tomorrow.

When Tang Feng arrived at the Beijing Railway Station, it was just over 4 in the morning. He felt a little tired after taking the train for more than 8 hours. Fortunately, he slept for most of the way and drove to the rental house after a taxi. When he returned to the rental house, he didn't alarm anyone, and opened the door quietly with the key.

Now that it’s early December, it’s dark early but it’s light late, and there is no light at 5 o’clock in the morning. Tang Feng watched Chen Yuhua and Ye Tianxue’s doors closed tightly, and simply lay down on the sofa and squinted for a while. I fell asleep without knowing it.

"Ah!!!" With a scream, Tang Feng woke up instantly, opened his eyes, and then saw a woman in pajamas running towards Ye Tianxue's room.

Maybe the screaming was too loud, and within a few seconds the door of Chen Yuhua's room opened, and then he showed a happy expression, "Tang Feng, you are back, when did you arrive?"

"I arrived home a little more than 5 o'clock, I think it hasn't dawned, so I didn't bother you." Tang Feng said with a smile.

"I thought you were on the train today." Chen Yuhua showed an incomprehensible expression. In fact, she only went to bed late last night and kept listening to the movement outside, just in case Tang Feng came back. I don't know, why did she think that Tang Feng chose the evening so as not to delay the rest.

"No, there are too many things here, otherwise I will definitely stay a few more days, and finally go back once, and I don't know when I will go home next time." Tang Feng said with some sigh.

"Tang Feng, you die, Tang Feng, don't say a word when you come back, it scares me to death." Tang Feng was talking to Chen Yuhua, and Ye Tianxue, who was neatly dressed, came out of his room. An expression that wants to beat Tang Feng.(Read more @

"I said eldest lady, I am sleeping here, is it good for you to scare me? It's not bad if you don't find the voice upstairs and downstairs."

"You scared me." Ye Tianxue said unreasonably. In fact, she was not scared by Tang Feng, but rather casually dressed during Tang Feng’s absence. She often walked around in pajamas. This morning, she did not expect to find Tang Feng lying in bed sleeping. She screamed in a hurry.

"Just scream if you like! I'm going to sleep, it's better not to disturb me, otherwise I will let you know the consequences of disturbing me." Tang Feng is no longer sleepy. The reason why he said that was that he didn't want to quarrel with Ye Tianxue, he Not thinking about it doesn't mean that Ye Tianxue will let him go.

"Tang Feng, what do you mean? I didn't tell me to bring me gifts when I came back. Ye Tianxue is not a person who loves more seriously. She just hopes that Tang Feng can pay more attention to her and coax her more. Every time she got in exchange, she was indifferent. How could she not be angry.

Regarding the gifts, Tang Feng really forgot. They all left in a hurry. Apart from staying with his family, he accompanies Bai Yaqing. He has forgotten all other women a long time ago.

"Gift, what gift? You are not my girlfriend, why should I bring you a gift?" Because Ye Tianxue's words stimulated Tang Feng, he said it without even thinking about it, but regretted it after saying it, as expected. Ye Tianxue ran into her room with tears in her eyes. He wanted to stop her and then apologized to her, but found that Chen Yuhua was looking at him, so he closed his mouth.

"Dead Tang Feng, smelly Tang Feng..." Ye Tianxue lay on the bed while wiping tears while nagging, wishing to choke Tang Feng to death. He just didn't know to let himself be touched. This is not the first time she has been mad at her. Cried.

"Tang Feng, are you going to the company today?" Chen Yuhua looked at Ye Tianxue's door, and then turned her gaze to Tang Feng. If she is normal, she should persuade Tang Feng, but she didn't, because this man and herself have ambiguities. Uncertain relationship. She is not a saint, she is also selfish in love, and keeping Ye Tianxue here is her greatest tolerance.

"Don't go, I want to go to school and take a look at the company's affairs first!" Tang Feng thought for a while and said. After he finished speaking, he found that Chen Yuhua had been staring at Ye Tianxue's door, and his face was not very good.

"Sister Yuhua, I have something to deal with, it's a business matter. I have already listed some lists, and then I am going to let the headhunters go to dig people." Tang Feng understood her meaning from Chen Yuhua's eyes, she was jealous At the same time, he was a little happy in his heart, indicating that Chen Yuhua still had his own in his heart. While speaking, he got up from the sofa and hugged her waist from the side.

Chen Yuhua wanted to escape, but after two attempts, he didn't escape, so he gave up and let Tang Feng hold him. Smelling the scent of her body, Tang Feng was almost drunk, and kissed him unknowingly.

"Tang Feng, don't be like this..." Chen Yuhua, who was not resisting, suddenly pushed Tang Feng away. She spoke in a very small voice, lest she could be heard by Ye Tianxue. She was afraid of what would come, but she didn’t let her do what she wanted. The moment she pushed Tang Feng away, Ye Tianxue’s door opened, and she was about to walk out of it. When the two people moved, their complexion changed, and they walked to the bathroom without saying a word.

"I've seen the relationship between the two of you unclear for a long time. I didn't expect that you really like her. Why can you like others and not like me? How am I worse than others?" Ye Tianxue was washing her face in the bathroom. , She shed tears, hated Tang Feng in her heart.

Chen Yuhua didn't expect Ye Tianxue to see the behavior of the two of them. She didn't know how much she saw, but her face was not pretty. She gave Tang Feng a fierce look and walked to her room, leaving only A somewhat innocent Tang Feng was dropped.

"Girl, wait for me in a while, I'll go to school with you." Tang Feng also walked into the bathroom, ready to wash, and when he saw Ye Tianxue he wanted to amuse her, he said with a smile.

Ye Tianxue, who was originally angry, almost jumped up happily after hearing Tang Feng's words, but he refused to admit defeat, "Do you want to leave me alone?"

"Well, since I don't welcome me, then I won't go." Tang Feng was not anxious, and simply leaned against the sink with a smile.

"You, you..." Ye Tianxue was so angry that she almost splashed the water she brushed on Tang Feng's body, but she could not help it.

Ye Tianxue said so. After washing, she stood at the door and waited for Tang Feng, lest he regret it. She waited until Tang Feng was about to go out with herself before she laughed, and took the initiative to slung it on Tang Feng’s arm and walked. On the way to campus, greet whoever you see, lest others don't know her. Tang Feng was very embarrassed, pushing her away intentionally, but couldn't bear it.

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