Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 289 Carry To The Infirmary

Chapter 290

Coincidentally, when Tang Feng and Ye Tianxue walked to the teaching building, Chen Yuyao also walked from the dormitory to the teaching building. Tang Feng hadn’t noticed it at first, but he accidentally saw a figure here from the corner of his eyes. Coming, Ye Tianxue pushed away like a conditioned reflex.

Ye Tianxue was looking around happily, but didn't see the direction Chen Yuyao was coming from, let alone Tang Feng's reaction, and fell to the ground accidentally, "Oh!" A painful sensation came from under her feet.

Ye Tianxue usually likes to dress up, and high heels are more commonplace. In addition, Tang Feng's strength is not well controlled, so she fell to the ground and just turned her foot. The pain caused her to frown and tears flowed out.

Tang Feng watched Chen Yuyao get closer and closer, whether he was helping or not, but seeing Ye Tianxue's pain, he still chose to help her up, and said with great concern: "Tianxue, you are fine. Right? I was not good just now, I apologize to you." Tang Feng is indeed wrong for causing Ye Tianxue's injury a long time ago, so he had to apologize.

Ye Tianxue, who has always been hot-tempered, had her eyes widened. She didn't expect Tang Feng to apologize, her face was a little red, and she said softly, "It's okay, it doesn't hurt, it will be fine after a while." That said, the expressions and movements on her face betrayed her.

"You wait here for a while, and I'll take you to the infirmary in a while." Tang Feng walked towards Chen Yuyao as he said, making Ye Tianxue almost mad with anger. Fortunately, the sentence after him worked.

"Yuyao, we haven't seen each other for a long time." Tang Feng suddenly ran to Chen Yuyao, but he felt a little strange.

"Yes, it's been a long time since I saw you, won't you go with your new girlfriend? If there is nothing to do, I will leave first." Chen Yuyao was calm on the surface, but in fact her heart was crying.

Tang Feng heard Chen Yuyao's words and understood that she had seen it a long time ago, and had to explain; "Yuyao, don't talk nonsense, I have nothing to do with her, you are my girlfriend."

"Really, am I? Have we ever held hands like her? Have we ever rented a house together? We..."

"Okay, Yuyao don't say anything. I will explain to you when I have time. Please believe me. Please believe me. I will send her to the infirmary first." Tang Feng really doesn't want to listen anymore and do it. For Chen Yuyao's boyfriend, he did a little unqualified.(Read more @

"You don't have to ask me for leave or not. We have nothing to do. Please don't bother me anymore." Chen Yuyao cried and ran away after she finished speaking, but she regretted it a little. Why did her boyfriend be like this? Give it to others, but since it's all said out, it can't be taken back.

Tang Feng was stunned by Chen Yuyao's words. He didn't expect her to say such words. He originally thought that he knew her well, but now he realized that he was wrong. He originally thought she was a very kind and considerate girl, but he didn't think of her. There are also times of distrust.

"Did I really do something wrong?" Tang Feng looked at Ye Tianxue who was limping towards him, still looking idiotic, completely indifferent.

"Tang Feng, Tang Feng..." Ye Tianxue's continuous shouting awakened Tang Feng.

"Let's go, I'll carry you." Tang Feng said and gave her back to Ye Tianxue. Ye Tianxue didn't want to go to the infirmary, but looking at Tang Feng's back she was a little expectant, and finally got on her stomach. Tang Feng lifted Ye Tianxue up with force.

Ye Tianxue put her arms around Tang Feng's neck, and put her whole body on his body, "It's so warm and happy." This is Ye Tianxue's only thinking now. She really wants to go on like this forever, so that two people can live forever. Together.

"Yuyao, what's the matter with you? It seems like you just cried." Chen Yuyao's good friend Wu Yanan saw that Chen Yuyao's eyes turned red when he walked into the classroom, and he asked with concern.

"No, it may be that the wind is strong outside and sand has gotten into the eyes." Chen Yuyao told a little lie.

"Someone got the sand in the eyes, it is obvious that others have played enough, and then dumped, now I know crying." Suddenly a discordant voice came from the door of the classroom.

"Zhao Xiaoqing what do you mean." The person here was Zhao Xiaoqing, another roommate of Chen Yuyao and Wu Yanan.

"What do I mean, I don’t mean anything, what I mean is the facts, you go outside to find out, it’s not that I saw it alone, or high school classmates, I think it’s just a fart, it’s not the same, just take it if you have enough fun You dumped it." Zhao Xiaoqing curled her lips, and then sat in her seat.

"Zhao Xiaoqing, please tell me clearly, who dumped who, if you don't say clearly, I will not finish with you." Wu Yanan rolled up the sleeves of his clothes as he said, and Zhao Xiaoqing shrank her neck in fright.

"Yanan is fine, ignore her, let her talk, I haven't done anything wrong." Chen Yuyao hurriedly stopped her in order to prevent Wu Yanan from impulsively.

Wu Yanan watched Zhao Xiaoqing stop talking, snorted coldly, and closed his mouth. Then he turned his gaze to Chen Yuyao, "Yuyao, is what she said is true?"

"Yan, don't care about my affairs, I will take care of it myself." Chen Yuyao felt a little tired and didn't want to talk anymore.

Tang Feng walked all the way to the infirmary with Ye Tianxue on his back, and attracted countless eyes. A few people even followed behind them until Tang Feng walked into the infirmary with Ye Tianxue on his back. Some people left, and some people with greater curiosity even followed up directly. Of course, there was a reason to buy medicine.

In a short while, several people in the infirmary came in to buy medicines, and they all bought one kind of medicine, which was to prevent diarrhea, and almost bought all the medicines in the infirmary. The doctor in this infirmary is still wondering, "Is there a problem in the cafeteria recently, why do you have so many diarrhea?"

"Doctor, there is nothing wrong with her feet?" Tang Feng asked concerned.

"It's nothing serious. I just got a tendon. I prescribe some medicine for her. After I go back, pay attention to taking and applying medicine. It will be fine in one week. However, this student noticed that I will try to wear high heels as little as possible in the future. it is good."

The doctor opened Ye Tianxue's trousers and pressed them with his hands. He found that there was nothing wrong with the bones, but the surface was a little swollen. He didn't know why she could wear high heels, but just kindly reminded him.

Renmin University of China is actually very strict in management. It has certain requirements for girls' dressing. High heels also have certain regulations, which cannot exceed 5 cm. Ye Tianxue's high heels have long exceeded the regulations, at least 8 cm or more.

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