Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 290 Classmates Quarrel

Chapter 291

"Tang Feng, you carry me, my foot hurts, and I can't go." Ye Tianxue said bit by bit. Where does the eldest lady look like. After a simple treatment, although her feet were still a little painful, she did not look like she could not walk. It was because she was put on her back by Tang Feng. It was too comfortable to lie on his back, and it was too comfortable for her. Willing to come down.

Tang Feng was a little helpless. He wanted to refuse. Seeing her look of expectation, he didn't say anything in the end. Who said this trouble was caused by himself? Looking at Ye Tianxue, she pointed to her back, "Come up! But this is the last time. I walk home by myself after school."

Tang Feng didn’t want to carry Ye Tianxue on his back, but he was afraid that others might misunderstand him and cause unnecessary trouble. He didn’t know that the dating between him and Ye Tianxue was not a secret in school for a long time. Now there are multiple versions, what are the two girls? Fighting for husband, Tang Feng was taken care of by Ye Tianxue, and Tang Feng abandoned his ex-girlfriend Chen Yuyao to chase Ye Tianxue. Anyway, there are many versions, so Tang Feng doesn't know if he goes to school.

It was better when walking on the road, only sparse people looked over, and then hurriedly walked into the teaching building. It was different when Tang Feng walked into the teaching building, especially when I didn't know who shouted, "Tang Feng is here."

There were not many corridors, but they were instantly filled with crowds pouring out of the classroom. No matter how thick Tang Feng's skin is, it is a bit unnatural to be seen by so many people. Now he regrets agreeing to Ye Tianxue's request. Now I can only bite the bullet and go up. If you let it go, it can only represent your own guilty conscience.

Ye Tianxue and Tang Feng’s performances are completely opposite. The head that was lying on Tang Feng’s back also lifted up, with a happy smile on his face, announcing to everyone that this is my man. Stay away. .

Many people are messy, there are all kinds of people, some who watch the excitement, some are jealous, and some are jealous. Among them, there are several boys who have been staring at Tang Feng. If Ye Tianxue were not there, they would have come forward to beat Tang. Feng is.

"Are you satisfied this time?" Tang Feng finally got through to his classroom, and then put Ye Tianxue down, and said a little unhappy.

"Wow! Look! The two of them won't be real last night... Look at Ye Tianxue's walking posture. It's too fierce. If I had such a boyfriend, it would be fine." In a word, the eyes that were originally placed on Tang Feng and Ye Tianxue's faces turned to Ye Tianxue's lower body one after another.(Read more @

It’s amazing. It’s really like the nympho said. Ye Tianxue couldn’t walk smoothly. Some even whispered there, “I said why the king of skipping classes came to school today. It turned out that some people were She can't go on the way. Seeing that she is usually quite upright, she is also a prodigal woman."

"Chen Qiang, keep your voice down, and be careful to be heard by her." Another boy pulled the boy who just muttered with his hand.

"What are you afraid of? I didn't talk nonsense." Chen Qiang said unconvinced.

"Ye Tianxue, you sit here for me, don't stand up, otherwise I will ignore you in the future, wait here for a while, I will come back in a while." Tang Feng walked towards Chen Qiang after he finished speaking," You repeat what you just said."

Tang Feng’s world has changed. This is all from the moment he woke up. Chen Qiang’s voice was very small, only a few people near him heard it, while Tang Feng was seven or eight meters away from Chen Qiang, but he listened. Really.

"What did I say?" Chen Qiang is also tall and strong. He is not inferior to Tang Feng in terms of figure. He is not afraid of Tang Feng at all. He is afraid of Ye Tianxue. There were a few boys who saw Ye Tianxue's beauty. To harass her, she took a week’s leave for no reason, and then asked them what was wrong, but didn’t say how. The only thing that could be seen was to hide after seeing Ye Tianxue. Everyone knew that there was someone behind Ye Tianxue. Protection, from the perspective of her dress, it is speculated that she is the eldest lady of that big family, especially the surname Ye, which reminds some people who want to mislead the Ye family.

"Tang Feng, what do you mean, do you think we are bullied?" Chen Qiang just finished speaking, a boy who is usually nice to him stood in front of him, glaring at Tang Feng.

"Yeah, what do you mean, Tang Feng, you don't come to school if you don't come to school, don't you still want to make trouble, the school is not run by your home." Another boy stood up.

"Okay, everyone is classmates, what's so noisy? Look at the door, it's all from other classes, they're all watching the excitement."

Although Tang Feng has only been to the school a few times, and the dormitory is even rarer, he left a good impression on the few people in the dormitory. He said that the notebook is still in the dormitory, and now it has become. For public goods, who can do this? That's a new notebook, which costs nearly 20,000 yuan. Ask how many people can do it. Guan Feibai has a few small money at home and has always been generous. If you let him do Tang Feng In this way, he still couldn't do it, so he admired Tang Feng very much, and saw that several boys in the same class wanted Tang Feng's troubles, so he stood up.

"Yes, everyone is a classmate, why bother?" The other people in the dormitory saw Guan Feibai stand up, and stood behind Tang Feng one after another.

"Dingling bell, Jingling bell..." At this moment, the class bell rang, and the unpleasantness was disbanded. The people who were blocked at the entrance of Tang Feng's class also returned to their classrooms.

"Tang Feng, what did they just say, are you so angry?" Tang Feng just returned to his seat when Ye Tianxue passed a small note.

"Nothing, maybe I heard it wrong." After Tang Feng wrote a few words on the paper, he pushed Ye Tianxue back. He didn't dare to tell him that the man was talking bad about her, if she let her know, the eldest lady wouldn't care about it, this class would not be necessary, she would have to make a noise.

"I'm still wondering, I said why I didn't hear it, did you look at their jealous eyes and went to find the difference on purpose?" Ye Tianxue pushed Tang Feng back after writing. After reading it, Tang Feng was really dumbfounded. He simply pushed the small note back to her, then took out a small notebook from his desk pocket and began to write.

Seeing that Tang Feng didn't write anything, Ye Tianxue pushed her back, feeling a little unhappy, so she ignored Tang Feng and listened to the class seriously.

"What is he writing?" Ye Tianxue, who was listening attentively, suddenly became curious again, because Tang Feng usually did not sleep in class, or didn't know what he was thinking, but today he remembered his notes, but it was a little different because he didn't. See blackboard.

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