Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 291 See You In The Playground

Chapter 292 See You On The Playground

Ye Tianxue wanted to see but was embarrassed. She could only take a sneak peek, but couldn’t see clearly. She was very tired, and finally got over to the end of get out of class. But Tang Feng put down the pen in his hand, and then took the paper filled with him from the paper. The book was torn off and put in his pocket. Then Ye Tianxue became even more curious, "What exactly did Tang Feng write?"

"Dingling bell, Dingling bell..." The bell after class finally rang. Ye Tianxue couldn't wait to ask what Tang Feng was writing, but he didn't expect Tang Feng to stand up and prepare to walk outside.

"Tang Feng, what are you going to do?" Ye Tianxue quickly shouted to Tang Feng who was about to leave.

"Miss, don't I need to report to you for what I do? Can't I go to the toilet? Do you want to follow, if you want to go, I don't mind."

"You, you..." Ye Tianxue even blushed at Tang Feng's words even though she was pungent.

"Miss, if there is nothing wrong with me, I will leave, otherwise I will pee my pants and no one will wash me." After Tang Feng finished speaking, he continued to walk outside the door.

Ye Tianxue wanted to stop him, and then said, "I'll help you wash." But she was shocked by her own thoughts, and she turned her head aside with a cold snort. The classmate who was watching the excitement was amused by Tang Feng’s words, and only this one dared to tease this eldest lady, but it’s strange to say that Tang Feng and Ye Tianxue’s relationship is so close, I’ve never heard of it. What is wrong with him.

Tang Feng didn't go to the bathroom. He went out to call and who he called. That was Dewey, who had never been in contact. The note he wrote during class was just for the call, and it was filled with names of people.

"Hey! Weizi, this is Tang Feng."

"Damn! Madman, you finally called. If you don't call me, I thought you were hanging up. How can you play and disappear?" Dewey said jokingly.

"You won't say anything auspicious, but you really made you right. I hung up, but Yan Wangye took pity on me and put me back again. I will call you not just after I come back." Tang Feng Said half jokingly.(Read more @

"Listening to the tone of your words will tell you where you are going to be chic, really not enough buddy, I'm working hard for you, but you steal to chic, why my life is so bitter." Dewey complained.

"Well, Weizi stop making trouble and start talking about business. What happened to the things I asked you to do last time?" Tang Feng asked seriously.

"You said, how long has it been? The last time I called you was for this matter, and as a result, there was no news from you for more than a month. This matter was delayed. In the end, there was no way. I will find it. Everyone sent some money and asked them to wait for the news. I don’t know if those people have found other jobs, so I can only ask. "Dewey is hard to tell. Not only did he spend a lot of money," As a result, the matter has not been settled.

"Weizi, don't complain. I had a fight with a few gangsters a few days ago, and finally was admitted to the hospital, so I haven't been in contact with you." Tang Feng explained.

"Crazy man, are you really in the hospital? How are you now? Are you okay?" Dewey asked concerned.

"Okay, there is nothing left. I won't talk more with you. Class is about to go. I must organize people as soon as possible when I explain your matters. Apart from that matter, I will have matters to explain to you at that time. "

"Dingling bell, Jingling bell..." Tang Feng just finished speaking. Before hanging up the phone, the class bell rang, so he hung up the phone quickly and walked to the classroom.

"Tang Feng, who did you call just now?" Tang Feng just sat on his bench and Ye Tianxue pushed a note over.

Tang Feng looked at it and found it strange, how did she know? Did she go out to find herself? It didn't seem to resemble it after thinking about it. After thinking about it, I didn't understand it. In fact, he didn't know that Ye Tianxue found one of the most honest students in the class and asked him to find Tang Feng.

Maybe he was too honest, and he didn't dare to defy Ye Tianxue's orders. After he came out of the classroom, he looked for Tang Feng's figure everywhere, and finally found Tang Feng's figure in an empty corner, but he called again, this The classmates are too honest and courageous, so they dare not approach Tang Feng at all, let alone what Tang Feng is talking about. After watching for about a few minutes, Tang Feng has not hung up the phone, and then he went to the classroom and called Tang Feng. Ye Tianxue was told about the phone call.

Tang Feng didn't intend to explain. When he thought that Ye Tianxue would never give up, he simply took the phone out of his pocket, turned to the latest call record, and pointed to Ye Tianxue. Ye Tianxue tried to tilt her head, only then did she see the name "Weizi" on it, and then she smiled.

Tang Feng was relatively quiet in this class. He kept dragging his cheeks with his hands until 10 minutes later, he didn’t know that he remembered it. Then he took out the piece of paper from his pocket and filled in a few words on it. Within a few seconds, he put it away again, and then continued to lift his cheeks, and this state continued until the end of get out of class.

Tang Feng walked outside just after class. This time, Ye Tianxue learned to be clever, so she simply won't ask, winked at her eyeliner, and then looked at Tang Feng's disappearing back.

This time Tang Feng didn't go to call, but went directly to Chen Yuyao's class. He felt that he should have a good chat with her.

"Chen Yuyao, can you come out? I want to say a few words to you." Tang Feng didn't go in this time, but stood at the door of Chen Yuyao's class.

"Tang Feng, you go, we have nothing to talk about." Chen Yuyao just looked at Tang Feng and turned her head to the side, and then stopped talking.

Tang Feng wanted to say something, but through the presence of so many classmates, he couldn't say it. Finally, he had to say: "After the next class, I will wait for you on the playground." After speaking, he left.

There were a total of three classes this morning, and there was nothing to do after the class. Tang Feng wanted to use this time to have a good talk with Chen Yuyao. The two have had too many misunderstandings recently, so it's time to explain.

In order to prevent Ye Tianxue from entanglement, he skipped class altogether in the third class, and it became common for him to resist skipping class. There was nothing to do, so I had to go back to the dormitory to take a look.

Time flies quickly. One class time passed quickly. Hearing the ringtone of the end of get out of class, Tang Feng ran out quickly, lest he might miss something.

Chen Yuyao didn't plan to go, but after class, she walked outside in a ghostly manner and kept sweeping her eyes to the playground, but she didn't find Tang Feng's figure. She was a little disappointed, so she prepared to walk to the dormitory.

"Yuyao..." Chen Yuyao was stopped by a voice as soon as she turned around. This voice was so familiar but a little strange.

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