Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 292 Photograph

Chapter 293

Chen Yuyao turned her head, but found Tang Feng coming here from a distance. In fact, Tang Feng came long ago. He was afraid that Chen Yuyao would not come after seeing him, so he hid behind a big tree until Chen Yuyao wanted to go, and then he walked out from behind the big tree.

After seeing Tang Feng, Chen Yuyao was a little happy and a little sad. She didn't know how to face the big boy in front of her. She had some love and hate. She couldn't forgive him for his troubles, and she had some reluctance in her heart. very confused.

"Yuyao, let's go outside and talk?" Tang Feng walked to Chen Yuyao and found that many people were looking here. In order to avoid some unnecessary troubles, he pointed to the gate of the school.

Chen Yuyao hesitated, Tang Feng simply grabbed her little hand, "Let's go, we haven't eaten together for a long time, I will invite you to dinner at noon today."

"I, I...I still have classes in the afternoon." Chen Yuyao finally found a crappy reason.

"It's okay, you study well, don't care about this time, and it won't take much time to eat a meal." Tang Feng didn't let Chen Yuyao mean to let go, and pulled her to continue walking forward.

Chen Yuyao looked back and saw that many people were watching. She wanted to throw Tang Feng's hand away, but his strength was too great, and she couldn't get rid of it at all.

Tang Feng seemed to see Chen Yuyao's reluctance, so he said, "You are my girlfriend, what are you afraid of? We haven't done shameful things." Tang Feng's words really worked, and Chen Yuyao no longer Struggling, let Tang Feng pull away.

Tang Feng and Chen Yuyao just walked to the gate of the school, Ye Tianxue limped out of the teaching building, just in time to see the back of the two people, so angry that she stomped her feet, "Oh!" He didn't pay attention to herself at all. There was still an injury to her foot, and the pain was so painful that she almost shed tears.

"Yuyao, what do you want to eat?" Tang Feng took Chen Yuyao out and waited by the roadside.

"Tang Feng, I'd better go back, I think both of us should calm down and give me some time?" Chen Yuyao looked at Tang Feng with an imploring look.

"Since they are all out, don't go back. You will listen to me today." Tang Feng almost ordered a taxi, stopped a taxi, and took Chen Yuyao to the car.

Not long after the two people left, Ye Tianxue limped and stood at the place where the two had just stood. There was no shadow of Tang Feng, so she had to walk to the rental house aggrieved.(Read more @

Today, Tang Feng originally wanted to find a simple place to have a meal. Later, after thinking about the two people having not seen each other for a long time, they seemed a little rusty now, and finally went to Lao Han Duck Head Restaurant.

"Lao Han, here is the secret old hen." Tang Feng shouted before he even entered the door.

When Chen Yuyao saw Tang Feng's image, she wanted to avoid him. Is this coming for dinner? But Tang Feng held her hand, it was impossible to avoid it.

"Tang Feng, can you be more civilized?" Chen Yuyao whispered. Fortunately, no one saw that, I am really sorry for this person.

"The main reason is that I was so happy to see you today. I didn't pay attention to the good voice for a while. Next time, pay attention next time." Tang Feng said with a grin. He was indeed a little happy today, and the two finally had the opportunity to be alone again.

Tang Feng is like a family here, found a private room with the door open and walked in. This is the first time Chen Yuyao has come here. The outside environment is not very good, but after entering the private room, she has a special flavor, and nodded in satisfaction.

"Tang Feng, do you often bring girls here?" Chen Yuyao said casually, looking at the surrounding environment. However, the three words "girl" are very heavy.

"No, how can I find this place accidentally, and I have only been here a few times, and it's all about business. If you want to bring a girl, that's also you. Who made you my girlfriend? "Tang Feng's mouth is sweet, which really followed his mother, who soon coaxed Chen Yuyao into a smile on her face.

Tang Feng didn't dare to tell Chen Yuyao who he had brought here, if let her know, then the boat that just floated must have overturned again.

"Tang Feng, how is your health now?" Tang Feng has been discharged from the hospital for so long, and she hasn't even asked about it. She wanted to ask a question a long time ago. Today finally has another chance. In fact, she still cares about Tang Feng very much. In addition to studying, he usually thinks about it the most.

"It's been fine for a long time. I'm very strong. If you don't believe me, take a look." Tang Feng said and hugged Chen Yuyao directly, and she almost screamed in fright.

"You are going to die, don't say a word, just scared me to death." Chen Yuyao said with a breath.

"Isn't this proof that I am in good health?" Tang Feng said with a smirk.

"Quickly let me down, Shen." Chen Yuyao said shyly. It was too ambiguous to be held by Tang Feng, and her little face turned red in a moment.

"It's not sinking, I'm willing to hold it for the rest of my life." Tang Feng said affectionately.

"Okay, okay, let me down quickly, people will be bad afterwards." Chen Yuyao was too embarrassed to look at Tang Feng, and had long forgotten his unclear relationship with Ye Tianxue.

"It's okay, don't worry, as long as the door of the room is closed, no one will come in. Besides, I haven't held enough." Tang Feng said, holding Chen Yuyao around in a small space. She was so embarrassed that she plunged her head directly into Tang Feng's arms, and couldn't help but recall again what the two of them did in the Haicheng Hotel that day.

The two played around for a while before Tang Feng put Chen Yuyao down. Chen Yuyao gave him a blank look, "I blame you, now my hair is messed up."

"Hair is messy and beautiful." Tang Feng said and rubbed Chen Yuyao's head with his hand. This time, he completely turned into a chicken coop. Looking at his masterpiece, Tang Feng laughed .

"You..." Chen Yuyao was so angry that she wanted to bite him, who made her less powerful than Tang Feng.

"Yuyao, come, let's take a picture. The two of us haven't taken a photo together." Tang Feng took out his cell phone and hugged Chen Yuyao.

"I don't, I'm so ugly, I blame you." Chen Yuyao wanted to escape, but Tang Feng had already pressed the shutter, and the miraculous moment was printed on the phone.

"Delete it, delete it, it's ugly." Chen Yuyao found that Tang Feng had taken the photo, so she had to grab her phone.

"Then you sit down, and the two of us take a good photo, and then I will delete that one." Tang Feng threatened.

Chen Yuyao was helpless. In order for Tang Feng to delete the photo, she had to give in and stroked her hair. This was at the mercy of Tang Feng, and the two faces were fixed there. For the effect, Tang Feng took three consecutive pictures, and then Chen Yuyao was spared.

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