Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 294 Encounter Xu Zhiliang

Chapter 295

There was joy and sorrow, some people were happy and others were worried. Ye Tianxue became sulky when she returned to the rental house. She didn't even eat lunch. The baby bear she usually hugged was unlucky and became her punching bag. "Smelly Tang Feng, I hate you, and I won't care about it anymore. If I care about you again, it will be a puppy."

Maybe it was enough to vent, she finally stopped, looked at the time, and then walked towards the school. She counted it late, and when she passed Chen Yuyao's classroom, she looked inside. She was disappointed and very disappointed. Chen Yuyao was not in the classroom, which means that she is now with Tang Feng.

"What are they doing?" Ye Tianxue didn't go well in this lesson, and his mind was full of Tang Feng and Chen Yuyao's things. After class, I went straight to Chen Yuyao's classroom and found that she still hadn't come back.

At this time, Tang Feng and Chen Yuyao were eating in Lao Tan, "It's delicious." Chen Yuyao learned Tang Feng's hands regardless of the image of a lady.

"It's delicious, if you like it, we will come often in the future." Tang Feng said happily.

"I can't do it, this is a waste of time." Although the chicken is delicious, time is more important to Chen Yuyao than food. She would never come back if Tang Feng hadn't brought her here.

"My silly Yuyao, the next time we come back, it will be fine in advance. There is no need to wait for such a long time. When the time comes, people can eat directly." If Tang Feng was not full of oil, he would definitely Will rub it twice on Chen Yuyao's head.

"I'm not stupid, I think you are stupid." Chen Yuyao said unconvincedly.

"Yes, I am stupid, I am not as good as you in study, you are smart."

"Just know that I study better than you. By the way, what are you up to, Tang Feng, why didn't I see you in several classes?"

"You said you didn't think of me, didn't think of me, how did you know that I was not in class?" Tang Feng said with a smile.

"Who missed you, I just didn't see you from the door of your class." Chen Yuyao denied.

"Of course it's you. Your class is on the left side of my class. How can you pass by my class? Don't you take the stairs and fly directly out of the window. Even if you fly, you have to open the window."(Read more @

"You, you, won't you let me order?" Chen Yuyao was pierced by Tang Feng and she was speechless.

In this way, the two people talked and ate for about an hour before leaving from Lao Tan. The next step is to go to the movies. Chen Yuyao is really looking forward to it. This may be the first date for two people.

After seeing the movie last time, Tang Feng also gained experience. He bought two tickets for a comedy and walked into the cinema hand in hand.

Time flies quickly. When Tang Feng and Chen Yuyao came out of the cinema, the sky was already slightly dark. Tang Feng looked at the time on the phone, “Yuyao, let’s find a place to have some food, and then I Send you back."

Chen Yuyao nodded, "Hmm!"

Tang Feng is a very casual person. He didn't take Chen Yuyao to any big restaurant. It was just a medium-sized restaurant with a good environment. Tang Feng had been here several times. He felt that the food was quite delicious, so he chose this place. He just walked in. I was stunned, because I met an acquaintance.

"It's a coincidence, we met again, how did we change girlfriends?" Tang Feng wanted to avoid him after seeing the person. He didn't want to have anything to do with this person. He always felt that this person had something to do with Xu Zhiqiang, and he was offended. Xu Zhiqiang, I don't know how to do it now, at least he hasn't bothered himself, but he knows it's just taking time.

What Tang Feng was afraid of, he didn't expect to be discovered by Xu Zhiliang, he still took his own shortcomings very shamelessly. Especially Chen Yuyao, whose face changed at that time, looked at Tang Feng with a questioning look.

"It's really unlucky, it's not easy to coax it, and now I'm here again, I knew he was here, so I changed the house." Tang Feng looked at Chen Yuyao's expression and felt bitter in his heart.

"Yuyao, don't listen to him talking nonsense, I will explain to you after a while." Tang Feng whispered to Chen Yuyao. In this way, her face improved a little, and she squeezed Tang Feng's hand hard to signal her dissatisfaction.

"Mr. Xu, you may have misunderstood, that was not my girlfriend last time, this is." Tang Feng pointed to Chen Yuyao next to her, and put her arm around her shoulder, half hugging her in his arms.

"It turned out to be so, but the one was very beautiful last time. You spend so much money. It must be very good, right?" Xu Zhiliang curled his lips, then took a peek at Chen Yuyao, but he was happy in his heart. A flower is planted on the cow dung, calling you beautiful, I just want to dismantle you."

"Mr. Xu, it seems that you have misunderstood again. Last time it was my classmate. I just borrowed money from her." Tang Feng was very calm on the surface, and he had already scolded him a long time ago, "Why are you so unlucky? Is Xu Zhiqiang sent to trouble me? But I can still solve this kind of low-level thing."

Tang Feng is just a speculation. He didn't know that this was just an accident. Similarly, Xu Zhiliang did not expect to meet Tang Feng here. He had no grievances with Tang Feng, but he still had a grudge against Ye Tianxue. , And also hated Tang Feng, which deliberately made trouble for him.

"Really? Have you paid it back?" Xu Zhiliang said strangely.

"Not yet." Tang Feng can only tell the truth, otherwise there would be no way to explain to Chen Yuyao.

"That's not a small amount. It's over 10,000. By the way, I asked your classmate to send money. This is really just borrowing money? Why doesn't she borrow it herself?"

"Mr. Xu, I hope I don't overdo it. The money has been given to you. We have cleared the two now. We have nothing to do with each other. Please don't slander me in front of my girlfriend." Tang Feng said with a cold face. Said. Since the other party is specifically looking for his own troubles, it is useless to explain, and he is not explaining at all.

"Really? I'm just telling the truth. Why do you want to hit me? You can try it if you have the ability." Xu Zhiliang was alone on the table, and suddenly stood up, but he was half a head shorter than Tang Feng. The figure is also much worse.

"Mr. Xu, I am a civilized person." It was during the meal in the restaurant, there were so many people, Tang Feng didn't want to make trouble for himself.

"Yuyao, let's go, it's better to change another house." Tang Feng said, pulling Chen Yuyao to go outside.

"Tang Feng, forget it, just eat here, I will go back to school in a while." Chen Yuyao doesn't care where to eat, she doesn't have any intention to eat now, she just hopes Tang Feng will give her a reasonable explanation of.

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