Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 295 Xu Zhiliang Treats

Chapter 296

"Why do you feel guilty? Want to leave?" Xu Zhiliang regretted it just when he stood up. He was really afraid of Tang Feng. If he did it, he would still suffer. He didn't expect this kid to become a deserter. With confidence.

"Well, since someone wants me to stay, I won't leave, Yuyao, we will sit here today." Xu Zhiliang was himself on the table, Tang Feng took Chen Yuyao and sat down.

"Tang Feng, forget it, let's change one!" Chen Yuyao gave Xu Zhiliang, who was standing there stupidly, coldly.

Tang Feng really didn’t understand. She just said to go, but she said she couldn’t. Now she said she couldn’t go. She really didn’t understand the needle in a woman’s heart, but he always picked it up and said, "It’s pretty good here. Okay, you see there are people here, Mr. Xu, don't you think?" Tang Feng smiled and looked at Xu Zhiliang.

"Yes, no." Xu Zhiliang regretted it just after he said it. What if this kid cheated himself? I quickly changed my mind.

"Mr. Xu, are you too stingy?" Tang Feng curled his lips, then stretched out his thumb to make a flip.

Xu Zhiliang was despised by Tang Feng and immediately became angry, "What do you mean, Tang Feng, why should I invite you without relatives for no reason?"

Tang Feng seems that Xu Zhiliang is not stupid, but he has a way, and said with a smile: "It's stingy." Then he shouted at the counter: "Boss, his table is mine. I'll treat you. ."

Xu Zhiliang was still happy in his heart. He didn't expect to meet a stupid guy here, but he soon regretted it, and countless people looked at him with strange eyes. He just said not to invite Tang Feng, and everyone at the dinner heard it. Now Tang Feng invites him in turn, isn't this a slap in the face?(Read more @

"Tang Feng, what do you mean, is Xu Zhiliang that kind of person? Can I not afford a meal? Since you have said it, this meal is mine." Xu Zhiliang saw those strange eyes I couldn't stand it anymore, so I had to change my words, still regretting it in my heart, "I'm so crazy, let this kid go, and now I really lost the girl and broke down."

"Since you said that, then I'm not polite, you can say yes, please take this meal." Tang Feng was waiting for his words, and he had already snickered in his heart.

Xu Zhiliang is not stupid either. After he finished speaking, he regretted it a little, but after he said it, so many people were watching and couldn't take it back, so he gritted his teeth and said, "Isn't it just a meal? Me? Xu Zhiliang can still afford it."

"That's good, that's good." Tang Feng said with a smile, then looked at Chen Yuyao with a cold face, "Yuyao, what do you eat, rest assured, someone will treat you." Tang Feng's voice was very loud. It's big, almost everyone in the hall can hear it, especially the words'someone treats' are very heavy.

"Tang Feng, let's go!" Chen Yuyao is completely different from Tang Feng. She doesn't like taking advantage of others. She has always been an independent woman. She is a bit uncomfortable with Tang Feng's approach, but she didn't say anything. come out.

"Since you don't order, let me order it." Tang Feng didn't notice that Chen Yuyao's face was not so good, because his eyes were on Xu Zhiliang's body.

"Boss, what kind of food do you have here, forget it, I won't ask, let me have the same thing!" Tang Feng said with a smile, almost vomiting blood from Xu Zhiliang, "Tang Feng, you ..."

"Boss, I was joking just now, just bring the menu." Tang Feng was really afraid that Xu Zhiliang would not buy it. When the time comes, he will be the one who pitted him. In the end, he only picked up a few more expensive dishes. This is not a big restaurant, and there is nothing too expensive. 6 dishes and a soup cost more than 300 yuan.

Xu Zhiliang listened to the names of the dishes reported by Tang Feng. It was really distressing. He usually didn't want to eat such good dishes, but now they are all served.

Speaking of Xu Zhiliang, he really has a story. Xu Zhiliang has never seen his father since he can remember. He also asked his mother, but his mother told herself that his father had died long ago, until one day he An amazing secret was discovered, that is, not only did his father not die, but he was also a very rich man.

Xu Zhiliang wanted to ask his mother why he concealed his true image, but he had an extra heart, and quietly inquired about his father's situation behind his back. He was very careful. After more than half a year, he finally inquired clearly. It was his father who had a family, and his mother was just a woman she raised. His mother was out of favor at a high age. After this result, he was very disappointed.

He wanted to confess his ancestor to the clan without telling his mother, but when he took advantage of an opportunity to meet his father by chance, he discovered an amazing secret, that is, his father had other things besides his mother. Woman.

He knew that his father was very rich and there were many bodyguards around him. He never dared to approach him, let alone inquire casually. He could only collect information secretly by himself, and gradually he became more and more surprised. He found him His father has many women, and these women have one characteristic that is that they have no children.

"No children? So how did he come? He also knew that he had an older brother, indicating that his father was normal, so why didn't he have children?" He thought for a long time and didn't understand, until one day he heard a Qian’s friend brags B. He only knows that it’s an undisclosed secret for men in large families to have women outside, but they cannot have children. This is to prevent malicious people from giving birth to children in order to fight for family property. The foundation falls into the hands of others, or is ruined.

Xu Zhiliang was in a cold sweat when he heard the news. Fortunately, he didn't recognize his ancestors, or he didn't know how to die. He then understood why his mother said that his father was dead. I'm afraid that I will recognize my ancestor and return to my ancestor after knowing the truth, and then I will be poisoned by others.

From then on, Xu Zhiliang never dared to hit his father's idea anymore, and even hid far away, for fear that he would discover his existence.

Speaking of victims, Xu Zhiliang’s mother is also considered a victim. When she was young, she lived a life of joy, until her age continued to rise, she gradually fell out of favor, and in the end she could only take it every month. Some money is only equivalent to ordinary people's wages.

In addition to being unable to have children, there is also a rule that it is not allowed to find other men before the age of 40. Xu Zhiliang's mother is over 40 years old, but she is different from other women and is still single. She is to prevent anyone from discovering that she has a 20-year-old son.

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