Chapter 298

"Yuyao, I was not good just now." In the taxi, Tang Feng found that Chen Yuyao was still there, and his eyes were a little horrified. Only then did she gently shook her hand.

Chen Yuyao was indeed shocked by Tang Feng's behavior, and even more shocked by what she saw. At this time, she realized that she didn't know Tang Feng at all, but never knew him. She found him so strange." Is this the Tang Feng I know?" Chen Yuyao kept shaking her head, unable to believe what she saw.

Now in the taxi, Tang Feng is not good to say anything, there must be a lot of people, he can only comfort Chen Yuyao non-stop, "Yuyao, I will explain to you later."

When the taxi stopped at the entrance of Renmin University of China, it was already very dark. Tang Feng took Chen Yuyao's hand and said, "Yuyao, no matter what you see in me, I am your Tang Feng, forever Tang Feng who loves you, you will always be my Yuyao. There are indeed some unusual things in my body, and I can’t explain it to you for a while, because I don’t know what happened, you just need to know, I treat you Love is real."

Tang Feng gently hugged Chen Yuyao in his arms, but found that her body was a little stiff, and he could not help it. It was just a momentary anger. At that time, he couldn't control this power. He just wanted to vent, but there was nowhere. Development, and finally had to vent to the table.

"Tang Feng, I'm a little scared." Chen Yuyao said in a low voice.

"Yuyao, don't be afraid, it will be okay, you will forget it tomorrow, think more about when we were happy today, think about your laughter when we watched the movie." Tang Feng gently stroked Chen Yuyao's hair, sure enough much better.

"Tang Feng, is what that person said today is true?"

"It's true, he was talking about Ye Tianxue. Ye Tianxue, you know, she is a witch who makes trouble everywhere..." Tang Feng said about Ye Tianxue and Xu Zhiliang's feud. During this process, Chen Yuyao has been very calm, and finally slowly eased over.

If in normal times, Chen Yuyao might still laugh, but now, besides a look of fright, it is also full of sadness.

"Tang Feng, do you live with Ye Tianxue?" Chen Yuyao held back this question for a long time, and finally asked.(Read more @

Tang Feng nodded, "Yes, we are only sharing rent, saying that it is a shared renting. In fact, she is staying with me. The reason why she didn't tell you is because she is afraid that you will be angry. By the way, your cousin also takes up time to live with me. "Tang Feng didn't lie. It seems that he will move in the future. Since Ye Tianxue refused to leave, he had to leave.

Chen Yuyao originally wanted to go see it, but when she heard that her cousin was there, she immediately dispelled her plan. Even if Tang Feng invited her to go, she would not go. Tang Feng didn’t worry about it, since he was in the hospital. When she was unconscious, she discovered that Chen Yuyao was very afraid of her cousin.

Chen Yuhua has always looked cold, Chen Yuyao is a bit opposite to her type, a bit weaker, afraid that she is also normal.

"Thank you for telling me." Chen Yuyao, who was originally stiff in Tang Feng's arms, gently hugged Tang Feng's waist. At this moment, it was like freezing. After a long time, neither of them spoke.

"Yuyao, I'll send you back. It's cold outside." Tang Feng wanted to hold Chen Yuyao for a while. The northwest wind blew across his face, making his face a little bit painful. Chen Yuyao didn't wear a lot, he was afraid of her. Take a long time to catch a cold.

"Yeah!" Chen Yuyao nodded, letting Tang Feng pull it.

Tang Feng was sent to Chen Yuyao's downstairs until she went upstairs before turning around and leaving. As he walked and recalled what happened today, he found that his strength was greater than before, and he had eaten more than before.

When he walked into the rental house, Chen Yuhua and Ye Tianxue sat on the sofa and looked at the door, especially Chen Yuhua. When they saw themselves, their expressions were very unfriendly. Tang Feng's heart felt like, "It's broken, it won't be. Did Ye Tianxue tell the news? How did we forget this matter?"

Tang Feng's brain is running fast. How to deal with the situation in front of you? If you can hug Chen Yuhua and say some good things, maybe she will be the same. The key is that Ye Tianxue is also there. If you don't help yourself, then thank God.

"Tang Feng, have you eaten?" Tang Feng didn't expect Chen Yuhua to speak first. He originally wanted to say that he had eaten, but when he saw a table full of food on the table, he could only bite the bullet and say, "No Well, something is coming back late today."

"Sit down and eat if you don't have it!" Chen Yuhua said in a very calm tone, the more so Tang Feng, the more frightened, this is the prelude to the storm.

Tang Feng tremblingly sat at the dinner table, and then secretly glared at Ye Tianxue. At the same time, Ye Tianxue came over with a white eye, but Tang Feng was helpless because Chen Yuhua looked at him.

Actually Tang Feng wronged Ye Tianxue. Ye Tianxue did not inform, but after Chen Yuhua came back, she found her ankle turned and there were signs of crying on her face. Then she asked Tang Feng. She didn't want to tell her, but she was helpless. In the end, she was asked.

"Sister Yuhua, your craftsmanship is getting better and better. If you can marry you, that would be a blessing for Sanshengxiu." Tang Feng took a bite of the dish and said exaggeratedly. He wanted to ease the current atmosphere, too. Depressed.

"You didn't go to the company for a whole day, don't you know what you are busy with?" Chen Yuhua ignored Tang Feng, but asked calmly.

"Oh, today, there are so many things today. By the way, this is the list I summarized today. After my repeated research, I think these individuals will be popular in the future." Tang Feng remembered now. The note I wrote during class came in handy just now, I took it out of my pocket and handed it to Chen Yuhua.

After Chen Yuhua finished the paper, he opened it. It was densely filled with names and introductions to the characters. Some were comprehensive, such as birthplace and position, and some were just personal names. Chen Yuhua looked at it. I frowned when I saw it. What kind of celebrities are there? There are only a few famous directors, and some of them are unknown directors, and some are not even in the entertainment industry.

Chen Yuyao looked at the list written by Tang Feng, and then she understood what Tang Feng wrote during class, but she did not inform, saying that Tang Feng was written during class, just glanced at him with her eyes, the same Tang Feng Use your eyes to tell Ye Tianxue not to be troublesome, otherwise you will look good.

"Tang Feng, if you recruit people according to this list, is it really okay?" Chen Yuhua once again questioned Tang Feng, mainly because this list is too outrageous. This is an investment of several hundred million. How can it be a child's play? careful.

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