Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 298 Reasons Not To Go To School

Chapter 299

"Sister Yuhua, I understand your current mood very well, but please believe me. For this list, I took pains to check information on the Internet, and even personally inspect it. It took me more than a week for this list to Sum up."

In order for Tang Feng to make this lie more real, his expressions are vivid and vivid, which constitutes a falsehood, that is, Ye Tianxue, who saw the list he wrote, believed it to be true. She thought that Tang Feng did a long time homework, and the class time was just to make up for the homework. all.

"Tang Feng, are you sure this is your final result?" Chen Yuhua widened his eyes and forgot the secret date between Tang Feng and Chen Yuyao today.

"Of course, I have asked Dewey to form a team on this matter, and I believe there will be results soon." Tang Feng said seriously.

Facing Tang Feng, Chen Yuhua couldn’t laugh or cry. He was always different from others. If it were before, she could only obey unconditionally, and even if there was dissatisfaction, she could only complain in her heart. Now it’s different. The relationship between her and Tang Feng Very subtle, she also has her own opinions, and she hopes Tang Feng can listen.

"Tang Feng, are you so confident that you can succeed?" Chen Yuhua looked at Tang Feng with a faint smile on his face. This is clearly an expression of self-confidence. She has never seen a person so confident, and this is what she appreciates. On the one hand, Tang Feng has a different maturity at a young age.

"Sister Yuhua, you don't need to worry about the list. When it's you, have you done everything I said?" Before Tang Feng left the capital, he told Chen Yuhua to find the company's address, venue, and security personnel. , And professional equipment.

"There are a few places, and I have visited them all, but they haven't decided yet. In the end, you have to make up your mind. I have put all the address materials in the company. If you have time, you can check it out! Guarantee! I have already recruited some personnel. As for the equipment, I haven't purchased it yet. After the company's headquarters is confirmed, I will recruit professional personnel to purchase."

Chen Yuhua is very busy when Tang Feng is absent. She is also a very serious person. She has to experience everything to be assured. Every recruited person has to interview in person. Fortunately, the Beijing branch does not have much. She was able to breathe, otherwise she would be even more tired.(Read more @

"I know, I will accompany you to take a look tomorrow." Tang Feng thought for a while. This matter should be settled. He has been in a coma for too long and wasted too much time, whether it is YY or Entertainment companies have to speed up their pace. Once they stop, they will be overtaken by others, especially Tencent, which is eye-catching. If he doesn't take him down, he is always sick.

Ye Tianxue was upset when he heard that Tang Feng would not go to class tomorrow, "Tang Feng, the teacher has been looking for you several times, you should go to school more recently."

"I see." Tang Feng didn't throw Ye Tianxue's account at all, so she was so angry that she pouted. If Chen Yuhua wasn't there, she might come up and take a bite.

"Tang Feng, Tianxue is right, you must be a student now, I think you should go to school tomorrow! I will bring back the information about the location of the company tomorrow, and then we will discuss it together." Chen Yuhua listened After Ye Tianxue's words, she also felt reasonable, especially Tang Feng missed too many courses. If this continues, I really don't know if he can graduate smoothly.

"Sister Yuhua, do you think I still need to go to school now? I just don't want to regret and satisfy a wish of my parents." Tang Feng originally thought he could adapt to school life, but he found himself wrong. He got used to being free, and couldn't stand the kind of beaming in school at all. He didn't want to give up halfway, so he could only mix day by day.

Chen Yuhua originally wanted to refute, but thinking about Tang Feng’s current achievements, going to school does not have much effect for him. Even if you study well, you will not work for their bosses after you come out. Just like yourself, he is very Fortunately, I met Tang Feng. Although it was very hard, he never treated himself badly. What about his classmates? Are they all as lucky as themselves? If you think about your previous experience, you can think of your classmates. Are they also treated the same as yourself?

Most of the reason why Chen Yuhua left her job was harassment by her boss. She is a very self-reliant person. Even if she resigns, she is unwilling to be subjected to unspoken rules. The other is the pursuit of colleagues. There are many reasons. Finally, She gave up her job, went home altogether, and finally opened the small restaurant.

"It's useless to study. If studying is useless, why are there so many people in the world wanting to enter universities, especially prestigious universities." Ye Tianxue said unconvinced when Chen Yuhua hadn't spoken.

"What do you kids know? While playing, this is for adults to talk, not for children." Tang Feng glared at Ye Tianxue directly, and finally got mixed up, she came to make trouble again.

"You are a kid, where am I?" Ye Tianxue said, her chest straightened out. Tang Feng just glanced at it, then curled his lips, "Where are you not young, compare you with Sister Yuhua, see if you are young?"

Ye Tianxue’s face is very similar to Li Xuemei. If you don’t look at the figure, it’s hard to tell who the two are. Now Tang Feng can basically tell the two people. That’s because he found that Ye Tianxue’s cup is slightly smaller than Li Xuemei’s. . He had seen Li Xuemei's, even Chen Yuhua's could not be compared to her, and only Bai Yaqing could hold her.

Chen Yuhua didn't expect that two people could quarrel like this, especially when they mentioned themselves, they were so ambiguous. At that time, they blushed, and only Ye Tianxue would not care about this, but Tang Feng said that she cares. She was young at that time, "Where is it? Don't believe it, touch it."

Tang Feng's eyes widened, watching Ye Tianxue pulling his clothes. To be honest, her breasts are not small at all for the students, it can only be considered normal, and only Chen Yuyao's is considered small in his cognition.

"Tang Feng..." Chen Yuhua, who was originally blushing, became cold when she saw Ye Tianxue's action face. She couldn't say anything to Ye Tianxue, but that didn't mean she couldn't say Tang Feng.

Of course Tang Feng saw Chen Yuhua's face, and instantly understood that she was jealous, so he had to turn his head to the side, "Ye Tianxue, you are crazy, get your clothes in order."

"Coward." Ye Tianxue was only trying to test Tang Feng, she wouldn't let him take advantage, and she had also been watching Chen Yuhua's expression all the time, and she was really silly.

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