Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 299 Interrogation

Chapter 300

"Tang Feng, did you go out with Yuyao today?" It's true that which pot is not opened and which one is to be picked. Tang Feng originally thought that he had escaped, but Chen Yuhua did not expect Chen Yuhua to bring it up again in this situation.

"No, I have been studying the issues on the list today. If you don't believe me, you can ask Ye Tianxue." Tang Feng won't admit it if he is killed. At the same time, he blinked at Ye Tianxue, but Ye Tianxue did not report as if he hadn't seen it. He is pretty good, where can you help him?

"She said, you went out with Yu Yao today." Chen Yuhua said sternly.

"Ye Tianxue, when did you see me go out with Chen Yuyao?" Tang Feng glared at Ye Tianxue, as long as she said nothing, she would definitely look good.

"No? I might have read it wrong." Ye Tianxue was surprisingly calm, a little bit unlike her usual.

Chen Yuhua also had no good way to deny Ye Tianxue's denial. She knew she was lying, but she couldn't find a reason. She didn't understand that she had just turned upside down with Tang Feng, so why would she help Tang Feng this moment.

"Sister Yuhua, she said she was wrong. I went to see Dewey today. I spent almost half a day with him. I came back only after dark. If you don't believe me, you can ask Dewey and I will call him now." Tang Feng Said in a modest way.

"No, I'm tired and want to rest." Chen Yuhua knew the result without saying. The two of them must have colluded long ago. Even if they asked, the result was the same. How did she know that Tang Feng was fooling her, there was nothing at all. After passing with Dewey, he understood Chen Yuhua's character and knew that she would definitely not ask.

Tang Feng looked at Chen Yuhua who disappeared in the living room, and finally heaved a sigh of relief, and then glared at Ye Tianxue, "Are you not your secret?" Tang Feng's voice was so low that only the two of them could hear it. .

"I'm not so boring now. It's a dog biting Lu Dongbin who doesn't know good people. It was obvious that I helped you just now, but now I blame me." Ye Tianxue also lowered his voice, almost speaking to Tang Feng's ear.

"It's not you, how did she know?" Tang Feng was still a little unbelievable. He and Chen Yuyao went out. Besides her, he couldn't find a third person who would inform.

"It's not that you made me cry. She came back and saw the way I cried, and kept asking me. I accidentally missed it." Ye Tianxue said somewhat innocently.

So far Tang Feng has basically believed Ye Tianxue's words and sighed, "Forget it, I won't care about you."(Read more @

"What do you mean by not worrying about me? I clearly helped you just now. Let's talk, how are you going to repay me?" Ye Tianxue was willing to help Tang Feng for a purpose. She wanted Tang Feng to owe her. Favor, and then let him pay it back.

"Let's talk about it, if you have any request, as long as it is not too excessive, I will agree to you." Tang Feng thought for a while, she did help herself, no matter what the reason, as a man, he should return, but he again Worrying about Ye Tianxue's embarrassment, she said so.

"This is what you said, don't regret it?" Ye Tianxue smiled, smiling very happily. Tang Feng, who watched her smile at this time, always felt a little bad, but the words have already been said, and they must not be collected. He can only bite the bullet and say it again, "As long as I can do it, and it’s not too much, I will I promise you a request."

Tang Feng deliberately emphasized that he couldn't overdo it and can do it, but Ye Tianxue was still very happy after listening, and then said: "You can definitely do it. I only want this Saturday, what did you and Chen Yuyao do, I I will do it again with you."

Tang Feng had a big head after listening to it, promise it, and he is a little unwilling, don't agree, Ye Tianxue will definitely make endless trouble.

"Ye Tianxue, I can promise you, but you must keep this matter secret and you can't tell anyone, otherwise I won't go." Tang Feng thought for a while and said.

"Tang Feng, what did you do with Chen Yuyao today?" Ye Tianxue has been curious about what he did with Chen Yuyao today and why he came back so late.

"Nothing? Just had a meal and watched a movie." Tang Feng said casually.

After Ye Tianxue listened, her face flushed a little and whispered: "Neither of you have that?"

"Which one?" Tang Feng was a little confused. Ye Tianxue was thinking about something messy.

"I didn't even kiss?" Ye Tianxue had never been to a movie theater. There was a home theater at home, and there was no need to go to the movie theater. However, she had heard of what happened to men and women in the cinema, so she asked with concern.

"Guess?" Tang Feng looked at Ye Tianxue with a red face and wanted to tease her.

"It's just you, you must have kissed." Ye Tianxue said with a pouting mouth. At the same time, she was worried that she would be kissed by him when she went to the movies with Tang Feng, and she didn't want him to take advantage of it.

"We are boyfriend and girlfriend. Isn't it normal for me to kiss her? I can't kiss you all right?" The more Tang Feng looked at Ye Tianxue's expression, the happier he was, and the more he wanted to tease her.

"You, are not allowed to kiss me then." Ye Tianxue was so angry that Tang Feng really didn't know what to say. Thinking about his previous behavior, she had to remind.

"Really? You are not my girlfriend. Why should I kiss you?" Tang Feng was happier as he said, and most quickly put it on Ye Tianxue's face, scaring her back again and again.

Tang Feng looked at Ye Tianxue’s embarrassing appearance and almost laughed. Suddenly, he felt his lips warm, and then his brain seemed to be lost. Ye Tianxue, who had been dodge all the time, stopped suddenly. Tang Feng didn’t notice for a while. , The two people’s lips were pressed together again, and the brain was blank at the time.

"Crunch, crunch..." The sound of opening the door sounded. Tang Feng was clever at the time, and instantly retreated back. After he retreated one meter away, she looked at Chen Yuhua's door. At this time, she changed into her pajamas and was about to come out. . The pajamas are conservative and fit her style.

Chen Yuhua just glanced at the two people, and then walked to the bathroom. Tang Feng said in his heart, "Good risk, good risk..." Fortunately, both his speed and strength have improved qualitatively. With such a quick response rate just now.

When Tang Feng saw Chen Yuhua closing the bathroom door, he looked at Ye Tianxue. At this time, her face was still red, and she had not yet eased from the kiss.

This time, Ye Tianxue was surprisingly calm. One didn't cry, and the other didn't make trouble. He just glanced at Tang Feng, and then walked to his room. Now only Tang Feng, who is lonely, sits on the chair.

A storm just passed, there was no gun smoke, no battlefield, but like a war, Tang Feng also felt a little tired. After Ye Tianxue walked out of the bathroom, he was the last one to walk in.

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