Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 300 Field Trips

Chapter 301

The next day Tang Feng did not go to school but went to the company with Chen Yuhua. Until the company, Chen Yuhua did not say a word with Tang Feng. It seems that he is still angry with him yesterday.

Chen Yuhua didn't speak. Tang Feng simply followed her and walked into her temporary office. When entering the door, he closed the door deliberately.

"Sister Yuhua, I would like to take a look at the company addresses you mentioned." Tang Feng knew that it would be useless to explain more now, so he didn't want to be annoying at all. He knows that Chen Yuhua is very serious about his work and rarely brings work matters into his life.

Tang Feng really made the right choice. Chen Yuhua took out a folder from the table and handed it to Tang Feng, “The plan is here. If there is anything I don’t understand, I’m asking.”

Tang Feng took the folder and looked at it seriously. There are three locations in it. Tang Feng is very familiar with these three locations. Looking back on the future development, he has made a decision, but he still has to see it in person. one look.

"Sister Yuhua, I want to visit Chaoyang Street." Tang Feng pointed to the picture in the middle of the file.

Chen Yuhua is a little surprised. She also prefers this place. From the current point of view, that piece of land is not the best, and it is even the worst compared to the other two pieces. However, in terms of Chang Yuan’s interests, she thinks this place is the best. Ok.

"Could you tell me why you like this place?" Chen Yuhua asked curiously.

"The traffic here is well-developed and it is close to the city center. Even the land is worthless in the future. If possible, I would like to buy this place and build a civilized nationwide entertainment building there in the future." Tang Feng thought of future generations. Real estate, even if it is raging, but he doesn't have so much capital now, and can only accumulate slowly.

Chen Yuhua nodded after listening, but she was still a little unexpected. She meant to rent the place and slowly develop it. She didn't expect Tang Feng to get it right in one step. If that's the case, the money will be enough. I'm a little nervous. This must be the capital city. Both the land and housing prices are much higher than Haicheng.

The two set off together. It just so happened that the company had equipped a new car, which also saved Tang Feng a lot of trouble. Driving by himself, the driver was useless.(Read more @

Chen Yuhua applied for the car. She mainly felt that the company was too shabby and had to take a taxi when she went out. If it weren't for the company's tight budget, she would like to apply for a few more cars.

"Sister Yuhua, you did a good job with this matter, but there are too few cars, but it can't be too wasteful. We should establish a reward system, and which department does a good job will reward a car." Tang Feng watched the brand new Passat sit directly in the driving position.

"Tang Feng, you have recruited so many technicians. Since you fell asleep, you have been dragging it until now. They don't know what to do every day. You can't let them develop like this?" I reacted with Tang Feng, but there has been no chance.

"Sister Yuhua, I know. Don’t worry. I already have a plan. It’s just that the time is too rushed. I haven’t sorted it out yet. Within a week, I will let each of them find their belongings. Let the notice go down and say there will be a meeting this afternoon."

The reason why Tang Feng recruited so many development teams is to develop the YY farm, but he does not intend to copy the previous QQ farm. He intends to make a little change. The specific effect can only be said when the game is developed.

The QQ farm in the previous life has spread all over the country, and Tang Feng is also quite confident in the YY farm, even surpassing the previous life. QQ Farm must be just a product of the early days of the previous life, and there are many classics in the later life. He is planning to integrate these games, especially preparing for a hegemony competition.

YY's lottery operation is very successful. It can be said to be a win-win situation. It does not bring a large number of certified users to YY. Similarly, Lenovo's mobile phone sales have also made new breakthroughs. Now many mobile phone bosses regret not cooperating with YY. The intestines are all regretful.

Tang Feng also intends to promote the YY Farm this time by attracting investment. I believe that with the experience of the last lottery draw, the sponsors this time will definitely be squeezed out.

After hearing Tang Feng's instructions, Chen Yuhua directly took out the phone and called Yang Chunxiu without any explanation. He just informed all the company staff for a meeting in the conference room at 2pm. As long as there is no special period, they must be present and no leave is allowed.

"Sister Yuhua, you are not allowed to ask for leave. In case any wife of our company is expecting a childbirth, aren't you going to cheat others?" Tang Feng joked while driving the car.

Chen Yuhua, who had some expressions at first, heard Tang Feng's joke, and his face returned to cold again. Tang Feng just glanced sideways at her, a little helpless, it seemed that she was still angry.

This way, Tang Feng's joke was left in the cold. Until the company site was selected, Chen Yuhua said, "I'm here, just park the car there. We two walk in."

Chen Yuhua’s language was very cold, without any emotions, which made Tang Feng feel very uncomfortable. He stepped on the brakes and stopped deliberately very quickly. Chen Yuhua didn’t pay attention and almost knocked down the front windshield, so he was tied. The seat belt, otherwise Tang Feng would hit her head and bloodshed.

Chen Yuhua frowned and glared at Tang Feng fiercely. Tang Feng smiled and finally had an expression. "Sister Yuhua, I thought you would continue to do this. Smile more and more expressions. This is not Is it good? Sometimes you are really inferior to Ye Tianxue..."

Before Tang Feng finished speaking, he felt that he had said something wrong, how could he speak to another woman in front of another woman. At that time, it was discovered that Chen Yuhua had returned to the icy cold again, even colder than before, and he could feel the outside temperature in the car.

"Sister Yuhua, is this place where you are talking about?" Tang Feng pointed to a relatively old building in front of it. It seemed that it was a bit old on the surface. He found some topics to ease the atmosphere.

"If you don't like it, we can go back. Also, don't call me Sister Yuhua at work, you can call me by my position or name." Chen Yuhua said coldly.

"I know why you are angry, in fact, I don't want to explain more, because no matter how much you say, it's no use. Just follow your own heart. Some things cannot be changed." Tang Feng felt that Chen Yuhua was too independent, and he knew her. I have a good impression of myself, and I also have a good impression of her, but if we talk about feelings, she cannot replace Chen Yuyao. If two people can only choose one person, he will choose Chen Yuyao without hesitation. The reason why he said so is because he wants to. Give each other a chance.

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