Chapter 302

The two of them were not very happy to walk inside, especially Chen Yuhua, she didn't have any mood at all, but she stayed strong all the time, with a cold appearance, but with a hot heart, she also has the side of a little woman. , I also hope to be loved by others.

If it was Bai Yaqing or Ye Tianxue alone, she could still find a reason for herself and give herself a chance. Tang Feng had an unclear relationship with her sister, which made her unable to accept it at all, let alone face herself Relatives.

"Tang Feng, my heart is so tired, can you give me a break?" Chen Yuhua, who was walking, suddenly leaned on Tang Feng's shoulder. At this moment, her eyes were so helpless.

Tang Feng just stood there without speaking or moving, letting her lean on his shoulders, he needed to give her time.

"Thank you." About 5 minutes later, Chen Yuhua left Tang Feng's shoulders and returned to peace again, just as Tang Feng met her on the first day.

"Let's take a look here!" Tang Feng didn't want to say anything. He could only let time settle down slowly, even if she didn't choose herself in the end, she wouldn't regret it then.

Here, Tang Feng met with the person in charge here and asked about the situation, but did not say that he wanted to buy here, because he knew that he must have a bargaining chip to do business. Once the other party knows his bottom line, he will definitely open his mouth. .

In addition to meeting the person in charge here, Tang Feng also asked people around him. It can be said that he was very careful. During this process, Chen Yuhua followed him and did not make any comments.

"Hey! Brother Ye, this is Tang Feng. Where have you been Chic recently?" Tang Feng picked up the phone when he returned to the car, and did not evade Chen Yuhua at all.

Ye Tianfeng didn't think it was Tang Feng, and smiled happily, "Your brother, I don't know who I am. When it's you, there are women around you all day long. Brother, I am so envious, and, How are you and my Tianxue? You can't leave her out of the cold because of other women."

Tang Feng was a little embarrassed after listening. Is this the elder brother? It seemed like a pimp. Fortunately, he didn't use the speakerphone. Chen Yuhua, who was sitting next to him, didn't even know what was said on the phone.(Read more @

"Brother Ye, I'm looking for you to do something this time. You also know that I am planning to start an entertainment company. The main reason is that I was delayed because of my coma. Now I plan to start the project. It happens that the company has to choose an address. I think I have a piece of land, but I don’t know if the other party wants to sell it. I want you to help me coordinate. The specific price is easy to negotiate, even if it is higher, I can accept it."

The reason Tang Feng said this was to tell Ye Tianfeng that his favor would not make him helpless. Although his relationship with Ye Tianfeng is very close, there is no eternal lunch in the sky. Ye Tianfeng usually takes more things like big and young, and they all take advantage from it, even both sides take advantage. The reason why he says more is no problem, the one more thing you have is to give Ye Tianfeng the benefit.

Ye Tianfeng didn't expect Tang Feng to be so direct, and smiled happily, "No problem, since you have said so, I will take a little bit appropriately and treat it as the operating expenses of my brother.

"Yes, as long as Ye Ge can help me with this matter, I will definitely be grateful." Tang Feng can of course understand that Ye Tianfeng must not be alone, they also belong to a company that specializes in this kind of intermediary reselling company. Don't underestimate this kind of company, it's actually very profitable.

Just like taking a piece of land, other people may not be able to get it. These family businesses can get it. Some develop it by themselves, some just change hands. After getting it, add some price and give it to others. It can be said that it is Profiteering.

"No need to thank you, just be nice to my family Tianxue, I'm still waiting for you to be my brother-in-law." Ye Tianfeng is not taboo at all, and he also hopes to see such a result, thanks to him and Tang Feng The relationship, when the time comes, will definitely be able to help oneself to flourish.

Tang Feng didn't know how to answer Ye Tianfeng's words. He could only smile and said, "Brother Ye, I won't say much. There are still some things, just wait for your good news." After speaking, he hung up. I took a call and glanced at Chen Yuhua secretly, and found that she had been looking out of the window, not looking at herself at all, she was a little happy and disappointed at the same time.

"Sister Yuhua, I will leave the land purchase to Ye Tianfeng. I guess there will be news soon." Tang Feng did not rush to start the car, but talked to Chen Yuhua.

"You won't visit those two places, maybe they will be better than here." Chen Yuhua turned his head and looked at Tang Feng without any expression.

"No, it's good here." Tang Feng said, turning the key and driving the car.

"It's up to you!" Chen Yuhua closed his eyes and stopped talking.

It was still early, and there was still some time before noon. Tang Feng glanced at Chen Yuhua, kicked the accelerator, and the car rushed out.

"Where is this?" After not knowing how long, Chen Yuhua felt the car stopped, and then opened his eyes. She discovered that this place was not a company at all, it was a completely unfamiliar environment, empty, with nothing but rice fields.

"I don't know either." Tang Feng said casually. He felt that Chen Yuhua was too depressed, so he decided to take her to relax, so he drove to the suburbs.

"Let's go back. We will have a meeting in the afternoon." Chen Yuhua sighed, and then he had some expressions. Tang Feng could see that she was a little helpless and sad.

"Sister Yuhua, let's go down and walk!" Tang Feng opened the car door as he said, and the cold wind got into the car in an instant, and Chen Yuhua shuddered from the cold.

"Let's go back, I'm fine, thank you Tang Feng." Chen Yuhua checked the time on the phone, and then said calmly.

"Since it's all here, it's better to stay for a while, and it won't take much time." Tang Feng said, bypassing the front of the car, then opened the door on the side of Chen Yuhua, and handed her the coat behind.

Chen Yuhua was a little reluctant, and finally got out of the car, took the coat from Tang Feng and put it on her body, then looked at Tang Feng, "Do you think I am angry with you?"

Tang Feng nodded, but Chen Yuhua shook his head, and then said, “I don’t. I’m angry with myself. Sometimes I don’t know how to face you, especially when I think of you being with Yuyao. It's simply unacceptable."

"I know." Tang Feng nodded, and pulled Chen Yuhua next to him, holding her in his arms. Chen Yuhua did not dodge, maybe this is the opportunity for two people to be alone.

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