Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4211 The Power of the Mask



The flame creature showed a very surprised and startled expression. [.\\nThe chapters updated by Situ are the most complete and comprehensive, and the error-free content is repaired in the most timely manner. Due to caching reasons, browser access is recommended.\\nOfficial website]

Although there are some hints to this mystery, some people may not be able to figure it out in their lifetime.

Luo Chen was able to piece it together and understand it with just a few clues, which really surprised him.

Some things look complicated, but once the layer of window paper is pierced, they are actually very simple.

Those who know will find it simple, while those who don't know will feel confused.

And what Luo Chen said he understood, he really understood.

Still a ghost gate!

These seemingly lawful attacks, seemingly fatal attacks, are all because of the evil ghost attacking the ghost gate.

Even the evil spirits attack in different ways. Some open their mouths, some smile at you, and some shout your name from behind.

It’s all because of attacking the ghost gate in the body!

This is a good explanation. For example, if you are walking alone at night and someone calls you from behind, you turn around and agree.

There is nothing behind the result!

But at this time, the evil ghost is following you and clinging to you.

This is because Li Gui's first attack itself was that cry.

The action of turning back, coupled with the scream attack of the fierce ghost, will expose his own ghost door!

If one's own ghost gate is not exposed, that is, if one does not turn around and agree, then the evil ghost cannot explore the ghost gate in this person's body. The Yang Qi alone is enough to keep the evil ghost from getting close.

So this is still an attack on the ghost gate.

And even more powerful ghosts can already tell where this person's ghost gate is!

Just like these fierce ghosts from the Ghost Department!

It's just like the weird things in the deserted village back then, what they moved was the ghost gate!

However, there is no doubt that even if they know where the ghost gate of the ancient emperor Shangya is, they will not be able to attack it.

If you look inside the body of Guhuang Shangya, you will find that there are stars with extremely strong vitality in the body.

Some of these stars have reached their peak development and are many times larger than the sun. Some of them emit red or blue light, which is very scary.

Any attack will appear extremely small and insignificant in front of these stars.

Before it even got close, the corona-like energy destroyed everything.

And these powers penetrated the body of the ancient emperor Shangya, forming an extremely terrifying energy field outside the body of the ancient emperor Shangya.

These energy fields are the key. Not only do they protect Shang Ya's ghost gate, but even ordinary attacks are directly annihilated.

At this moment, Luo Chen discovered more and more how powerful the Ancient Emperor's Sword was.

The methods of the top ten ghost kings are very powerful, but in the end they are still far behind.

The ancient emperor was like an unimaginably huge star, possessing endless energy, while the king was equivalent to a sun.

In the eyes of mortals, the sun is already everything that is unimaginable and unshakable.

And the ancient emperor was even more unimaginable to the sun.

However, the appearance of the bronze mask broke this gap and balance.

The bronze mask looked simple and majestic. Just now, the kings had no way to compete with the ancient emperor. Even a casual blow from the ancient emperor's arrow would penetrate it.

But it's different now.

It seems that the aura of the Ancient Emperor's Sword is no longer able to affect the entire universe. Just now, the entire universe was affected by the aura of the Ancient Emperor's Sword and was constantly distorted.

Obviously, the bronze mask is very extraordinary and extraordinary, and it is really similar to the bronze mask of the ancient Shu Kingdom, that is, Sanxingdui.

The bronze masks lying across the universe at this moment were simple and unpretentious, with nothing special about them, but the entire universe where the Ghost Department was located was completely settled at this moment.

The expressions of the ten ghost kings finally no longer looked as nervous and desperate as before.

If it weren't for the delay in reinforcements from the Eternal Human Court, they wouldn't have come up with such hidden back-up tactics!

The murderous intention emerged in the eyes of the ancient emperor Shangya, with an astonishingly sharp murderous intention, but his combat power seemed to have been infinitely weakened.

"His combat effectiveness is declining!" Luo Chen frowned at this moment.

The Ancient Emperor is really powerful, but his combat effectiveness is still reduced due to the influence of the bronze mask. This is really surprising.

"Now you know how terrible it is once the seal is broken, right?" the flame creature said.

The flame creature seemed to be revealing the secret of the seal as it opened its mouth.

"What's the relationship between the coffin and the mask?" Luo Chen frowned.

But the flame creature was no longer willing to say anything more.

But it's clear that the bronze mask is truly extraordinary.

Several supreme beings next to him wanted to step forward at this moment, but Guhuang Shangya waved his hands to stop them.

Today, the ghost tribe is destroyed.

And it had to be him, who was clearly not afraid of the odds.

At this moment, his long hair was blown up, and he finally no longer had his hands behind his back.

Apparently he was going to take action.

And the eyes of the Ten Kings exploded, and their eyes were extremely fierce.

If he could kill Shang Ya again today, it would be a feat that would last forever.

After all, this is an ancient emperor!

The ancient emperor moved his arrow and raised his hand. When he raised his hand, he had the aura to crush the entire universe and destroy the future of all directions.

Every move seems to affect not only individual living beings, but all living beings in the entire universe.

The terrifying aura around him instantly surrounded him, forming a terrifying rainbow light, which was like a blue dragon.

Almost with a thought, he was in front of the Ten Kings in an instant!

This is so terrifying. When the ancient emperor moves, he is truly invincible, as if a single thought can obliterate any living being.

However, this time it was also surprising. Such a powerful blow from the ancient emperor was once again absorbed by the bronze mask.

A powerful attack, enough to obliterate all living things, enough to destroy the world!

But it was still easily resolved by the bronze mask.

This made everyone in the Ghost Department excited again.

They had just experienced despair, but now there was a slight turn for the better!

Luo Chen also looked at the bronze mask curiously.

However, at this moment, the bronze mask clicked, as if it was split, and ten small bronze masks split from the large bronze mask.

As soon as the mask appeared, Luo Chen felt that something was wrong.

After the ten bronze masks were split, they were caught by the ten ghost kings and put on their faces.

The moment I put it on my face, the atmosphere and breath were completely different.

The auras of the top ten ghost kings are growing visibly to the naked eye. That terrifying aura makes the ten top ghost kings seem to be taking one step closer!

"It's surprising!" Ancient Emperor Shangya looked at the ten ghost kings coldly. To be precise, he was looking at the ancient bronze mask!

However, something even more disturbing came. At this moment, the top ten ghost kings roared fiercely, and then took action. They actually took the initiative to attack. You must know that the ancient emperor's sword had just suppressed them and they didn't dare to act rashly!

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