Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4212 The Tribulation of Common People


At this moment, with this bronze mask, the ten ghost kings actually took the initiative to attack the ancient emperor!

One of the ten ghost kings appeared in front of the ancient emperor Shangya in an instant, and the entire universe looked like a painting at this moment.

The ghost king's shadow is everywhere in the painting, and he seems to be able to appear anywhere he wants.

So he was the first to appear in front of the Ancient Emperor Shangya!

Then he reached out and grabbed it, and the terrifying power exploded instantly.

"How dare you take action against me with the strength of an ant?" Gu Huang Shangye sneered.

But the next moment.


Guhuang Shangya actually flew out horizontally, impacting away with strong force.

The power of the bronze mask is so powerful. With the blessing on the king, the ghost king almost has the power to dominate the world!

The huge force impact was full of ghostly aura, making Gu Huang Shangya slightly stunned.

But as soon as he flew backwards, someone immediately stepped in and another ancient emperor was about to kill him.

The gesture coming from behind seemed to destroy life and death and could imprison the soul!

Even though the Ancient Emperor's Sword was knocked away, he still sensed it. This time he was not careless and grabbed the void suddenly.

The void is in his hands, just like a piece of paper or a rag, he can handle it at will.

In just a moment, the void shrank and twisted, and the ghost king became unstable and fled at high speed!

Because the void was completely distorted, he couldn't use it at all.

But Guhuang Shangya suddenly shook his hand, and Desolation suddenly fell in his hand!


Logically speaking, this blow should smash the Ghost King to pieces.

After all, the casual attack of the Ancient Emperor's Shang Ya just now was already very powerful and unstoppable.

But this blow only staggered the ghost king, although there was blood splashing.

But the ghost king's injuries were not very serious!

In the void, the desolate and terrifying aura was trembling, and the ancient emperor's sword stood proudly, looking at the ghost department attentively! Ghost King! Bronze mask!

"Should we call for reinforcements and crush the ghost tribe directly?" A supreme leader asked for instructions.

Because from the current point of view, the bronze mask is obviously very terrifying, blocking the offensive of the ancient emperor's sword.

And when everyone took a look, they were surprised to find that drops of blood were dripping from Gu Huang Shangya's right hand.

Apparently Guhuang Shangya was injured.

But the Ancient Emperor's Sword still stood proudly in the sky, he was still very confident, and his invincible demeanor always lingered around him.


"I have been fighting for my whole life, why not challenge the entire ghost tribe today?"

"I used to be fearless in the world, but I had no chance to fight with these creatures. Today, with the ancient mask here, it can be regarded as a wish granted!" Ancient Emperor Shangyan held Desolation in his hand. Not only was he not afraid, but he was also very excited!

"Shangya, your wish may make you die here today!" Yougui King said sternly.


"You still don't understand the gap between you and me!" Guhuang Shangye finished his words and took action again!

Desolation pierced the void, and the tip of the spear was filled with endless imperial power. At this moment, the arrow of death was thrust out with a spear!

Buzz, most of the void collapsed!

The ten ghost kings did not dare to neglect this attack, and they worked together to block this attack.

After all, this was no longer a random blow.

The universe is boiling, and there are exploding stars all around. The stars are exploding like beans!

In just a moment, the ancient emperor Shangya fought against the ten ghost kings thousands of times. The universe was filled with holes and dark holes everywhere.

The stars have long been in tatters.

The world is being repaired, but it may take a long time.

But this place is no longer very livable.

Luo Chen watched carefully. He didn't care who won or lost in this battle.

What Luo Chen cares about is how the world can repair itself?

"Once those two stars explode and there is no energy to provide, even if the ghost planet can block the shock wave of the star explosion."

"But the aura will also be taken away!" the flame creature said. Luo Chen had just communicated with it and taught it a lot of modern vocabulary.

"Are you talking about the atmosphere?" Luo Chen understood that the so-called air belt should refer to the air belt!

"Yes, whether a star is alive or dead, sometimes it depends on the air band, which is what you call the atmosphere!" the flame creature said.

Although Luo Chen was looking at the mountains and rivers at the moment, he was in a forbidden area.

In fact, Luo Chen was like a giant celestial being sitting cross-legged in the universe at this moment. He was surrounded by stars the size of marbles, fists, or basketballs.

The stars did not come together to form a spiral, but floated aimlessly.

There are also stars that are attracted by gravity, but they are usually swallowed up. After being attracted to large planets, they will collide with those large planets.

Rather than being able to maintain its own orbit like the earth or other planets, it will neither break away from the sun nor be attracted by the sun and hit the sun.

Luo Chen has tried it many times. It seems simple and everyone is used to it.

But this is very difficult!

Just like the development of science to this day, no one is still able to create a brand new species and life form!

This kind of creation is out of thin air, just like there was no elephant species in the world at the beginning. It is actually very difficult to create this species!

First of all, you have to solve the problem of reproductive isolation, and secondly, edit the genetic code in the elephant body so that the elephants born later will grow up like copy and paste, instead of the next generation being small.

We also have to ensure that they will continue to reproduce without making mistakes or mutating.

Every cell must be controlled here to ensure that the elephant's trunk will grow very big and not turn into a pig's trunk!

Building and simulating an entire universe is equally difficult at the moment.

Because it is already difficult to control the planets to maintain a certain orbit.

At this moment, the universe that is already natural and perfect, that is, the universe where the Ghost Department is located, no one cares about this perfect masterpiece.

What everyone cares about is destroying as much as they want!


The ancient emperor's arrow struck down, and this time one of the ten ghost kings was completely seriously injured.

His body was smashed out and hit the continent, causing a piece of the continent to fly into the sky and a dust storm set off on the entire planet!

Life is fragile!

Just like that, if ordinary people lived up there, it would almost lead to a mass extinction of life!

Because the storm sweeping the world has completely formed, and the huge storm will cover the entire planet with strong dust.

Fortunately, the people from the Ghost Department stopped all this!

But the next moment, golden light flashed, like a golden lightning bolt, passing through another star along the way.

That was the ancient emperor's unparalleled blow!

The entire Ghost Department is in danger again!

If they can't block this blow, not many people in the entire Ghost Club will be able to survive!

At the same time, Ancient Emperor Shangya is becoming more and more impatient. If he can't take down the Ghost Division, then he will just destroy the entire universe! "Do you know how difficult it is?" There is endless sorrow in the eyes of the flame creature, mourning for all creatures...

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