Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4275 Terrorist Power

The young man stood there, very calm and peaceful, elegant, and a little childish.

The young man's eyes are beautiful, as bright and bright as stars.

Fu Danshan swore that he had never seen such special and beautiful eyes in his life.

It's a little dark blue, but it's like black. The eyes are bright and clear, without any smell of fireworks or mundane world. It's so transparent!

Of course, this is not the point. The point is, how can there be a young man in this imperial palace?

Fu Danshan wanted to remind the other party to run quickly, but then he thought about it and saw that the other party was wearing an imperial robe and an imperial crown.

Could it be that the other party is?

Time and space seemed to be quiet.

Everything was so quiet and peaceful, and everything in the world seemed to be frozen at this moment.

It's like a hallucination.

Fu Denshan watched the ancient emperor's sword freeze in the air.

The knife continued to fall, and everything in the world seemed to be frozen.

Was this a hallucination before his death?

This was his dying wish, so does it appear now?

But the young man looked at him and then withdrew his gaze.

"You have been guarding here all your life." Young man Lang Youyou said.

Then the boy finally took out one hand behind his back, while the other hand was still behind his back.

His hands looked like those of a young man, white and clean.

It definitely doesn’t have too many muscles and won’t grow too big, so it looks fair and clean, but it definitely doesn’t have strength!

It was just that the young man stretched out his hand at this moment, and suddenly put his hand in front of the ancient emperor's forehead!

This makes people feel confused. The ancient emperor was tall, but the young man was not that tall.

But at this moment, as if there was a spatial dislocation, the young man put his hand in front of the ancient emperor so easily, on his forehead!

The young man slowly curled his fingers.

A flick of the finger!

The ancient emperor watched all this happen.

But he had no time to react.

Because in this space, time is very wrong.

Time is chaotic.

From the time he noticed someone to the time the other person bent his fingers, it only took a moment.

This moment is not the moment of ordinary people, but the moment of the ancient emperor.

At this moment, the ancient emperor had no time to react.

It was obviously a long time, but at least the young man came out and said a few words.

Then slowly raise your arms.

But time is not fair at this moment.

For Fudanshan, everything seemed to be at a standstill.

The ancient emperor couldn't even move.

But for the ancient emperor, time was sped up instantly.

Yes, it's fast, in a weird way, a way that can't be understood!

Therefore, the ancient emperor really had no choice. He didn't even have time to sense the danger.

The only thing he could feel was that something was about to fall between his eyebrows, and it was coming!

This is the perspective of this ancient emperor!

He is the ancient emperor!

But at this moment, he was already panicking, and the panic spread throughout his body in an instant.

Panic spread from the heart, and when it reached his neck, the boy's calm bullet fell.

Like a drop of dew slowly sliding down from a lotus leaf, it hit the calm lake water with a popping sound.

It's like a drop of rainwater falling on the stone at the back of someone's house.

Power, not much!

But the ancient emperor's head instantly fell back!

When you are almost reaching your limit!


The ancient emperor's head exploded.

It was like a watermelon being smashed hard by a big hammer, or like someone had lifted the watermelon high and then hit it hard on the ground!

The ancient emperor's head exploded like this, and blood flew everywhere.

Being so close, blood would definitely splash onto the young man's body.

It will definitely splash onto Fudanshan’s body.

But the next moment, the blood seemed to be blocked by transparent glass.

A headless body fell to the ground.

This is just a matter of a short moment.

But Fudan Mountain seems like a lifetime has passed.

His breathing quickened, he knew, he was sure.

The young man in front of me is.


At this moment, Fu Denshan's eyes were filled with tears, and his eyes turned red instantly.

He finally met the Emperor!

This is the Emperor!

Although it's different than expected.

"You were scared just now." The Emperor's voice was childish.

But who dares to despise it?

To kill an ancient emperor at the snap of a finger is too far-fetched.

But this scene actually happened.

Fu Den Shan knew that the Emperor could see through people's hearts and see through everything.

Therefore, he did not lie or hide anything.

He nodded.

He was really scared just now.

"There's no need to be afraid now." The emperor said slowly.

Then the emperor walked out in one step and sat down slowly the next moment.

The moment he sat down, there was another throne behind the emperor. The backrest behind the throne was more like a tall stone tablet.

Engraved on the stone tablet are the patterns of Hetu and Luoshu.

The Emperor just sat like that, without any terrifying aura or overwhelming arrogance.

Compared to the auras of the ancient emperors, the Emperor looked like an ordinary person.

Ordinary to the extreme.

Even so inconspicuous.

But at this moment, the first reaction of more than forty ancient emperors was to run!

With a roar, more than forty ancient emperors scattered, dispersed, disappeared in an instant, and moved thousands of miles away in an instant.

This is so shocking.

The emperor was suddenly still alive.

If they dare to test, they also have certain intelligence.

Otherwise, how dare you?

But now it's clear their intelligence was false.

It has been tens of millions of years, and even in the Guixu War that year, the Emperor never participated.

But at this moment the emperor appeared.

This must have been a major event in the First Age.

It must be a major event that caused huge waves in the First Era.

The emperor did not pursue him, which was not in line with the emperor's status.

And the ancient emperors were right to run.

If the Ancient Emperor wants to challenge a top-level creature, there must be another top-level creature, or at least someone who once was a top-level creature is present.

It is impossible for the ancient emperor alone to challenge the top creatures.

After all, the word "top" already represents everything.

The top creatures of any era are extremely terrifying.

Therefore, Guhuang running away is definitely the wisest decision.

The emperor just raised his hand, he would not chase after him personally.

But I won’t let everyone go without doing anything.

When he raised his hand, the void seemed to be caught in his hand.

At this moment, Zunzu, after seeing the emperor, had already walked towards the emperor.

"I'm a little incompetent. You still need to come out personally for this kind of thing." Zunzu cupped his fists and bowed.

"You are also old and no longer at your peak. This situation is normal. This may be the last time I come back." The emperor said.

The emperor cannot always look like a young man.

This is what he once was back.

And he didn't come back when he grew up.

"This world is still rotten, isn't it?" As the Emperor spoke, a void had already been captured by him.

There are three ancient emperors wrapped inside!

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