Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4276 The strange past and future

The scalps of the three ancient emperors were numb and their expressions were horrified.

The Emperor is too scary.

And it's very strange. How can the emperor look like a young man?

This is incredible and outrageous.

"The Immortal King and the Human Emperor want to graft the First Era after the Fifth Era."

"Plan to go against the flow of time!"

"Don't they know that Kunpeng, the only demon master who can control time, is trapped in the fourth era?" the emperor said softly.

The emperor's so-called dilemma is that no matter what, Demon Master Kunpeng has passed away and it is impossible to be truly reborn. The only place where Demon Master Kunpeng exists is in the early days of the Fourth Era.

This was something the Queen experimented with!

The demon master Kunpeng cannot be completely resurrected.

The Queen had tried to be resurrected in the Fifth Era, but it obviously failed.

Because that demon master Kunpeng did not have the complete ability to control time.

And some things are stuck, even if it is to fish out Demon Master Kunpeng from the torrent of time.

Then we have to face the cause and effect of the Fourth Era!

In the Fourth Era, let’s not talk about the Xuan family, but the God of War and the Immortal of the Underworld are troublesome enough.

Therefore, Demon Master Kunpeng can only be stuck in the fourth era.

This also means that the plan of the Immortal King and others failed.

Zunzu nodded.

"Their idea was wrong from the beginning, and they are still so stubborn. It seems that I will still fail in the future." The Emperor sighed.

"That person like you has already arrived." Zunzu said.

The one mentioned by Zun Zu is naturally Luo Chen. .

And Luo Chen is the same as the Emperor?

That can only be one thing.

The person he is now is not the person he was later.

In the later period, he had gone back to the past.

The emperor is the same as Luo Chen.

Luo Chen has returned to the First Era at this moment. If Luo Chen doesn't go back.

So what happens?

Luo Chen disappeared in the Fifth Era, and there will be no more Luo Chen in the Fifth Era!

The same is true for the emperor.

The emperor went back to the first era.

Therefore, there is an emperor in the Eternal Human Court, but the emperor is no longer there.

And the Emperor and Luo Chen are different.

Luo Chen went back to the past and passed through his soul.

But the reason why the Emperor returned to the past is because the Emperor himself is very special, so the Emperor completely returned to the past with his physical body.

This also means that the subsequent emperor may not be able to come back.

To put it simply, the adult emperor returned to the past of the First Era.

Now here comes the young Emperor, who has traveled from the future of the First Era.

But obviously he couldn't stay too long.

It won't stay too long either.

And the adult emperor should also be doing something in the ancient past of the First Era.

The emperor obviously couldn't spare any time to come back, and even the young emperor Lang said so.

This may be the last time he comes back.

He is the same as Luo Chen, if he does not go back to the past, go back to intercept the enemy and block everything.

Then the First Era might not have been born.

But the emperor felt a little regretful.

Because in the end, the First Age still seemed to be heading for destruction.

Obviously the emperor's method is very special. He can see through everything and even know some about the future.

The three ancient emperors were trembling with fear. They really felt it was too terrifying at this moment.

The Emperor, even the Emperor in his youth, has actually reached the top level of beings.

This is too far-fetched and terrifying.

However, this boy, the Emperor, is obviously not a boy in the current human sense.

This young man is probably tens of millions of years old.

The three ancient emperors had great arrogance before, but they still seemed powerless and weak in front of the top creatures.

The emperor sighed.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment.

"Where is Futian?" The emperor suddenly asked.

"He's leaving first." Zunzu lowered his head and said.

The Emperor will not initiate a war, nor will he cause chaos in the First Era.

Because for the First Era, the Emperor Lord made a lot of comebacks.

Therefore, strictly speaking, there is some conflict between Futian and the Emperor.

Because Futian wanted to completely cleanse the entire First Era.

To do that is to burn yourself and then bring about resistance.

But the Emperor himself hopes for peace in the First Era.

He is like Luo Chen in the First Era, going back to the past, trying to do everything well, and then making the First Era peaceful and stable!

But obviously, it was just like when Luo Chen returned to the Fifth Era and discovered that the secular people led by Ye Shuangshuang were going to provoke a world-destroying war that would destroy the Fifth Era.

This is actually very difficult to deal with.

On the one hand, it is the righteousness of the world, in order to let more people live.

On one side are your own people!

This is also the same as Zunzu, although he doesn't stop him in this matter, he can't help Futian!

Because Zunzu is also in a dilemma.

And Futian used his death to provoke the war. There was another reason for his death.

That's because he knows that he has no face, or that he can't face the emperor!

How would he face the Emperor about this matter?

After all, the Emperor devoted his life to the First Era.

But Futian himself might want to destroy the people of the First Era.

So for Futian, death is the best explanation!

Of course, if Luo Chen returns to the Fifth Era and discovers that Secular is about to destroy the world, there is a high probability that Luo Chen will side with Secular.

Deathly silence.

Very quiet, very quiet.

The emperor was sitting on the throne, not knowing what he was thinking.

Even though he is a young boy, he is still terrifying and a top-notch creature.

There is no terrifying momentum, but the top creatures are still enough to explain everything.

"Is this the future?"

After a long time, the Emperor spoke softly.

He once liked to ask his master one thing.

What is the future?

Where is the future?

He came and he saw.

He took great pains to see the future.

But as soon as he appeared, it was the Eternal Human Court that wanted to be destroyed, and it was his own people who wanted to destroy the First Era.

Was it his former comrades who sent people to attack his Eternal Family?

"How will I choose in the future?" The Emperor sighed.

Zunzu was silent, he didn't know how to answer.

Only Zun Zu knew that the emperor was leaving.

The Emperor first went to the Kuji Universe and then came back.

In the end, the emperor returned to the lonely universe.

Then it disappeared.

Zunzu knew that the Emperor didn't disappear, he just returned to the past, a long time ago.

The Emperor in front of him was not an adult Emperor. He knew something.

Obviously don't know something either.

But thinking about it, the adult emperor must know everything about today.

Because the emperor during Young Lang's period has come to the future and has seen all this.

Therefore, because the emperor in the young boy's period came to see today, the adult emperor has already known today's situation in the past!

This may be the reason why the emperor left some backup for the Eternal Court before leaving!

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