Luo Chen smiled because the Golden Human Race was really serious about it.

Once we get down to it, this place won't be solved for a while.

Especially after the 100 million golden human army went down, Luo Chen believed that

Now that the war has started completely, this place is destined to be unrest. With such a large scale, it is already considered a small battlefield.

And Dang Hu laughed, naturally because he thought that according to this situation, rescuing the two ancient emperors should not be a big problem.

Lan Hai smiled because of the power shown by the incoming army of their Golden Human Race.

Although he is sitting below and not on Luo Chen's throne, he is only an elder of the Golden Human Race, not an ancestor.

However, he was very high-spirited at the moment. He felt that both his confidence and momentum were enough to overwhelm the ancestors of the Imperial Clan.

And this is because the army of the golden human race is coming.

The momentum of the Golden Human Race's army is indeed terrifying, shaking the entire universe. It can be said that although an army of one billion is so insignificant compared to the entire universe. ..

But in terms of momentum, with an army of one billion, fifty million golden troops, and two supreme warriors, the entire universe has been completely controlled by the golden army.

Golden light shines all around, and the golden ocean is surrounding everything here.

The golden ocean is like the Milky Way, comparable to a galaxy. It is of course easy to wrap around a planet, and there is also a part of the golden ocean that is preparing to rush towards the entire ancient star.

It can be said that the Golden Human Race is really generous. The golden ocean alone is enough to submerge the entire ancient star.

Every inch of land, every inch of depression, and even the mountains in the entire ancient star will be submerged by the golden liquid.

Luo Chen took a look and knew the golden human race's plan and battle plan.

I have to say that this is the foundation and confidence that the First Era should have. It is too terrifying.

It is a secret that the Fifth Era can never come up with.

After all, the golden ocean can submerge an entire galaxy, let alone a planet.

With such great power, it would be too terrifying to start a fight.

And the four sky-reaching golden pillars also exude a powerful aura, anchoring the void of the universe, and carrying a strong sense of oppression.

It seems that the laws and principles here have completely changed.

A giant planet is forcing its way into the entire star system.

Its gravity is too great. After all, the entire body, even the core, is made of gold, and its quality is terrifying.

But it didn't destroy the surrounding space. It stands to reason that the mass of this golden star would not disturb the planetary orbit here.

Even the star here will be attracted by its strong gravity.

However, it was not like this. The Golden Sky Pillar stabilized the void.

Let the golden planet come to the vicinity here smoothly.

On that planet, there are an army of one billion golden humans at the moment.

Tongtian’s generous act!

"Those four golden pillars really make people feel very good." Luo Chen said with admiration.

"Ancestor, that's actually something from the Golden Department of the Five Elements Department. It was just robbed." Pu Yi said.

He knew some legends and secrets, and knew the origin of the Golden Tongtian Residence.

Luo Chen nodded, but he didn't expect that this thing actually belonged to the Five Elements Department and was snatched away by the Golden Human Race.

It seems that many years ago, the Five Elements Department was indeed glorious.

No wonder the bodies of people suspected of being from the Xi tribe were suppressed in the forbidden area of ​​the Five Elements Department.

"They are about to start." Pu Yi said seriously.

Ever since they knew that it was not Luo Chen's tricks on the ancient star, they felt much more relaxed.

It doesn't matter, it's not my ancestor's thing anyway, just mess with it as you like.

At this moment, they also had the attitude of watching a show.

Let's fight, the more brutal the better, the crazier the better!

Luo Chen naturally thought the same way. The Imperial Dao clan fell from above and now they are just watching the show.

The army of the Golden Human Race has indeed moved, their flags fluttering and flying.

Even their battle flags are golden, golden and very beautiful!

"Commander, if you take down this ancient star later and break through the methods on this ancient star, will anyone feel distressed?" Lan Hai said deliberately.

He didn't lower his voice, he just said it like that. It seemed that he had said it to the guards, but in fact it was meant for others, especially Luo Chen.

"Will you?" The guard had questions, but he did not give a positive answer.

But he was very sure in his heart that Luo Chen would not feel bad.

Because at present, it does not look like the method of the ancestor of the Imperial Clan.

Otherwise, with such a big battle coming, he wouldn't be able to sit still!

He had also foolishly thought that if he staged a big battle, he would really take advantage, which would make the ancestor of the Imperial Clan feel distressed.

However, the reality is that he is just a theatergoer.

At this moment, a man wearing golden armor ran up to Lan Hai, then clasped his fists and bowed to Lan Hai, as if asking for instructions.

Lan Hai nodded, and the man quickly picked up the flag and waved it.

Suddenly, it moved.

In the surrounding space here, not to mention the ancient stars, the entire galaxy and star system are surrounded by a golden ocean.

If the Golden Human Race wants to attack Luo Chen at this time.

So it can be said that this is an excellent opportunity.

Because everyone is wrapped in a golden ocean.

The golden ocean is like a huge egg shell, covering everything here.

Then, the golden ocean moved and began to flow out golden liquid, ready to rush towards the ancient star.

The entire ancient star now shows a deep red color.

Looking outside, you can see that the entire ancient star is wrapped in a dark red protective cover.

The golden ocean rushed away like a celestial river with a roar.

Very surprised.

Normally, one should rush directly into the ancient star, but it was shocking.

Even Luo Chen looked at Gu Xing curiously.

Because at this moment, the golden divine liquid rushed towards Gu Xing, but was blocked by the red light shield!

A shock wave actually erupted between the two.

Luo Chen's eyes gradually became deeper and more serious.

Is this resistance?


In other words, it's not that I'm afraid, at least I'm not as calm as before.

When Lan Hai saw this scene and combined with Luo Chen's expression, he knew that the people of the Imperial Clan would not be able to hold on for long.

"Attack!" Lan Hai waved his hand again.

In fact, the army of the Golden Human Race has already moved, with a murderous intent that threatens to flatten the entire ancient star, shatter the universe, and destroy the world.

They held golden soldiers, and the large army suddenly rushed towards the ancient star. The golden color was flowing and it was very dazzling and brilliant!

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