Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4464 Pilgrimage

The vast army was filled with a murderous aura, like a golden torrent, bright and dazzling.

The arrogance is even more invincible, like a victorious master, going to break through the world and destroy everything.

The golden army rushed into the ancient star, and this time, it was not blocked.

But the golden divine liquid was blocked, blocked by the red light curtain.

However this is not the end.

Because the golden divine liquid continues to increase, impacting the entire red light curtain.

Luo Chen has been paying attention to all this.

After all, when the ancient emperor went down before, the red light curtain never stopped him.

Is today's golden ocean more terrifying than the ancient emperor?

Let the things on the ancient star actually block it.

Or is there a relationship between restraint and restraint?

As for the troops rushing down, Luo Chen didn't care, because those troops would die if they rushed down.

"At one go, rush down, capture it, crush the enemies above, and show off the power of my golden human race!"

At this moment, Lan Hai looked like he was crazy. He roared like this.

More golden armies attack.

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be like this. After all, no one fights like this. It's completely unorganized to attack directly!

But Lan Hai and the Golden Human Race didn't care.

Because there are too many of them and they are invincible.

At this moment, the place is surrounded by a golden ocean, and even with all the means to reach the sky, it is impossible to teleport the army in.

This means that if the Imperial Clan wants to rescue them, they must fight against the golden ocean from the front and attack them head-on.

Then that's another story.

But at least, no troops can be teleported to that ancient star.

And now that there are so many people in the army of the Golden Human Race, it doesn't matter even if there are two or three Ancient Emperors hidden on the ancient star, they are still capable of fighting.

After all, they have warriors like Jin Wangyang, plus 50 million golden legions, their combat effectiveness is very powerful and they can be called invincible.


At the same time, he will be crushed with the force of sweeping Qianjun!




"Leave no one alive!" Lan Hai was not afraid to give orders one after another at this moment, bursting out with extremely confident and crazy words.

So what if the ancestor of the Imperial Clan is in person?

Here, their golden race is the boss.

At this moment, he spoke without any scruples.

"Even though the Golden Human Race experienced the Guixu War and was maimed, they still have the courage and confidence to overwhelm the Imperial Dao Race!"

He said it so brazenly, which made Pu Yi's face darken, and Cang Lan and others' eyes flashed with coldness.

Only Luo Chen has a good attitude. After all, when he was in the earth's city, he had seen many such fools and no longer cared about them.

Seeing that the Imperial Dao clan seemed to dare to be angry but dare not speak out, he became even more confident and arrogant.

Of course Dang Hu didn't care what Lan Hai said, he only cared about one thing.

Can the golden divine fluid break through the red mask?

If it is broken, their ancient emperor should have a chance to escape, right?

After all, no matter the target, he can definitely be a scapegoat.

The Ancient Emperor's chances of escaping must be greater than others.

People kept rushing down from high altitudes.


Gold helped them delay death.

However, this is not a death-free gold medal. They will still die, but it will be many times slower than those of the Human Desolation Saint Clan.

However, at this moment, watching the army of golden humans falling from high in the sky, some of them shouted.

"Don't come down!"

"What are you doing?"

"Don't come down, stop it now!"

"Stop, this is the Jedi, something is wrong!"

"There may be people from the witch clan here, there are big witches, it's a cursed place."

But the people who came down didn't care about this at all.

They were all extremely excited, even elated.

"Don't be afraid, brothers, we are here to save you.".

"Brothers, there is no need to worry about the army coming, we will fight back together!"

"Where are the enemies?"

"Where? Let's hunt together!"

"Don't come down again. There are no enemies. This is an ominous place."

"Don't worry, an army of one billion is enough to sweep everything!"

"We have launched into the golden ocean and are not afraid of any big enemy!"

The sky is like dumplings falling, golden light is shining brightly.

Of course, there are many people who are still happy that someone has come down to save them.

At this moment they raised their arms and waved, cheering.

After all, there is strength in numbers, and when there are more people, fear will be dispelled.

Golden light glittered in the sky, and warriors from the golden human race kept falling down.

Especially the arrival of 50 million golden legions is even more crazy. Their bodies are shining with endless golden light.

At the same time, because they were coming, part of the golden ocean followed them in.

Although it's not much, it's still a big breakthrough.

At this moment, a king raised his hand and waved, and a war flag in his hand swept across all directions. The flag in his hand looked golden. Although it was not very big, it had some magical power.

At this moment, he was actually able to drive and command the golden divine fluid.

The golden divine liquid did not come together, but separated.

Quickly separated at high altitude.

Then fall again.

It's raining, it's golden rain.

The golden divine liquid actually fell from the sky in the form of rain at this moment.

The patter of golden raindrops is very heavy. When it falls from high altitude, it is much scarier than the raindrops.

It kept falling, smashing down.

The golden raindrops penetrated some bright red Hibiscus flowers on the ground.

When the bright red Bianhua flower touched the golden raindrops, white smoke suddenly began to emit.

White smoke rose, and the red Hibiscus flower actually began to wither.

At this moment, even the red light curtain in the sky seemed to be weakening, and the color began to fade.

Obviously the golden divine liquid has great power.

However, things don't seem that simple.

Because after the Flower of the Other Side withered, a new Flower of the Other Side sprouted out of the earth again.

At the same time, somewhere in the ancient star, a river of blood appeared in a mountain-like place.

The blood river smelled fishy, ​​the blood was not fresh, and some blood clotted and rolled in the blood river.

The blood river flows into the distance, and the blood river flows from the red coffin.

"Living people, living people..."

The corpses around were very excited, because it seemed that as the blood flowed out, the aura in the coffin became stronger.

It's not absorbing blood, it's releasing blood!

It's as if the blood is sealing itself!

The flowers on the other shore kept popping up all around, and the corpses were rising and falling, kneeling down and raising their heads to worship, again and again, in perfect order, performing some kind of worship ceremony!

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