Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4465 The Unsolvable Female Corpse

The kneeling corpses seemed to be densely packed now. They were worshiping, especially the dead army of the Holy Clan in the beginning.

They did not participate in the war and were not controlled like the Heavenly Saint Army.

At this moment, these corpses are only doing one thing, which is to worship the corpse, constantly raising their hands, and then kneeling down again.

At the same time, strange syllables came out of their mouths, which were not sounds that humans could make.

If anyone has heard that sound in mass graves and cemeteries in the middle of the night, they will be familiar with it, and it is certainly not that of a fox.

But another voice.

There are gusty winds here, and there are occasional red lights. Obviously, it is just as Luo Chen guessed.

The more people die now, the more fed and stronger the things here are.

Now all actions into this ancient star are feeding!

At present, except for Luo Chen, who can see and guess it.

Everyone else doesn't know and is still in the dark.

And it was different. The entire ancient star seemed to be stimulated by some mysterious power because it was suppressed by the Golden Divine Liquid and the Golden Human Race.

"People" began to appear throughout the ancient star.

A group of warriors from the Golden Human Race were heading towards the other side of the mountain at the moment. They were sent out to look for others.

They could have flown, but the terrain ahead was complicated. If they were flying, it would be difficult to find out what was on the ground in detail.

So about thirty people walked forward. This group of people was also very powerful. Their auras were as strong as ancient heavenly soldiers.

They walked forward, preparing to explore into the thick fog.

Soon, they entered the thick fog, and the visibility was not bad.

They tried to blow away the thick fog, but failed. The thick fog was a bit strange and could not be blown away.

That's why they venture in.

However, as soon as they entered, they saw a woman in white with her back to them.

The woman in white clothes, with long black hair hanging behind her head, stood in the distance, motionless!

"How could there be a woman?" Someone wondered at this moment, and boldly tried to move forward.

"Be careful!" someone warned.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?"

"Are you injured?"

"Turn around!" Several people stepped forward and approached the woman.

Something was wrong, this woman never spoke.

"Hey!" One of them boldly grabbed the woman's shoulder with his hand.

It feels a little cold to the touch, not like a living person.

He turned the woman around hard.

As the woman's cheek was turned, it was normal.

The woman looked like she had been dead for a long time. Her eyes were closed and her face looked normal, not like a dead person.

These people are confused!

"It's okay, come here." One of them waved to his teammates behind him.

However, when the person behind him looked at him, it was obvious that he had extremely strong fear!

"What are you doing?" The man didn't notice and was very confused.

He looked back at the woman again. It was normal. It was just a corpse.

"Haven't you seen dead people?"

"What are you afraid of? Come on!" The soldier continued to shout to his companions behind him.

But the companions behind him showed even more fearful expressions!

No, something is very wrong!

"What's wrong with you?" He was confused.

"What are you afraid of? It's just a corpse!" he continued.

And when he took a step forward, his companions quickly picked up their weapons and pointed them all at him!

This made him very confused!

"What are you afraid of?"


"What are you afraid of?"

"Let me ask you, what are you afraid of?" he shouted angrily.

But his companions are still keeping distance!

He rushed forward and a golden sword pierced his body.

But he didn't feel anything, and instead roared directly at his companions.

"What are you afraid of?"

He held the head of his stabbing companion in his hands.

"I, I'm not afraid anymore!" His companion suddenly said.

"now it's right."

Then he and his companions turned around and looked at the other companions.

The other companions looked at him, as well as the companion who had just stabbed him, with expressions of fear again.

And he and his companion who stabbed him spoke at the same time.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid of us!"

"We are partners, we are together."


A group of people behind them quickly retreated, but they chased after them!

Yes, they!

For a soldier who had just started to interact with female corpses, he thought it was normal. He didn't understand what his companions were afraid of.

But, in fact, in the eyes of his companions!

The moment he came into contact with the female corpse, he became exactly like the female corpse.

And there was a female corpse lying on the back.

He is exactly the same as the female corpse, and he is also exactly the same as the female corpse on his back, just like twins.

At this moment, two female corpses were chasing after each other, very crazy. The two female corpses were carrying two more female corpses on their backs!

Someone tried to attack!

But as long as the attack is successful, it will turn into a female corpse!

Just now, a warrior from the Golden Human Race attacked.

Because there were more than thirty female corpses chasing him behind him, wearing golden battle armor, they all turned into strange female corpses.

There was a dark failure on those female corpses, with a sinister smile and a cry!

They were very crazy, roaring and shouting with the unique high-pitched voice of women!

"Don't be afraid of us. Why are you afraid of us?"

A warrior from the Golden Human Tribe flew high into the sky, then raised the long sword in his hand, and slashed down with a crazy sword energy from a distance.

As a result, after he chopped it down, he found that it had no effect at all.

He then tried to leave, but something felt wrong.

Because when he flew over, his companions were also moving away from him!

This surprised him. What was going on?

He was puzzled and gradually began to feel resentful!

"Why are you afraid of me?"

"Why are you staying away from me?"

"Don't leave me!" The resentment is very strong and terrifying!

Many people in the distance can see clearly that they cannot attack, or in other words, cannot contact!

Because an attack is also considered a kind of contact.

As long as it comes into contact, it will turn into a female corpse!

This is very scary, you can't get close, and you can't attack the opponent!

"What about Taoism and the like?"

"If you have the ability, give it a try!" a team commander ordered.

Someone tried it, and the golden human race will also learn some Taoist methods, and now they will use Taoist methods to attack.

It was a very huge golden dragon, with unparalleled momentum and the power to collapse the sky. The dragon's energy penetrated the rainbow.

However, it came into contact and penetrated.

But it doesn't work!

Then, the person who performed Taoism suddenly changed in the eyes of others.

It also turned into a female corpse!

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