Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4641 Battlefield Center

The answer is, ordinary people, the answer is people who have been abandoned by heaven and earth and allowed to be bullied by others!

Although the Imperial Clan will also select some geniuses.

But in reality, it’s more ordinary people.

Ordinary First Age humans.

Many of them even have extremely low talents. Perhaps the only thing they can rely on in this life is their youth.

But as the genetic shackles spread, they no longer even have this most basic means.

However, even if there are, facing other human races who are born with bloodline advantages, these people will always be the lowest level reptiles!

They were bullied, looked down upon, and some were even treated as slaves!

Just like this king, 300,000 years ago, he was just an ordinary child in Wangjia Village.

And that day, Valkyrie personally massacred their entire Wangjia Village, including their parents!

The cause of the matter was simply that when the Valkyrie was patrolling the world, the car passed through the sky, and a villager looked up at the car curiously!

Just because of this glance, the Valkyrie deemed it as a violation of the Valkyrie's divine power!

The whole village was slaughtered and blood flowed like a river!

This king’s previous name was Wang Yun, but later he changed his name to Wang Dao!

The former little Wang Yun's parents were also killed by the Valkyrie, and Wang Yun was jokingly called a reptile by the Valkyrie.

He poisoned Wang Yun with a kind of gold poison in his body.

Wang Yun relied on his own perseverance to come to the Imperial Clan, and was later adopted by the Imperial Clan.

Finally, Wang Yun changed his name to Wang Dao, and he eventually became a king!

Although the Valkyrie of the Golden Human race looks beautiful, she is extremely vicious and cruel at heart!

As soon as Wang Dao appeared here, Valkyrie recognized him.

Because there is a golden golden pattern on Wang Dao's neck!

That's the golden poison she gave!

She knows it!

Wang Dao did not erase the golden pattern, but kept it as a reminder to himself!

"So, if you bring people to take revenge, are you not afraid of causing a war between the two clans?" Valkyrie mocked again.

"Revenge?" Wang Dao looked at her with clear eyes.

"You are narrow-minded, too. You used to attack creatures like ants, which shows that you are very narrow-minded."

"With the blessing of blood, I stepped into the king's realm!"

"But are you really qualified?" Wang Dao's posture was natural and free.

"I have long since given up my hatred."

"I am here today just to kill you!" Wang Dao said.

The day he became king, he had already let go of his obsessions and gained clarity.

He just lamented the unfairness of fate.

There are many people like him in the Imperial Clan. They may be ordinary people, or most of them may be mediocre and have mediocre qualifications!

However, they don’t want to bow to fate and don’t want to be arranged!

Although Wangjia Village seemed to be massacred by the Valkyrie back then.

But that is also arranged by destiny, and destiny affects everything.

"The former reptile now has such courage and courage!"

"But you alone are not enough!" The Valkyrie's breath bloomed, like a golden flower of the avenue, covering the entire universe.

The Imperial Clan's army did not attack here, but bypassed it and advanced.

Here, it is left to the king!

Wang Dao stands here alone, but now he is the king, and he is not afraid of anything.

"I admit that I was once very weak, as weak as a firefly, but you were once as bright as the sun."

"However, there is a way for the weak."

"Today, you will die!" As Wang Dao's words fell, countless golden lights rose from the sky and the earth!

And the royal way took one step, shattering many Valkyries who were about to step forward!

The war broke out at this moment!

There is a lot of movement here. He is unparalleled in talent and love, but his bloodline is a little different. But the more he goes through hardships like this, the stronger he becomes!

The Valkyrie who was hit with a flip of her hand flew away, bleeding profusely!


"How can you experience strength if you have never experienced weakness?"

"You are too weak!" Wang Dao said, and suppressed him with surging power.

The Imperial Clan has now penetrated the entire universe.

The fighting spirit is too strong and too high.

Especially when I saw the scene where Luo Chen ascended to heaven!

Many people in the Imperial Clan were once oppressed people, but now they are finally no longer oppressed.

The entire universe is full of corpses, and people who died in battle are everywhere!

Just as they arrived at the edge of the universe, the army of the Golden Human Race had already arrived!

"Emperor clan, you are so brave!" The two leading kings were furious at this moment!

The 100 million army behind them was golden, extremely gorgeous, like a golden gem in the dark universe!

But the army of the Imperial Clan did not speak, and a battle flag flew across the sky.

With a whoosh, he was thrust directly in front of the two kings!

It was played by a quasi-king of the Imperial Clan.

"Kill!" He yelled "Kill!" and charged straight away!

The Imperial Clan took action, and the terrifying aura caused the battlefield to boil in an instant.

Moreover, just after the fight, the army of the Golden Human Race suffered a heavy loss.

Because there were too few of them, they were surrounded!

Although the Imperial Dao clan believes in Dao, it does not mean that they are weak and kind!

People who practice Taoism look kind and peaceful.

This is a misunderstanding!

Although Taoist cultivators are kind, in order to keep the Taoist heart clear, they will kill those who should be killed. Otherwise, how can the Taoist heart be clear?

Even the Confucians who talked about etiquette were extremely misunderstood by later generations, because you must know that Confucius wore a sword, and wearing a sword is not unreasonable!

In the past, Confucian scholars had to practice riding, shooting and fighting!

And the Taoist, the same is true!

The Imperial Clan attacked very fiercely!

Even crazy and fearless of death!

"Where is the ancient emperor?"

"Where is our ancient emperor?"

"Where is the ancient emperor who is sitting here?" The people of the Golden Human Race are retreating steadily!

It stands to reason that their fighting power should be more ferocious than the Imperial Clan.

Because as a golden human race, we are also a fighting race!

But at this moment, they were retreating steadily.

And the head of the ancient emperor they were calling for had already been at the feet of Dongji Tiangong of the Imperial Clan.

There must be an ancient emperor sitting on the border.

But that ancient emperor had been hunted long ago!

"The third army has broken through the obstruction of the Golden Human Race."

"Now the 17th, 18th, 27th, and 37th Routes are attacking from both sides, and the main force will penetrate directly into the center of the Golden Human Race according to the plan!"

"At the same time, we will cut off the third golden universe and break the connection channel. The formation has been activated, leaving them isolated and helpless!" At this moment, the people from the Imperial Clan are directing the battle in the rear!

They adopted a strategy of encircling and defeating them one by one!

"Make sure to win it within three hours in that universe." The Antarctic Sky said.

But it can be seen that his condition is very bad, and all four gods are injured.

They were preparing to make a surprise attack on the universe on the side of the Human Desolate Saint Clan. During their trip, all four Tiangongs were injured, among which the Antarctic Tiangong was the most seriously injured.

I almost said it was there!

If he hadn't used his trump card, he would never have come back today.

And the people who injured them were not from the Human Desolation Saint Clan!

"Where is the Human Desolation Saint Clan?" the person in command asked at this moment.

"Don't worry about that, the Human Desolation Saint Clan is definitely finished!" Antarctic God suddenly said!

"Ah?" The commander obviously didn't understand what this meant!

"Separate a part of the army to defend the universe behind Zhentian Pass according to the wishes of the ancestors!" Dongji Tiangong also said. After they encountered the Human Desolate Saint Clan, they already understood that the ancestor's words were right.

At this moment, they also realized where the central battlefield of the war was!

"There will be a meat grinder there. After we take down the Golden Human Race, we can even consider attacking the immortal lineage!" The Antarctic God suddenly said a huge idea! "What?"

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