Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4642: Flowers bloom in many places

Lightning attack on the Immortal Clan?

This idea is really too bold!

This is something that I dare not even think about!

The Immortal Clan was already the second largest behemoth before.

Then, after the attack on the Old Man Emperor and the battle of Guixu, the Empress was dismembered.

Since then, the power of the Immortal Clan has become extremely huge, and it has united with the Tianren Dao Palace.

And it has also formed an alliance with the Human Emperor Tribe!

Why has the Emperor Dao Clan been forbearing for so many years? After all, the Human Wasteland Saint Clan has been destroyed, and the Golden Human Clan is also a large tribe that has been destroyed.

And the Emperor Dao Clan is still forbearing.

This is because the Immortal Clan and the Tianren Dao Palace are behind the Golden Human Clan and the Emperor Dao Clan!

What the Emperor Dao Clan fears is not the Golden Human Clan and the Human Wasteland Saint Clan, but the Immortal Clan.

Now, just after the battle has begun, they are ready to strike the Immortal Clan?

Everyone was shocked by the extraordinary remarks of Nanji Tiangong!

"Doing this is equivalent to a direct decisive battle?"

"We must find a way to consume the Immortal Clan!" Dongji Tiangong said.

"This is to consume the Immortal Clan."

"If we attack the Immortal Clan, the Immortal Clan will definitely retaliate, and there is a 50% chance that they will attack us!"

"Who will they attack with the other 50% chance?" Nanji Tiangong asked.

"Our ancestor?" The responsible command think tank and senior officials spoke at this moment.

"That's right, if the Immortal Clan wants to establish its prestige, kill the chicken to scare the monkey, reduce casualties, or even kill with one blow, in fact, attacking our ancestor is the best choice!"

"But the situation on the ancestor's side is already very complicated. Can it withstand the attack of the Immortal Clan?" The senior staff in command spoke.

This plan is feasible, but can the ancestor resist it?

After all, no matter how powerful this ancestor is, his realm is always there.

However, on the other hand, if the Emperor Dao clan attacks the Immortal Clan, the best choice for the Immortal Clan is indeed to attack Luo Chen.

Because there is no more successful result than killing the ancestor of the Emperor Dao Clan!

However, the key point of the problem is whether the ancestor can stop it?

"I said before, the ancestor's side is now a meat grinder, whoever goes there will die!" Nanji Tiangong said.

"Why do you say that?" asked the senior staff.

"Just look at us!" Nanji Tiangong pointed to the four extreme Tiangongs including him.

Everyone was injured, and even used some trump cards to escape.

"We went to the Human Wasteland Saint Clan and almost stayed there. Those things that attacked us were most likely from the ancestor's side."

"This means that the ancestor's side is the source, which will only be more terrifying!" Nanji Tiangong said.

"You mean to divert the trouble to the east!"

"But in this way, the pressure on the ancestor will increase!" The senior management of the Emperor Dao Clan said.

They have a great recognition of Luo Chen, the ancestor.

"If we don't go to rescue, it will be considered a violation of the ancestral precepts." Someone stood up and disagreed.

"Who won't die?" Dongji Tiangong said.

He was not ruthless or targeting Luo Chen, but in their eyes, since he was an ancestor, he would naturally have the awareness that an ancestor should have.

Because once this matter started, no one could stay out of it, and anyone of them could sacrifice, including themselves.

"We definitely can't win in a head-on battle. Now the big ship is there, holding back the Immortal Heavenly King and others. This is the only chance." Nanji Tiangong said.

"And the people we planted in the Eternal Human Court revealed that Futian was already on his way to the Endless Abyss."

"What is Futian doing there?"

"Can't you guess it?"

"The Eternal Human Court is preparing to rebel?" Someone guessed it instantly.

"It's not just as simple as rebelling. I guess the Eternal Human Court has prepared a ruthless move!"

"Futian may sacrifice his life!" Nanji Tiangong asserted.

As soon as this was said, everyone was silent.

"He is an influence. If he rebels, if I am not in the Emperor Dao clan, I will also respond to his call!" Dongji Tiangong said.

This is Futian's personality charm!

Even as one of the four poles of the Emperor Dao Clan, he admired him very much!

Looking at the entire First Era, to be honest, no one can have such a charismatic personality now.

Chen is gone, and Chen is the first person to come up with the genetic shackles, destined to bear the eternal infamy, how many people will hate Chen for this!

The old emperor is gone.

The Immortal Heavenly King and others are powerful, but from the heart, many people are unwilling to admit it!

This is why the ancient emperors also have to pay attention to a legitimate position, otherwise the country will definitely plant the root of disaster.

Because the people of the world are not fools!

And the emperor of the Human Emperor Department, many people have already felt that he is a little dark and gray.

Only Futian!

He is a bright and great person, a person who is admired.

Hearing this news, the remaining three poles were silent for a long time.

"Does that mean that the Eternal Human Court is determined to rebel at this juncture?"

"Why do I feel that they are very tacitly with our Emperor Dao Clan?" Nanji Tiangong suddenly spoke.

"I don't know. Maybe Futian and the people above us really have some plans."

"This also means that once they start to bloom, many people in the world will follow suit and rebel."

"Bloom everywhere!"

"It just so happens that this time is the best time. At least the Human Sovereign Ministry has 100% no chance to interfere in this matter."

"And the immortal lineage will also be partially involved!"

"The opportunity is already in front of us." Antarctic God said confidently.

"Think about this for a while. You need to recuperate first. The Golden Human Race still has a few tough bones to chew on." A senior member of the Imperial Dao Clan said.

"Let me ask one more question, is there anything else over there at Zhentian Pass, and does it have anything to do with Guixu?" Nanji Tiangong asked.

What he was looking at at the moment was an old man, who was one of the top officials of the Imperial Clan.

"What do you think?" The old man looked at the Antarctic God.

This is tantamount to no answer!

But the answer has been given.

"Understood!" Antarctic God nodded and showed a smile.

On the other side, the Death Universe has become lively again.

Most of the Red Dragon's hundreds of billions of troops have already charged in, rushing towards them like a torrent.

Moreover, at this moment, Tianren Dao Palace also brought a large number of believers and affiliated troops, totaling a thousand troops.

This place immediately became lively and chaotic.

"Come to help me, and I will be grateful afterwards!" The great elder of the Human Desolate Saint Clan roared violently!

At this moment, he and Qilin Knight were fighting fiercely, and the two even boiled over time many times. It was definitely an unprecedented battle!

Luo Chen even wanted to stop and watch the battle. But Heavenly Punishment will not give Luo Chen this chance!

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