Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4643 Empress Corpse

The powerful pressure of Heaven's Punishment fell to the extreme, forming flowers of the avenue on top of Luo Chen's head, overwhelming Luo Chen!

At the same time, huge power has begun to erode Luo Chen.

If Luo Chen were not the Emperor Wa's dust, he would probably disintegrate. At this moment, Tianpu is trying to decompose Luo Chen.

Luo Chen took the time to take a look at the battlefield, when most of the Red Dragon and the hundreds of billions of troops from the Heavenly Man Dao Palace appeared.

Luo Chen knew that his second battlefield plan was completed!

No matter who is behind this is deliberately doing it to create a situation.

Or is it because of his influence.

In short, the opening of the second battlefield is already a certainty.

Because Luo Chen knows what is on the ancient star, these armies will die here sooner or later, and will be trapped in the mud!

This is the effect he wants!

At this moment, it was time for Futian to rush to the endless abyss.

In other words, the battlefield over there will soon be opened up, and the Eternal Human Court will really show its fangs!

If there was no one behind this, Luo Chen wouldn't believe it!

But, that just works to his advantage!

Break through the first era and let the war of the first era break out. Otherwise, if the first era really attacks the fifth era, with the strength of the first era, it will be a crushing situation!

The Fifth Era will never be an opponent!

But the Ancient Emperor was enough to crush the Fifth Era.

At this moment, the three ancient emperors of the Red Dragon did not take action immediately, but commanded the army to rush over!

"The mission is to capture the ancient star, and then help our Human Desolate Saint Clan capture the Nine Fires' Destiny!" Someone from the Human Desolate Saint Clan revealed the goal of the battle!

"Can't we destroy that ancient star?" The Scarlet Dragon Ancient Emperor asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, as long as we can win it." The man from the Human Desolation Saint Clan replied respectfully.

Before he even finished speaking, another ancient emperor next to him had already taken action!

Raising your hand is a blow that shakes the universe. This blow destroys the universe, and the power penetrates time and space!

Head straight for the ancient star!

The big hand covers everything, and will destroy the ancient star with one strike!

It stands to reason that destroying a planet with one blow of the Ancient Emperor is not as simple as destroying a balloon by an ordinary person?

But the next moment, huge power suddenly emerged from the sky above the ancient star, and an extremely terrifying aura washed away. It was an endless red light, and the red light was full of human skins!

It was a blood corpse, and at the same time there was the thing sitting there peeling off the skin. The thing was twisted at the moment. It was unknown whether it was peeled off from the blood corpse or mutated from the thing holding the scissors.

In short, a male corpse dressed in white appeared!

The male corpse has long flowing hair, not like a dead person, but more like a handsome king, the King of Death!

The King of Death has a handsome face, his eyes are closed, his nose is high, his face is like a knife, and the human skins around him are like flags fluttering in the wind.

The human skin floated in the red light, and the red light flashed, slamming back the palm!


The ancient emperor's expression sank, and he struck out with his palm again, crushing the bounced attack to avoid hurting himself and the army!

But the next moment, the expressions of the three ancient emperors were suddenly startled, and they were instantly horrified.

Because the next moment, the King of Death had already appeared in front of them, spanning an unknown number of light-years in an instant, and appeared in front of them suddenly!

Then boom!

One of the ancient emperors was directly knocked away by a palm. There was no amazing power or vast momentum, only terrifying power!

With just one blow, an ancient emperor was knocked away!

The Ancient Crimson Dragon Emperor took action, equally fast, and struck the Death King on the head with one blow.

Go straight to Tianling Gai!

However, the next moment, a drop of blood appeared on the forehead of the Death King, and the blood instantly penetrated the palm of the Ancient Red Dragon Emperor!

The next moment, the void collapsed step by step, and the King of Death disappeared.

No, rather than disappearing, it is better to say that another ancient emperor of the Red Dragon Division destroyed this place.

And the Ancient Red Dragon Emperor distanced himself, his face looking heavy at the moment!

There is a big enemy!

This is definitely the enemy!

"Send the order to go back. We may not be able to win here. We may still need support!"

"The situation is not as simple as everyone thinks!" He was very calm, reacted quickly, and grasped the key point in an instant!

"Does the Nine Fires Li Yun have to be taken away?" he asked.

"We have to take it. The base camp of the Human Desolate Saint Clan is under attack. We are betting on the survival of the Human Desolate Saint Clan. We must take it!"

"I understand!" The Ancient Red Dragon Emperor frowned at this moment.

At this moment, the void is recovering, and so is the figure in white.

"The army is going to Ancient Star, let's contain this thing!" The Scarlet Dragon Ancient Emperor said at this moment.

"Don't even think about defeating him, just contain him." The Ancient Red Dragon Emperor has already made his judgment!

The army rushed forward, heading straight for the ancient star.

It's like making dumplings again.

At this moment, many people on the ancient star still do not understand what they are facing. Many of them have already reached the ancient star.

Especially those arranged by the Renhuang Saint Clan.

But as soon as they hit the ground, some of them turned into corpses and became stiff.

And with the influx of a large number of troops, another incredible thing appeared on the ancient star!

It was a female corpse wearing imperial attire.

The female corpse is wearing an imperial crown, which is very terrifying, and its aura is very terrifying!

She was wearing golden clothes and an imperial crown. She also had her eyes closed, and her pair of holey eyes looked very scary.

She didn't know where she appeared from. Standing on the ancient star at this moment, the aura of death on her body was so strong that she couldn't get rid of it.

At the same time, the moment the female corpse appeared, Luo Chen's eyebrows jumped!

Then a hallucination appeared in front of Luo Chen's eyes.

Luo Chen was puzzled.

However, after she appeared, all the dead bodies around the ancient star began to kneel down and worship her!

This is very strange, very strange!

But countless corpses, even the corpse of the ancient emperor who was hanged, or some strange things that appeared at the beginning, are all worshiping at this moment.

And in the sky, people kept falling.

The result is that one kneels down after falling down, and the other kneels down after falling down.

It felt like they had no legs.

When you fall, you will kneel there and take root there!

The female corpse empress has bare feet. Her feet are clean and white, the kind of bloodless white!

"What on earth is this?" Someone alive was about to die at this moment, and he was very frightened!

The smell of death is extremely strong and getting stronger and stronger!

With her appearance, the ancient star seemed to have entered its second stage. After all, so many creatures seemed to have awakened her!

Many places on the ancient star are not only filled with bright red flowers of the other side, but also more and more red hair.

If Luo Chen saw it now, he would definitely be a little surprised.


If you look carefully, you will find that the Empress Corpse is very similar to the Queen and Chen! Chen has two sisters, the eldest sister and the second sister!

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