Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4678 Top Shot

The hope and expressions on the faces of the only remaining members of the Human Desolation Saint Clan were completely frozen at this moment.

"It seems that your salvation is me!" Qi Yuan laughed crazily and viciously at this moment.

"Do you know what I will do to you?"

"Next, I will peel off your skin, tear every inch of your flesh, tear off your flesh bit by bit, and then put your internal organs into this oil pan for frying!" Qi Yuanyi Raising his hand, a huge oil pan appeared.

It was a replica of the old woman's oil pan, and it was placed here by Qiyuan at the moment.

Of course, the oil pot is still huge, with a range of three kilometers.

At this moment, the fire of the netherworld has risen. As soon as it rises, the stench hits, black smoke billows, and the terrifying temperature hits instantly.

There are only 30 million people left here. With the Ancient Emperor-level messenger of death here, everyone is suppressed and has no power to resist!

"You are the first lucky one, hahaha, enjoy your journey to death!"

“It’s incredibly delicious!”

"I will let you know what death is, which is liberation!" At this moment, Qi Yuan pointed at a middle-aged man and said.

Suddenly the middle-aged man's expression changed drastically. He was the most enthusiastic man who had just shouted, but at this moment he was the first one to be dealt with by Qiyuan.

Qiyuan was barefoot, and his feet had long since turned into claws, with sharp nails that shone with cold light, and were as black as rotten and dry mummy feet.

Every step he takes can leave a dark, smoking footprint, and no one dares to step on his footprints. If they overlap completely, he will bleed to death in an instant.

It can be said that this is a very terrifying death rule. What if the footprints don't have some marks? What if there are no marks?

Wherever Qiyuan walks, there will be an abnormal nightmare and death.

However, even if there were no such footprints, wouldn't the current universe of the Human Desolate Saint Clan be considered occupied by death?

The torture began at this moment, Qi Yuan's voice was crazy and terrifying, and his resentment towards the Human Desolate Saint Clan would make him become a resentful spirit forever.

On the other side, on the other side of the Death Universe, Ancient Emperor Yuanhuang's expression suddenly changed. He stood on the city wall, trying his best to hold up layers of shields.

Powerful shields are layered and densely packed!

At the same time, the entire universe was like a leaf in a violent storm, roaring mountains and tsunami, rising and shaking with the wind.

At this moment, the universe? Curse? An army?

Or maybe it's a living thing?

Everything seemed so weak and insignificant, meaningless.

Compared to that terrifying momentum, even death seemed a little weak at this moment.

The big hand is radiant, flowing with eternal divine power, possessing undefeated human power, and also has demonic power that surpasses ancient and modern times!

The fingers of this big hand are crystal clear and slender, and the surroundings are filled with the aura of chaos. Tens of thousands of human laws, divine laws, and demonic laws are actively following it.

This hand seems to have come from the beginning of the sky, as if it was born from the beginning of the earth.

The power of panic is unstoppable, and the power that overwhelms the ages cannot be glimpsed.

Heavy power, breaking through everything, the power of the universe is not worth mentioning in front of it.

Cutting through the universe, causing it to shine brilliantly, explode, and then return to chaos.

Absolute power, so domineering that no one can match it!

In just a moment, countless people exploded in the Death Universe.

Just the breath alone caused many people to explode.

Whether it is the Human Desolation Saint Clan, the Heavenly Human Dao Palace, or most of the Red Dragons left there.

They all exploded.

Of course, including those who came to kill Luo Chen, nearly 20 million people exploded in an instant, and then another 50 million people exploded.

These were all swept away by the qi machine of that hand. It was considered unlucky or lack of eyesight, blocking the way of that hand.

In the end, nearly 100 million people exploded instantly. Regardless of their cultivation level, even the Ancient Emperor exploded!

This is the tyranny of the top creatures of the Human Desert Saint Clan, and it is also an absolutely unparalleled power!

And even so, I still haven't seen the hand, just because of the breath.

At this moment, there were five Ancient Death Emperors, and they all exploded.

The man in white also exploded at this moment, because in the distant universe, everyone saw that hand.

Crystal clear, the God of Chaos lingers, actively following that hand.

It was more terrifying than the sky, with a vast power that directly struck people's souls!

And at this moment, whether it was the old woman with a frying pan or the old man with a basket on his back, they all disappeared in an instant and exploded.

The terrifying aura instantly cleared a vacuum distance of over a million light-years!

The terrifying pressure was so extreme that in an instant, everyone was deafened. There was only endless pressure and power, falling between the sky and the earth, like particles, straightening the world at high speed.

Everyone was instantly dizzy, had difficulty breathing, and their heartbeats became extremely slow at this moment.

Is this the power of the top creature from the Human Desolation Saint Clan?

At this moment, no one is not afraid, no one is not afraid!

Even the ancient emperor Yuanhuang who was at the Zhentian Gate started to bleed from his orifices because he tried his best to resist at this moment.

The gap between the ancient emperors and the top creatures was actually huge, even if the previous thirteen ancient emperors were able to participate in the battle to encircle and kill the King of Heavenly Beings.

That's because the Queen and them got the treasure, and together they were able to barely stand on the battlefield.

Otherwise, he will still die suddenly!

At this moment, the breath of death was abruptly avoided.

The Qilin Knight rode in the lead, and was still fearless wherever the blade was directed.

But fearlessness and strength actually sometimes have little to do with each other.

The Qilin Knight was instantly broken into pieces and could not be stopped at all!

At the same time, at this moment, Luo Chen's Immortal Realm instantly cracked and exploded. The terrifying pressure was not directed at him, nor at everyone.

However, Luo Chen's Immortal Realm was directly exploded by the aftermath of the aura.

Luo Chen flew out instantly. Wa Huangchen tried his best to resist, but he still flew out.

Because the next moment, the entire ancient Tianpu Star instantly fell into pieces and exploded.

At this moment, those who surrounded and killed Luo Chen, half of the hundreds of millions of enemies were killed, and fifty million were directly killed by the aftermath of the top creatures!

This is really just the pressure and power of the aftermath, because the top creatures will never target these people, these ants!

The real target of the top creatures is that ancient star!


The red mist around the ancient star rolled in a circle, and then twisted and deformed, like a balloon that was about to be squeezed alive!


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