Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4679 Biting the Bait

For the first time, the red mist on the ancient star was crushed by an external force. The red mist exploded instantly. Suddenly, the red mist spread out and shot out.

This is terrible, and for the battlefield, it is the ultimate disaster.

Because the red mist arrived in front of many people in just a blink of an eye, those who were swept away by the red mist!

For just a moment, they feel they have no control over their body, and then they die.

Some were even instantly shattered by the red mist. The next moment, they turned into blood mist and merged with the red mist.


A ray of red mist shot out, and the city gate of Zhentianguan was instantly penetrated, boom, boom, boom!

The ninth level of Tianguan was directly penetrated by the fifth level at this moment!

This was the Zhentian Pass that could block the breath of death before, but at this moment, it was shattered by the aftermath.

As this wave continued, many people died instantly.

There were corpses and people killed by the aftermath everywhere.

It can be said that this is the real meat grinder, unparalleled in harvesting creatures!

However, something even more terrifying happened. At this moment, everyone was horrified to discover that the ancient star, which had grown as huge as the sun, did not break despite being targeted by top creatures!

The ancient stars made a clicking sound, one after another, which was very uncomfortable.

But at this moment, the ancient star is still as solid as ever, without any problems.

At the same time, the universe seemed to be pulled forward in an instant. Yes, it was not that hand.

Instead, the universe, including the ancient stars, all passed by and arrived in front of that big hand.

Only when they got closer did everyone feel the terror of that big hand. What kind of big hand was it?

Chaos and order are outside the palm, power and time are in the fingers, and space and Tao are on the back of the hand!

This hand dominates the world and is absolutely invincible.

The endless laws and principles dropped from the big hand, surging to the extreme, controlling the sky and the earth, covering all latitudes, and filling the world!

The big hand fell down without hesitation and headed towards the ancient star.

This was terrifying, because the Great Elder of the Human Desolate Saint Clan finally understood at this moment.

He is completing an impossible task!

This means that he judged the situation wrong!

This is a top-level creature. The top-level creature has just dragged the entire universe, but it cannot directly drag the ancient star away. It is crushed!

This means that Gu Xing is far from something they can resist or solve.

At this moment, the big hand crushed the red mist on the ancient star with its momentum, and then fell directly.

With unparalleled power, there was a roar, and red light exploded. At this moment, the big hand was actually blocked.

It was scary, with red light flying everywhere.

There is absolutely no need to elaborate on how terrifying the power of this big hand is just now.

Just by looking at how many people died in an instant, even the Qilin Knight couldn't stop them, and they were instantly broken into pieces.

But at this moment, the big hand was about to fall, but it was blocked. The red light suddenly rose and shot out in all directions. Incomparable power. At this moment, the power was released!

The universe next door exploded instantly.

The stars exploded like that, dissipated instantly, and turned into ashes.

The entire universe was annihilated in an instant!

And that big hand lights up and illuminates the heavens, a dazzling and unparalleled method that shines through the ages!


That is the method of destroying the world, absolutely stunning for eternity, the top method for top creatures!

At this moment, the vast power was too majestic, and the ultimate power finally made Gu Xing unable to bear it.


The mountains on the ancient star finally collapsed at this moment!

The ancient star began to collapse, collapsed, and the heaven and earth collapsed.

At this moment, I can’t stop thinking about the sound of click, click, click!

In an instant, in this universe, the ancient Bagua symbols were not just Yang Yao and Yin Yao flashing incessantly.

Densely packed, large and small yin and yang symbols are manifesting in the universe at this moment!

"This is it?" Luo Chen's pupils shrank!

"And there's a seal?"

"Is this a seal?" A glint flashed in Luo Chen's eyes, and then he suddenly looked towards the Imperial Clan.

This game of chess is really big!

Luo Chen mistakenly thought that the seal was broken and it was over.

Unexpectedly, there is actually a bigger and more terrifying seal hidden!

And this seal, at this moment, is obviously going to be broken.

The top creature of the Human Desolation Saint Clan was about to be penetrated by the top-level supreme method with his own hands!

So, what is sealed here?

And this is really a bold and extreme attempt to kill someone with a borrowed knife!

The top creature has already taken action at this moment. Even if it discovers a problem, will it stop?

I got Jiu Huo Li Lun right away, and I was just a hair away from Jiu Huo Li Lun, so how could I give up so easily?

And it took so long to take action, obviously because of some fear or restriction.

But at this moment, this shot may be the only chance!

Therefore, even if you know clearly that this is a seal or a pit, you will still jump into it.

Because this is a conspiracy!

Luo Chen looked at Jin Hong, who didn't know where he had gone.

But Ancient Emperor Jin Hong is definitely the most important piece in this chess game.

No wonder the ancient emperor Jin Hong’s identity and bloodline were extraordinary. It turned out to be like this!

At this moment, there was a roar, and as the Yin Yao and Yang Yao kept shaking, the entire ancient star seemed to be making its final resistance at this moment.

However, the power of that hand is too strong. This is not the casual blow of the Immortal King!

This is really taken seriously.

Targeting the ancient star.

Crack, crack, and boom.

At this moment, everyone saw that a Bagua that could cover the entire universe was manifested at this moment, and then burst out with endless power, but was directly shattered by this big hand.



The ancient star broke, and the huge Bagua broke with it!

At the same time, a mountain was grabbed by the big hand and left.

Jiuhuo Liyun was taken away, which means that the top creature of the Human Wasteland Saint Clan is about to be resurrected.

On the side of the Emperor Dao Clan, the four poles at this moment felt the breath. They vaguely knew some rumors, but they were not sure, nor did they dare to discuss.

However, at this moment, Nanji Tiangong said a word.

"Finally took the bait!" Nanji Tiangong just said this!

At the moment when the big hand instantly grabbed Jiuhuoshan, the black fish standing on Zhentian Pass trembled and was lost in thought.

Her pupils were instantly replaced by a fierce and domineering color, and she became unfathomable and even impossible to look at.

It was a feeling of extreme pressure.

At this moment, she looked at the big hand that left, and a curve crossed her mouth, a mysterious smile!

But the next moment, everyone was shocked because of an aftermath.

Boom, the entire Zhentian Pass was instantly cracked!

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