Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4681 Detonating the Situation

On the other side, in the vast darkness of the universe, the ancient star has been torn apart.

It was directly shattered by the unparalleled power of the top creature.

Logically speaking, this ancient star must turn into powder. After all, it is the power of top-notch creatures.

But it just fell apart.

And as the biggest seal of Yin and Yang Yao was broken, the broken ancient star began to look different.

It cracked into six large pieces in total, and the rest were some scattered pieces, probably dozens of pieces.

But at this moment, the ancient stars took the initiative to gather together again and began to converge.

Invisibly, there is a powerful force pulling Gu Xing.

And, at this moment, all the breath of death, the breath of death in this universe, began to shrink at this moment.

"Repair Zhentian Pass quickly." Luo Chen was currently fighting bloody battles among the enemies, but he still gave a reminder.

He was always near Zhentian Pass, and Tianpu was reunited at this moment.

With the power piercing all around, Luo Chen almost went crazy, beating people alive or killing them with one blow!

The battle in this place is still exciting, still very bright, and even still like a legendary battlefield!

On the other side, the Great Elder of the Human Desolate Saint Clan had already locked onto Luo Chen's direction, and he was about to come.

At the same time, in the void, in the cold universe in the distance, there seemed to be no temperature at all, and it seemed that it had reached absolute zero.

However, the next moment, there was movement.

In the darkness, rotting hooves trampled the flames, and then emerged from the darkness.

Holding a broadsword and wearing armor, his eyes were filled with darkness, and ghostly flames surrounded the corners of his eyes!

Qilin Knight!

It's back!

At the same time, the two large fragments of the ancient star were assembled, making a rumbling collision sound. At the same time, no one noticed.

The two fragments of the ancient star gathered together, and an ancient bronze giant door emerged on the vast land.

The giant bronze door is very ancient, with a simple style and a sense of endless vicissitudes, as long as prehistoric civilization.

At this moment, the bronze mask bloomed with colorful rays of light, but this light was very cold, extremely cold.

And at this moment, the empress' body floated under the giant bronze door.

The giant bronze door was ringing and trembling.

It seemed like something was coming out.


A hand, to be precise, it looked like a claw because it had long black nails. At this moment, it poked out from the crack in the door and locked the giant bronze door.

Then paddle across!

The huge bronze door had deep holes carved into it.

More and more surging power is flowing at this moment.

The corpses on those ancient stars were all still at this moment.

The flowers on the other shore began to wither, and withered instantly.

At the same time, the red hairs in the blood pool began to straighten one by one, and flew into the sky one by one, flying towards the huge bronze door!

A vague aura is brewing on the ancient star.

And it seems that there is no longer any obstacle!

At this moment, the breath of death recycling is all gathered here.

Flying into the giant bronze door.

There seems to be another world, where everything seems to be the end.

It was pitch black and nothing could be seen.

Dark as the abyss, dark as nothingness!

The corpse of the empress stood there, unusually quiet, without any movement!

But quietly waiting for something.

At the same time, behind Zhentian Pass, Qiu was finally arriving.

As for the restoration of Zhentian Pass, the members of the Imperial Clan, including the Ancient Emperor Yuanhuang, who were currently being repaired by Zhentian Pass, joined in.

Because at this moment, everyone was trembling with fear, and everyone felt an oppressive atmosphere.

The breath felt like they were leaving and dying.

It was the uneasiness before death. Even the ancient emperor Yuan Huang had that creepy feeling.

Something big is going to happen.

The battlefield has been briefly separated and extinguished at this moment.

Only Luo Chen, a crazy lunatic, was facing a group of lunatics.

The people who surrounded and killed Luo Chen were crazy, even though they felt the strong sense of uneasiness.

But they still didn't choose to leave or escape from here.

Instead, they went to kill Luo Chen even more at all costs.

At this moment, they were completely crazy, as if they had lost their minds!

"Sure enough, Heaven's Punishment is secretly affecting everyone, including me!" Luo Chen's eyes were clear!

God's punishment is making everyone here lose their minds and only have murderous intentions!

However, Luo Chen didn't care, wasn't he just killing people?

He dares to kill as many people as he dares to come here!

At this moment, Luo Chen, even after losing all his advantages, took advantage of the opportunity just now and killed ten million people.

If this is not enough, why not kill him by 100 million, 1 billion, 10 billion, or 100 billion?

Moreover, Luo Chen had already had a premonition that there was a terrifying murderous intention coming from the depths of the universe, and it was aimed at him.

He was familiar with that aura. It was the aura of the great elder of the Human Desolate Saint Clan.

However, seeing the gathering ancient stars and the disappearing Virgin Mary, Luo Chen knew that the opportunity had finally come!

The temperature of the battlefield here did not drop because the Nine Fires were taken away. On the contrary, the Nine Fires were taken away and the entire gunpowder barrel was blown up!


Vast power has arrived, terrifying to the extreme and murderous intent boiling over. The great elder of the Human Desolate Saint Clan has appeared at the far end of the universe with an army, including some remaining armies from the Heavenly Man Dao Palace.

Bit by bit, they are getting closer, they are coming at a fast pace.


In the universe, powerful power fluctuations rippled, and the Human Desolate Saint Clan came with unparalleled murderous intent, shaking the world!

As soon as it came up, it was an indiscriminate attack, completely covering Luo Chen's side.

At this moment, Luo Chen was trying to avoid its sharp edge, otherwise he would be attacked by the combined force of this billion-strong army.

Although he is conceited, he is by no means stupid!

The cruel look in the eyes of the Great Elder of the Human Desolate Saint Clan was intense to the extreme, and his eyes were filled with hatred!

He hated everything, and even more so, he hated the ancestor of the Imperial Dao clan.

Kill the ancestor of the Emperor Dao clan and drag the Emperor Dao clan into the water!

His unparalleled blow fell, and at the same time something even more terrifying came. He actually held the Falling Sky Bow and shot an arrow directly towards Luo Chen!

This arrow completely locked onto Luo Chen, its power was unparalleled!

Before Luo Chen could completely dodge the first blow, he was surrounded by a sea of ​​people who were fearless in death, restricting his movement!

This arrow penetrates the sky and the earth, crushing numerous obstacles, and is almost irresistible!

The great elder of the Human Desolate Saint Clan has unparalleled holy power, which is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary ancient emperors. He is really too powerful, unparalleled, and invincible!

With unparalleled power, he used the Falling Heavenly Bow to lock Luo Chen from a distance, intending to give Luo Chen a fatal blow!

The arrow pierced the void and arrived in an instant, intending to kill Luo Chen in the void!

However, at the next moment, a jade hand grabbed the terrifying arrow!

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