Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4682 The Empress is here

The sky tilted, the four poles collapsed, and the extreme power distorted the void. The bright light was extremely dazzling, brighter than a super star explosion.

In an instant, it seemed to light up the entire dark universe, like a magic lamp blooming with splendor, blooming brilliant flowers, and thousands of rays of light shining through the universe!

This is the unparalleled power of the Falling Sky Bow, which no one can match. Now, a jade hand suddenly blocks and blocks this unparalleled arrow.

Everyone was astonished and looked shocked. Who in the world could block this unparalleled arrow?

Who can catch this arrow with one hand?

In the void, among the prosperous light, a beautiful figure stands proudly in all directions.

Her eyes were cold and decisive, and her long black hair was surging. She had changed from her previous naughty and cute nature, as if she had been taken away from her.

The blue flowers stood beside her, like an unparalleled god, and also like a co-owner of the world.

She held the bright arrow and squeezed it with her bare hands!

Click, the arrow exploded.

Everyone was horrified and showed expressions of disbelief.

Black fish!

Everyone in the Di Dao clan, including the ancient emperor Yuan Huang, were shocked.

In just an instant, she suddenly took action, without anyone noticing, and her afterimage was still next to the ancient Emperor Yuanhuang, making it difficult for people to understand.

But at this moment, she had crushed the ultimate arrow from the Falling Sky Bow and blocked the killing blow!

The next moment, Xuanyu woke up next to Gu Huangyuan, and she was also at a loss. She didn't know what was going on.

However, everyone in the Imperial Dao clan was shocked and felt unbelievable!

The eyes that looked at her were full of surprise and shock.

"You?" Zi Ji was surprised, her small cherry mouth suddenly opened wide, very exaggerated.

But Xuanyu stared, she didn't

Knowing what happened, why did everyone look at her in surprise.

At this moment, the great elder of the Human Desolate Saint Clan roared angrily. He did not give up, and still pointed his sword at Luo Chen. The Dragon Emperor Armor wristband in his left hand bloomed with unparalleled light!

Boom, he struck suddenly, and there was nothing there itself.

But the next moment, the Qilin Knight flew out and was repelled by him.

At this moment, he simply let go of his hands and feet completely.

He made a mistake and did not make the most correct choice for the Human Desolate Saint Clan. He was extremely angry.

Even if there is a big enemy ahead at this moment, he will kill everyone today.

He swept away, and the old man with a basket and the old woman with a frying pan appeared again.

However, this time the great opening and closing used endless holy power. The holy power spread over a distance of three million light-years and submerged an area of ​​nearly five million light-years.

The torrential holy power fell, and the ultimate power washed away the heavens and slammed into Cangyu.

There was nothing that could stop him. The old man carrying the basket was shattered by him again, and the old woman in the oil pan was also shattered by his unparalleled holy power.

"It is rumored that the Great Elder of the Human Desolate Saint Clan has invincible talent. If he had not willingly fallen and broken his Taoist heart for the sake of the Human Desolate Saint Clan's grand plan, I am afraid that he would have been able to get to that point and at least become half a top-notch person!" Ancient Emperor Emperor Yuan said with a heavy expression.

The Great Elder of the Human Desolate Saint Clan is so well hidden that his true combat power may even exceed that of the Eternal Human Ancestor!

He is extremely powerful and famous in his early years. If he were not allowed to go through many setbacks and concentrate on training in the prosperous age, his future would be limitless!

And this Jedi is one of the old strong men throughout the ages.

He is really terrifying, with endless momentum and endless holy power. He definitely has a fighting power that is not weaker than anyone else!

At this moment, her long hair was flying, and she was extremely crazy in the chaos.

His eyes were firm, even the Qilin Knight and the old man carrying a basket could not stop him. He wanted to kill Luo Chen, and it seemed as if nothing in the world could stop him.

Indeed, the aura was very strong. Even from a long distance, Luo Chen could feel his world-dominating power.

The ultimate power is full of ancient and vicissitudes of charm. .??.

No one knows how long he has lived, and no one knows where his limit is.

At this moment, he is the strongest person in the entire battlefield.

The void shattered inch by inch, and the place where Luo Chen was was instantly locked by the air machine. It was like a million murderous heavenly swords aimed at Luo Chen. He was almost dead!

This is the ultimate power, and Luo Chen is almost in a quagmire now as he faces three billion enemies.

Moreover, the great elder of the Human Desolate Saint Clan came in just one step. His unparalleled power was boundless. He spanned tens of millions of light-years in one step, and when he raised his hand, countless bright rain fell from the sky.

It rains continuously, like a colorful cloud, shining in all directions, so dense that people dare not look directly.

This is the holy power of the Human Desolate Saint Clan, which cleanses everything, contains all things, is powerful and terrifying.

Moreover, the body of the great elder is radiant. He is a true holy body of the human race!

He is a true pure-blood holy body. Although he is old, it seems that the holy body is the limit.

His physical body was too powerful, and the momentum and vitality he exuded instantly crushed many people to death, and a torrent of holy power swept over him.

Luo Chen's eyebrows skipped a beat, this was an absolute danger, but Luo Chen still didn't run away, and he still didn't leave.

If you can fight with such a person, Luo

Chen couldn't help but want him. He was definitely one of the scary people Luo Chen had seen so far.

Apart from the top level, I am afraid that only the Killing King can have such terrifying power.

A chill suddenly appeared in Luo Chen's eyes, and he was already prepared for the worst!

At the same time, prepare to face the unparalleled holy power!

However, at this moment, Luo Chen's eyebrows moved, and a familiar yet unfamiliar feeling suddenly appeared!

The next moment, a figure stood in front of the blow that destroyed the universe!

The terrifying power exploded instantly, and it couldn't be stopped. The power of this universe exploded instantly, affecting the three universes next door!

Boom, three universes were penetrated and opened up at the same time.

It is hard to imagine that this is the power that a creature as small as dust like a human can exert.

But it was so real. The unparalleled strike of the great elder of the Human Desolate Saint Clan was blocked and penetrated three universes.

At the same time, the breath of death suddenly began to spurt out as if it had reached a certain threshold, and the ultimate power continued to be washed away from the ancient star.

However, the most dazzling and eye-catching thing was the person who blocked the attack of the great elder of the Human Desolate Saint Clan.

She stood proudly in the void, wearing an ancient imperial robe, and the hanging skirt looked majestic and majestic.

His demeanor is even more terrifying than the power of Heaven!

There were colorful stars flying beside her, they were Wahuang dust!

She also has Emperor Wa's dust, but not much, only nine!

The nine Wahuang dusts were surrounding her like stars at the moment, emitting dazzling light, spinning non-stop, and spreading inexplicable and terrifying power!

She has no breath of life, only a cold breath, and it is accompanied by a strong breath of death!

The Empress is here!

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