Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4683 Peak Showdown

In the vast void, for the first time, a black fish blocked the arrow.

Now, he was blocked by the empress again.

Many people were shocked. What is the identity of the ancestor of the Imperial Dao clan?

Why is it that all the people fighting for it are women?

Moreover, these women are all extremely beautiful, stunningly talented, and their unparalleled grace makes people admire them.

However, the empress appearing at this moment is even more frightening!

Behind the empress are not only nine pieces of Emperor Wa dust, but also shadows of mountains. .??.

The mountains soared straight into the sky, shocking the world, like swords from the sky!

The power is too great, and she has her own mountains and rivers. This is a peerless empress!

The face of the Great Elder of the Human Desolation Saint Clan darkened, but the next moment, he still showed a decisive and ruthless expression.

He is fearless and has determination in his eyes!

Either he dies today or the ancestor of the Imperial Dao clan dies.

"Go grab it!"

"You must get it, that thing is so important next." At this moment, he sent a message to the Divine Mother!

The Divine Mother has no doubts. She can feel the terrifying breath of death in the outer space even though she is in the eternal pure land.

She also saw that Zhentian Pass was probably the only thing that could resist the breath of death!

I don’t know what these things are at the moment, but it is said that they have destroyed the Human Desolation Saint Clan, and the Golden Human Clan is still resisting.

There is no guarantee that they will plunder everywhere and attack the Palace of Heaven and Humanity.

Therefore, the Holy Mother of Gods also moved, taking one step forward, with unparalleled power, purifying everything.

She was previously shrouded in a robe, which was snow-white and looked very holy.

But at this moment, she took the initiative to take off her robe, revealing her extremely curved figure. She was tall, sexy, mature, and even a little plump!

Her figure and beauty are hard to believe. This is a Virgin, which can easily make strong men feel blasphemous.

Slender, straight, and a little voluptuous

With her legs standing there proudly, she is indeed a beauty among beauties.

This is inconsistent with her holy status, at least in terms of image.

However, this is her who is holy.

She also took action and headed straight for Luo Chen.

Leading an army, he wanted to fight for Zhentian Pass.

Luo Chen's eyes flashed with chills, and at the same time he looked towards the Divine Mother. His chance finally came.


At this moment, Luo Chen no longer loved fighting, or even exhausted himself violently, and began to dodge.

Because Luo Chen wants to save his strength to attack the Divine Mother and snatch the eternal pure land!

But this gave the people who attacked and killed Luo Chen an illusion!

"He has been frightened out of his wits by the great elder of the Human Desolate Saint Clan!"

"Come on, work hard!"

"Didn't you hit me hard just now? Do you like to fight hard?"

"Why did you choose to avoid it now?"

"Kill him, he is at the end of his strength, and he is being targeted by the great elder of the Human Desolate Saint Clan. He will definitely die!"

"Kill him!"

The people who surrounded and killed Luo Chen were excited at this moment.

But Luo Chen is trying his best to overcome the influence of Zhentian Pass on him.

He was locked by Zhentian Pass and could not run far.

But at this moment, Zhentian Gate was broken, and the lock on him was much weaker, but it seemed that Luo Chen still couldn't run too far.

There is a force somewhere that is holding him back!

The great elder of the Human Desolate Saint Clan shouted loudly. Although he knew there was a formidable enemy ahead, he was still incomparably brave.

It can be said that even Luo Chen has to admire the great elder of the Human Desolate Saint Clan.

The power of bravery that surpasses the entire era.

If he hadn't been in the First Era, the Human Desolate Saint Clan would have definitely been a famous figure in the entire era!

But it's a pity that he chose the wrong opponent.

Luo Chen looked familiar at the back of the empress, but he still couldn't see the empress's true face.

This was not because the angle of his gaze was different, but because Luo Chen had changed his angles several times and still could only see her back, as if he had seen the true face of the empress.

In fact, not only him, but everyone was unable to see the true face of the empress at this moment.

The empress stood proudly in the void, and the Great Elder of the Human Desolate Saint Clan continued to use his ultimate power to kill him with his holy power.


The area within 30 million light-years suddenly boiled, like boiling water. The holy power never dries up and is endless, and the temperature instantly rose to a hundred billion degrees.

This is so terrifying, it is simply the ultimate killing move of chaotic energy.

Everything will melt, and at this moment the particles are disintegrating and turning into smaller amounts of energy.

This is the combat power of the first-generation Holy Body, eternal and powerful!

However, even if it is wrapped in the Holy Power, even if the Holy Power boils everything.

But the empress still stood proudly in the void, still standing there quietly.

Nine stars surround her, making her like the mysterious goddess of the Nine Heavens, making her graceful and unparalleled!

She took action, raised her slightly stiff hand, and pressed it.

For a moment, the universe seemed to shrink in an instant, which was extremely terrifying.

This is not an illusion. The universe shrank for an instant and then spread out.

This is amazing and cannot be understood by ordinary people!

"Where to go?"

"Buy something?"

“Look at this lot!”

"I hunted a cloud thunder beast!"

"The Zhang family's baby is born!"

Countless noisy sounds covered it, and everyone could see and hear it.

At this moment, the bustling streets, the living lives, and the prosperous world spread out like a huge picture scroll, with the empress as the center.

The surface stretches endlessly, reaching the end of this universe.

It is hard to imagine what kind of power can be so overwhelming that it can directly cover the entire universe with illusion.

Luo Chen felt something in his heart. He once thought that if the power of heaven and earth could be like a queen, she could bring together the power of all living beings at different times and then use it for herself.

That would be terrible.

But this is theory. Luo Chen cannot do this because the power required is too massive and cannot be accomplished by an individual.

However, at this moment, the trick Luo Chen guessed was used.

Luo Chen looked at a shadow beside him. The shadow was hoeing the ground. There were several children playing on the other side. Such a scene filled the entire universe!

This power is truly unimaginable!

With the power of prosperity in the prosperous age, the strength of all living beings, and using oneself as the carrier, this attack is as powerful as the end of the Tao.

The unparalleled holy power of the Great Elder of the Human Desolate Saint Clan was instantly overwhelmed, and he was suddenly defeated.

He had an enemy, and he knew it.

However, he still had no hesitation. A mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth, but he still rushed towards the empress!

All living beings in the prosperous age were shattered by him at this moment as he forcibly moved.

In his eyes, he only has grand ambitions and hegemony, only unparalleled achievements!

"With my holy power, I will penetrate the world and the world forever!"

"Today, whoever stops me will be killed!"

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