Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4807 Follow Me

"Is there a problem with the teleportation array at this time?" Luo Chen said.

It seems that there is a problem within the Emperor Dao Clan.

"Are there problems with all the teleportation arrays?" Luo Chen asked.

Taichu remained silent, and it was obvious that all the teleportation arrays had problems.

"Then we can only march over there. It does take some time to cross hundreds of universes!" Luo Chen frowned and said, his expression becoming serious.

"It's not just a problem with the teleportation array. Once the Emperor Dao Clan is attacked, they will activate the protective array!"

"Now that the big array is activated, there is a big array between each universe, and they have to break the array!"

This made Luo Chen a little confused.

"Do we also protect our own people?" Luo Chen said.

"Because no one would expect the teleportation array to have problems, they ignored this detail."

"Even if it is a rough break, it will take time!"

"That is, it is very likely that the Immortal Clan will rush to the center of the Emperor Dao Clan and kill their way through!" Luo Chen said.

"That's right!"

"Originally this situation wouldn't have happened. After all, the Emperor Dao Clan had already been in a state of war. The army that the Four Poles took away should have been stationed in the west!" Taichu said again.

"If the center of the Emperor Dao Clan is taken, then it can basically be declared that half of the Emperor Dao Clan is destroyed!" Luo Chen glanced at the universe map.

"First notify the army here and let all living people evacuate and evacuate ten universes!" Luo Chen said.

"It's already been arranged, but the time to evacuate ordinary people is definitely not as fast as the speed of the immortal army." Taichu said again.

"Is there anyone blocking over there?" Luo Chen said.

"Yes, now there are hundreds of billions of troops of the Emperor Dao Clan resisting, but they are not the main army. In terms of combat effectiveness, they are obviously not as good as the main army!" Taichu said again.

"Okay, I know, let ordinary people evacuate as much as possible, and move quickly. "

"I'll find a way to deal with this! "Luo Chen spoke again.

Then Luo Chen took a step forward and actually left the Ghost Gate directly. He was so fast that he disappeared in an instant!

The Emperor Dao Clan was now countered by a move, which was indeed very tricky and troublesome!

But Luo Chen's speed was also very fast. If he was traveling through universes without a teleportation array, it would take Luo Chen a long time.

However, Luo Chen had something, which was given to him by the old man from the Xi Clan.

Luo Chen took out the tiny universe, then determined the direction and took a step forward!

The next moment, the universe opened up and sprinkled golden light, It was like a brilliant Milky Way and starry river inside. In just a moment, Luo Chen didn't know how many universes he had moved across.

Here, it was no longer the territory of the Emperor Dao Clan, nor was it near the Death Universe.

Instead, it was close to the universe of the Human Emperor Department and the Eternal Human Court.

Then, Luo Chen rushed to a universe based on his memory.

Luo Chen was very fast and soon found the clue of a universe!

And there, the universe was dead and looked lifeless.

However, Luo Chen was discovered as soon as he arrived here!

"Who is it?" It was a man wearing a golden line armor.

Or a warrior!

He was full of aura and his whole body was shining brightly. This was a king!

He looked at Luo Chen and stood with his hands behind his back.

At this moment, Luo Chen raised his hand, and a terrifying and brilliant golden thread appeared in his hand, which instantly formed a battle armor!

"Who are you? "The king was obviously a little surprised.

This is the breath of the royal family of the Eternal Human Court!

At the same time, a character mark suddenly appeared in Luo Chen's hand!

This is a mark, not a real character.

The character has been peeled off, but the mark is still there!

"Fifth Prince?" The king frowned again.

No, the Fifth Prince is in the rear, how could he appear here!

At this moment, the king realized that something was wrong.

And Luo Chen took a step forward and walked in front of him.

"Is the main force of the Eternal Human Court in front?" Luo Chen asked.

"Yes, but who are you?"

"Your Fifth Prince!" Luo Chen said softly.


"I know, I'm in the rear, in the Five Elements Department and the Ghost Department." Luo Chen spoke again.

This made the king even more confused.

"Take me to see the person in charge here! "Luo Chen spoke again.

The king was very confused, but the best way was to take Luo Chen to see the real ruler here!

Soon, Luo Chen arrived at an ancient star field, and on one of the planets, as soon as Luo Chen landed, ten ancient emperors appeared around him.

The leader was an old man!

The old man's aura was so powerful that Luo Chen once thought of the master!

"Don't go any further, there is a desolate universe ahead." Luo Chen said directly.

At the same time, the ancient characters in his hand were flashing!

And the ancient emperor glanced at Luo Chen, he had no ill intentions, but looked at Luo Chen seriously.

"I remember you, you are from the Emperor Dao clan!"

"But you also have the breath of the fifth prince!" The ancient emperor obviously saw the problem.

"It is inconvenient to go into details, let's wait for the result. "Luo Chen sat there.

Since Luo Chen said so, the Ancient Emperor would naturally send people to explore the universe ahead!

They were about to meet the army of the Human Emperor, and a war was imminent.

So they would naturally be very cautious at this time.

And before long, someone came back to report.

"It is indeed the Desolate Universe ahead!"

"It has been confirmed repeatedly, and no one who went in has come out!" The man did not carry Luo Chen on his back, but spoke directly.

"Do you believe it now?" Luo Chen said.

"It's just a trick of the Human Emperor Department." Luo Chen said.

"The Human Emperor Department really did a great job in moving the Desolate Universe here!"

"The Fifth Prince came here just to report the news?" The ancient emperor said at this moment.

"If it's just to report the news, I don't have to come here in person." Luo Chen sat at the stone table.

"I have an arrangement, you can consider it."

"What arrangement!" An ancient emperor looked at Luo Chen.

"Send a team of people, go in with great momentum!"

"Take advantage of the situation!" Luo Chen said.

"In this way, the Human Emperor Department will think that our army has really entered, and will also send some people in." Luo Chen said.

"Then send a message to my eldest brother, telling him that the main force has all entered the Desolate Universe." Luo Chen spoke again.

"Understood!" said the ancient emperor.

If you want the enemy to believe, you have to deceive your own people!

They are ancient emperors, they don't care about the eldest prince!

Even Futian doesn't care that much, they only care about the Eternal Court!

And the aura emitted by Luo Chen is not only that of the fifth prince, but also a little aura!

That is the emperor's!

This is the most important thing!

The leading ancient emperor, like the Lord, has followed the emperor, and he knows the emperor's aura.

And Luo Chen also knows that he deliberately simulated some of the emperor's aura on his body!

Even if it is simulated, only those who have seen the emperor can simulate it!

This has explained a lot of problems!

"Where is the army hiding?" The ancient emperor asked in a deep voice. "The army does not need to hide, follow me!"

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