Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4808 Implementing the Will

No need to hide the army?

Go with the fifth prince?

The ten ancient emperors looked at Luo Chen solemnly and then looked at the leading ancient emperor!

This ancient emperor also had a great reputation in the first era. He was definitely an old man at the level of a living fossil, as old as the Lord.

Since the Lord was absent, they naturally followed the ancient emperor's arrangements.

At this moment, the ancient emperor also looked at Luo Chen. In fact, he had heard Wu Ge mention the fifth prince.

And every time he mentioned it, he was full of praise and highly praised the fifth prince.

"Reason!" the ancient emperor said.

"The Imperial Clan was attacked!"

"I need you to rescue them, or help block them temporarily." Luo Chen said directly.

"The main army of the Imperial Clan is unable to get away due to other matters, and the army of the Immortal Clan took advantage of this opportunity to move in!"

"Both parties have a common enemy. They didn't trust each other before and couldn't form an alliance. But if we help each other in times of need, we can definitely form an alliance." Luo Chen said again.

"By forming an alliance with the Imperial Dao clan, there is hope for the Eternal Human Court to win this war. Otherwise, the Eternal Human Court alone will have no chance of winning against the Immortal clan, the Celestial Human Dao Palace, and the Human Emperor Ministry!" Luo Chen was talking about the overall situation. !

"Is the Immortal Clan at war with the Imperial Clan?"

"There is another battlefield that has some connection with the forbidden areas within the Five Elements Department. This battlefield can truly shake the foundation of the Human Emperor Department!" Luo Chen said again.

The ancient emperor's eyes kept flickering, as if he was thinking about what Luo Chen said.

Now that Futian is threatening him with death, forcing the entire Eternal Human Court to die, these ancient emperors actually do not support this matter, nor do they like it!

They are guarding and waiting for the emperor.

If the emperor said to fight, they would start the war without hesitation.

But they never waited for the emperor.

They actually don't want to fight this war.

Because when they followed the emperor to fight, they knew how much they paid for peace.

That's why these ancient emperors hesitated.

"Have any concerns?" Luo Chen asked directly.

And the ancient emperor didn't make any detours and spoke directly.

"Your father is threatening you with death and wants to start a war, but in fact, we don't want to fight."

"The reason is very simple. We followed the emperor in the war, especially the war with the demons from outside the territory. We fought very hard!"

"I have lost many brothers and am tired of the war. I just want peace in the world!"

"Emperor, you are still fighting!" Luo Chen said directly.


"Emperor, him?"

"Is he okay?" The ancient emperor became excited instantly.

He knew that the person in front of him, whether it was the fifth prince or someone else, it didn't matter.

But I must have met the Emperor, and I must know the news about the Emperor.

"He's okay!"

"But where did he go?"

"Go over and cross the eternity to prevent the Xi tribe and the demons from outside the territory from coming!"

"He stopped all the enemies there in the past!" Luo Chen sighed.

The ancient emperor was trembling all over at this moment, and he could not restrain his emotions.

"It turns out that he is still fighting!" The ancient emperor's eyes were filled with tears.

He was trained by the Emperor and raised by the Emperor.

To him, the emperor was like a teacher and a father!

And Luo Chen's words are in the past, spanning eternity!

This explains everything, why the Emperor disappeared.

This is in line with the emperor’s character and the person he is. The ancient emperor believes this!

"I don't want to persuade you, but I want to tell you one thing. The emperor is still fighting, fighting in the past!"

"The emperor is fighting for the common people of the world, but not for the eternal human family!"

"What the emperor wants is that there are rules and great ways in the world!"

"And what Futian wants is for the world to have rules and a great way!"

"Futian and the Emperor are doing the same thing!"

"If it's just for the eternal human court, Futian doesn't need to start a war, there's no need to do all this!"

"In Futian's eyes, the Immortal Lineage and others have broken the rules of heaven and earth, so they should be punished!" Luo Chen said calmly.

"Among the Eternal Human Court, the only one who truly implements the emperor's will is Futian!" Luo Chen looked at the ancient emperor and said.

And the ancient emperor's eyes suddenly became enlightened, and he suddenly understood!

Luo Chen was right, because he had heard the Emperor talking about the fact that there must be rules, rules and ways in the world!

No confusion!


"Who to fight, and where to fight!" The ancient emperor had no other words to say.

He understood what Luo Chen said.

He follows the Emperor, so since Futian is carrying out the Emperor's will, he must follow!

At this moment, his fighting spirit was intense, and he was no longer as completely passive as before.

He even seemed like a different person!

"Here, the south is the death battlefield, and the southwest is the ancient star of the Golden Human Race. This is very important. Part of the main army of the Imperial Clan is here!"

"And the other part is to the east, and something went wrong!" Luo Chen pointed at a map of the universe and said.

"Here is the army of the Immortal Lineage, which has already attacked here!" Luo Chen pointed at a point and said.

That's a universe!

"We go to the rescue and surround them from the outside."

"You mean you want to fight back?" The ancient emperor immediately saw what Luo Chen meant.

"Yes, if we surround them, we can not only solve the crisis of the Emperor Dao Clan, but also catch them in a trap!"

"If the main force of the Emperor Dao Clan can come back at this time, then they can completely swallow the army of the Immortal Clan!" Luo Chen pointed to one of the holes and said.

"Sure enough, you have insight and courage, no wonder Wen Wu Ge always praises you!" The ancient emperor said in an old voice.

"Pass the order, the whole army will move out!" The ancient emperor gave the order.

He decided to go with Luo Chen.

Because in the overall situation, Luo Chen was right, the Eternal Human Court needs to form an alliance with the Emperor Dao Clan!

Once the two sides form an alliance, they will have the strength to fight!

And if the alliance is made for no reason, the two sides may not be able to treat each other honestly!

But at this time, once the Emperor Dao Clan is free, they will definitely help the Eternal Human Court.

And the war has already started, the enemy of the enemy is a friend.

This plan is feasible!

"Do you want to take the battle flag of the Emperor of the Heavenly Dao Clan, the Immortal Clan?"

"The Immortal Clan likes to self-destruct, right?" The ancient emperor was obviously very experienced.

"After so many years, the people of the Immortal Clan are still so mean and have no bottom line!" The ancient emperor cursed.

"Don't worry, we have an imitation flag. Although it is not as good as the Emperor's battle flag, it is enough to deal with general situations."

"The Immortal Clan will never self-destruct!" The ancient emperor said confidently!

"Go and report that the main force accidentally broke into the Desolate Universe!" "Inform the Emperor about this!"

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