Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4809: Resurgence

At this moment, a scout left at a high speed to meet the emperor.

In the end, he was guarding outside the door, and the emperor had already learned the news!

The army of the Eternal Court disappeared and entered the desolate universe.

This made the emperor a little unbelievable.

Because this matter is very strange!

And at this moment he couldn't get away, the only person he could trust was his fifth brother!

On the other side, Luo Chen had led the army to the Emperor Dao clan silently.

The army was moving forward, hiding its whereabouts, and the Eternal Court also had a unique way to build a teleportation array.

After all, they came from the Eternal Court.

And the ancient emperor was eager to fight!

He had figured it out, that is, they were fighting with the emperor!

The emperor fought in the past, and they are fighting at this moment!

They are still fighting with the emperor!

So, he was eager to fight and excited!

And along the way, Luo Chen was staring at some details of them.

"The battlefield of death over there is terrible. The key point is whether the former Zhentian Pass can be united with the Golden Ancient Star!"

"This is the next step, but you must remember that if you encounter death, flee quickly!" Luo Chen shared some details with the ancient emperor!

The ancient emperor nodded. He had roughly understood what was going on and the general situation from Luo Chen.

"According to what you said, one of the two yin and yang is problematic?"

"It should be, but it is not certain at the moment. Deal with it as if there is a problem first!"

"Encircle them first, forcing them not to dare to move forward. It is best to wait for the army of the Emperor Dao clan to arrive, and then launch a general attack after encirclement!" Luo Chen said.

"In addition, pay more attention to the Human Emperor Department!" Luo Chen said.

Now the Human Emperor Department has been deceived, but it can't be deceived for too long!

"The third Human Emperor is in trouble. Now many of the people of the Old Man Emperor are also attacking together. What a pity!" The ancient emperor sighed.

In fact, there are still many subordinates of the Old Man Emperor, but now these people are helping the evil!

The old emperor is such an upright person, but unfortunately,

"I will find a way for them!" Luo Chen said.

"In addition, after this battle is over, we must protect the Five Elements Department. The Five Elements Department is the key!" Luo Chen said.

The first tribe of the first era he came into contact with was the Five Elements Department.

At this time, the Five Elements Department was already in decline.

However, as things progressed and the whole chess game was slowly figured out, Luo Chen knew that the Five Elements Department was definitely the top priority!

Whether it was the arrangement of the old emperor, the Xi tribe, or death, they were all inextricably linked to the Five Elements Department.

Therefore, Luo Chen first assumed that the Five Elements Department was very important and focused on protecting it.

Anyway, there was no harm in this!

"Will the emperor come back?" asked the ancient emperor.

"Maybe, maybe not." Luo Chen said frankly.

"He is not bad!" Luo Chen smiled.

"Yes, he is very good." The ancient emperor smiled.

This scene made other people feel a little incredible in an instant!

He smiled, he actually smiled!

This ancient emperor, whether he met Futian or the Lord, never smiled.

Now, he actually smiled!

Sure enough, the fifth prince was a little weird, and he could actually make this ancient emperor smile.

"It seems that our whereabouts have been deliberately hidden!" The ancient emperor suddenly said.

"Hmm!" Luo Chen looked up at the void in the sky.

The heaven and earth are helping them to hide their whereabouts!

This is a bit strange!

The heaven and earth are helping them!

And Luo Chen was thoughtful, it seems that destiny has not given up on him!

At this time, he actually took the initiative to help him.

Otherwise, they would have been very close to the Emperor Dao clan, and they should have discovered it long ago.

"When we get there, I'm going to the Death Battlefield, and the rest depends on you." Luo Chen said.

"We are here, and the Immortal Clan can't escape even if they have wings!"

"Be fully prepared, don't let them counterattack." Luo Chen said again.

"And this side also needs to be resolved quickly, otherwise the Eternal Court can't wait!" Luo Chen said again.

"I understand!" The ancient emperor smiled at Luo Chen again.

"I hope there will be no more chaos in the world!"

"Then we have to put order!" Luo Chen said.

Because at this moment their vanguard has arrived at the battlefield.

That is the first universe attacked by the Immortal Clan.

There are fragments everywhere here, and the entire universe has dimmed.

"It's their work!" The ancient emperor said.


This is the favorite method of the Immortal Clan, simple, direct, and rough!

Moreover, there are very few casualties to themselves!

However, this will kill many innocent people.

The death of many innocent lives is not limited to humans!

In nature, humans are not actually a large group at all!

After all, on a planet with life, there are probably more trees than people!

However, humans are destroying everything, destroying all life between heaven and earth!

Luo Chen floated forward, and in front of him was a broken rock, and he could see a towering tree covered with ice on it.

However, it was obvious that this tree would not survive.

"There is something going on ahead!" The scout came to report.

Luo Chen went there quickly!

That was where a pile of corpses were gathered, and there was a broken cliff as big as a building!

Body parts and corpses gathered here. Before Luo Chen approached, he had already felt a strong breath of death.

And soon, Luo Chen saw that the broken cliff was originally bare, but now, on that cliff.

A red flower of the other shore has taken root and bloomed brilliantly!

The flower is beautiful and looks very charming, blooming quietly on the cliff!

The red flower makes people feel sad and uneasy!

"What is this?"

"Flower of the other shore!"

"The breath of death has penetrated in!"

"Have you arranged for every soldier to wear gold jewelry?" Luo Chen asked.

"It's arranged!" Gu Huang also looked at the flower of the other shore solemnly!

He seemed to remember something.

"Did you find anything?" Luo Chen asked.

"No, I remembered something!"

"What is it?" Luo Chen said.

"Since you know the Xi clan, do you know the symbol of the Xi clan?"

"Zuteng?" Luo Chen asked in confusion.

"Similar to Zu Teng!"

"But this flower, there is no such flower in the whole world, the only place where it exists is only one place!" The ancient emperor said.

He is very old and has followed the emperor, so he has naturally seen a lot.

"When I was following the emperor, I saw a relic of the Xi clan, and this flower was carved on the relic!"

"This flower is carved on the relic of the Xi clan?" Luo Chen was also a little surprised!

Sure enough, death is really related to the Xi clan! "No doubt, it is definitely this kind of flower, very special." The ancient emperor said.

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