Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4810 Unyielding Will

The red spider lily quietly blooms on the huge broken cliff, a touch of enchanting red, which is easy to be overlooked if you don't pay attention.

But the moment the red spider lily appears, it proves that death has come.

This place has also been invaded by the breath of death, but it is not so obvious and numerous.

The army of the Eternal Human Court has discovered the enemy and is ready to move over.

"Everyone is ready to enter the battle state at any time!" At this moment, a commander began to give orders.

And Luo Chen has already left and returned to the Ghost Gate.

At the same time, this clone also sent a message to Luo Chen on the Golden Ancient Star.

On the Golden Ancient Star, Luo Chen's original body is sitting there at this moment, drinking tea and looking at the sky.

In the sky, the game between the sun and the big hand is still going on.

It seems that there is always a magic power near the Golden Ancient Star that protects everything around the Golden Ancient Star.

If you look closely, you will find an invisible eggshell-like energy field protecting the Golden Ancient Star.

And outside, it is densely packed with darkness.

Looking from a farther distance, the entire universe is now dark, as if surrounded by darkness.

Around the Golden Ancient Star, in the darkness, there are corpses floating one after another. These corpses are floating up and down, but their heads are all turned to the Golden Ancient Star.

Luo Chen did not ask the people of the Eternal Court to rescue them, because that is unrealistic.

The death here is too strong. Even if the people of the Eternal Court come, there may be a way, but the casualties will be huge.

"How has the formation been arranged by the Four Poles?" Luo Chen asked.

"It's almost done!" Pu Yi said.

The formation to move the Golden Ancient Star is still being constructed, but it is much more difficult. After all, they dare not go out.

"Let them move quickly!"

"Let the army be ready at any time. We must prepare to surround the army of the Immortal Clan." Luo Chen said.


"Encircle the army of the Immortal Clan?" At this moment, the Four Poles were obviously shocked when they heard Pu Yi's message.

"How to surround?" The Four Poles have already contacted people. They are the Four Poles, so naturally they will have some backup methods.

Therefore, even if the person in charge of contacting Liangyi could not be contacted.

They quickly found other people and found a way to contact them!

Otherwise, wouldn't they be a joke?

However, it was precisely because they were in contact that they were worried, and even the four poles almost couldn't hold back and went to find Luo Chen in person.

Because they received news that the Emperor Dao clan was attacked and the army of the Immortal Clan was already attacking.

What's more terrifying is that the Emperor Dao clan now has no army that can resist.

40% of the main force is trapped here, and the other 20% was sent out.

Another 40% was on the way, but problems occurred.

Now the army of the Immortal Clan is sweeping across the entire Emperor Dao clan.

The Emperor Dao clan may not be able to stop it.

Maybe the Immortal Clan will push all the way and directly hit the heartland of the Emperor Dao clan!

And at this moment, the ancestor is still thinking about surrounding the Immortal Clan?

How to surround?

Without Luo Chen saying faster, they are already building the formation with all their strength.

Even the death squad has been sent out!

If they fly directly out of the Golden Ancient Star to build, those people will die before they can build for long.

But there is no way to deal with this!

It is a time of urgency.

"The ancestor has brought reinforcements!" Pu Yi said calmly.

At the same time, there is a touch of pride in his eyes!

Because this is their ancestor, who can always create miracles in desperate situations, which makes people admire and admire him!


"Where do the reinforcements come from?"

"What kind of reinforcements can stop the attack of the Undead Clan?" Si Ji was shocked and had some doubts!

On the other side, the Emperor Dao Clan, at this moment, in a huge mountain range, 300,000 people are already standing here.

"Let us go!"

"We have said goodbye to our families!"

"No!" Kong Ling shouted angrily at this moment.

He clenched his fists tightly, with unwillingness in his eyes.

He also brought people back to protect the Emperor Dao Clan.

But the current situation is not optimistic. Ordinary armies can't stop the attack of the Undead Clan at all.

And these 300,000 people are spontaneous death warriors, and they are also spontaneously preparing to self-destruct!

However, not talking about their lives, in the Emperor Dao clan, there are actually more people who have shackles. The shackles on them are very strong and there are many.

It can be said that it is difficult to have people without shackles or very few shackles.

Anyone with few or no shackles is particularly cherished.

They will be trained as key points.

Therefore, unlike the immortal lineage, the Emperor Dao clan cannot use the self-destructive attack method!

The most important thing is that this is prohibited in the Emperor Dao clan.

At this moment, these people gathered together spontaneously. After discussing, they planned to be death warriors!

To ​​snipe the army of the immortal lineage.

Go to the shattered universe, and then self-destruct, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!

At this moment, they are asking for orders, and they directly found Kong Ling who was about to go to the front line!

But Kong Ling refused to do so!

His father has sacrificed for justice!

Now, he knew many of these people and was familiar with them, and even many of them joined the Imperial Dao clan with him.

They practice together and grow together!

"Kong Ling, things have reached this point. There is no better way."

"You alone can't stop the army of the Immortal Lineage!" Kong Ling said.

"It certainly can't be stopped, but it depends on how many can be stopped, even if it's just one person?"

"We have to protect the Imperial Clan and our families!" The man said at this moment.

He was very familiar with Kong Ling, so he called him by his first name!

"Aren't you afraid of death?" Kong Ling yelled angrily.

"I'm afraid, of course I'm afraid, but what can I do?"

"If you die, you die, die..." Kong Ling said and seemed unable to continue.

Because he knew that if he died, he would have nothing.

"Now is not the time for love between children. I know you don't want us to die, but Kong Ling, if we don't die now, we will die in the future."

"If you die now, you will have greater value!"

"Then it's my turn to go!" Kong Ling clenched his fists and said.

"Not you!"

"Kong Ling, everyone has their own role. Your role is not here, but to inherit the will of the Imperial Clan and make the Imperial Clan immortal forever!"

"And we are the ones who deserve to die!"

"Kong Ling, there is no turning back from this matter!"

"No!" Kong Ling raised his hand impatiently, but it was already too late!

These three hundred thousand people have entered the moment of youth in an instant. They have gray hair, and each of them has the aura of a crown, and they are like a king!

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