Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4811 Cruel War

The momentary splendor of 300,000 people was earth-shattering, and it instantly dyed the world white.

The extreme cold breath caused heavy snow to fall between heaven and earth.

Kong Ling's eyes were already wet, because it was snowing again.

He had experienced two separations.

At this moment, he was no longer the proud genius.

Two consecutive blows made Kong Ling no longer arrogant.

After all, he found that no matter how high his cultivation was, no matter how talented he was, there were many things he could not do.

For example, separation of life and death!

For example, in this situation, his Tao heart would not collapse, but his mind seemed to see more.

From that kind of arrogant pride, now he understands the suffering of all beings and the ruthlessness of the great way of heaven and earth.

At this moment, Kong Ling was not only mature, but also more tenacious in Tao.

He looked at the 300,000 people with tears in his eyes, and these 300,000 people had already risen into the sky.

They looked at the land of the Emperor Dao clan reluctantly. This was their nostalgic home, where they lived, and even where they were born.

Then, they left without looking back.

One after another, the sound of breaking through the air sounded, like a meteor!

And farther away, the people of the Emperor Dao clan also had tears in their eyes, and then waved goodbye to the 300,000 people!

Because among them are their brothers and sisters, their children, and their relatives!

The Emperor Dao clan's move was a bit helpless, but it was not wise.

Because these people are considered geniuses, but they are the ones who are determined.

The Immortal Clan does not have to worry about these, because many of their people do not have shackles, and many people are well protected by the Immortal Clan.

This is also a means for the Immortal Heavenly King Clan to prove that the old emperor's choice is wrong.

Don't you think shackles are peace?

Don't you want everyone to be shackled?

So what about now?

When the war comes, they can squander without restraint and send countless people to self-destruct!

But what about other forces!

They can only wait to die!

The 300,000 people are very fast and have reached the front line not long after.

In a universe of the Emperor Dao Clan, there was another wave of self-explosion.

Now not only this universe, but also the ten nearby universes are fighting.

The battlefield has spread out, and it is very tragic.

The Emperor Dao Clan has invested the same trillion troops!

But the casualties are serious, because this is not the main force of the Emperor Dao Clan.

The main force may not have many people, but it is definitely strong enough!

And if it is not the main force, although the number of people is also an advantage, this advantage will not be too great.

The advantage of the Emperor Dao Clan is that there are many people, after all, they are open to all!

However, they still suffered a loss.

In a sense, these armies of the Immortal Clan are not the real main forces.

But the combat effectiveness and strength of these armies are definitely higher than that of the Emperor Dao Clan.

After all, the Emperor Dao Clan, like the Tianren Dao Palace, is not necessarily the race that is best at fighting!

And the Immortal Clan, that is definitely!

Otherwise, these vassal tribes cannot join at all!

At this moment, the battlefield was in chaos, many universes had collapsed, and there was chaos and shouts of killing!

Moreover, the army of the Emperor Dao Clan suffered heavy casualties.

Because their army did not dare to make too big moves easily, after all, it was fighting at home!

It was their place that was destroyed!

At this moment, among the remnants of the universe, a knight in black armor had already killed red eyes.

The corpses around him told his record, densely packed, there were old people, children, and some warriors!

These people were all from the Emperor Dao Clan!

"Is the Emperor Dao Clan only capable of this?"

"It's really disappointing!"

He chopped down again and hit a warrior's neck. With a puff, the knife deeply embedded in the warrior's neck!

And there was resentment, anger, and worry in the warrior's eyes.

He couldn't dodge this knife, not because he couldn't dodge, but because he couldn't dodge!

Because there was a child standing behind him!

He had just rescued the child.

At this moment, he was leaving with the child.

This is one of the reasons why the army of the Emperor Dao Clan was defeated even though they also had a trillion-strong army!

After the Immortal Clan discovered that the army of the Emperor Dao Clan had gathered, they wisely chose not to self-destruct so directly!

Instead, they chose to fight in a scattered manner.

Especially when attacking some ordinary people, would the soldiers of the Emperor Dao Clan protect them or not?

If they protect them, they would have to die together!

Not protect them?

How could they not protect them?

After all, they are still human beings and have humanity!

So, this soldier had no choice and no choice!

The knife got stuck in his neck, and the friction between the bones made a crackling sound.

It must be painful!

He looked at the child, and he tried his best.

The next moment, a knife fell, and everything was over!

On the other side, there were 500,000 soldiers of the Emperor Dao Clan, with nearly 300,000 people evacuating. They had already reached a distant place, to the edge of the universe.

But it was a pity!

The next moment, the ten immortals instantly had white hair and rushed into the nearly 800,000 people!

These 800,000 people had already seen hope, especially the warriors!

They saved nearly 300,000 people, and they were very excited. Now they just needed to take them away from here, and they would be done!

However, a white-haired warrior showed a crazy look, extremely crazy, with red eyes, like crazy!

"Die with me!"

"Quick, stop him!" Hundreds of Emperor Dao clan warriors have already rushed up first!

However, the next moment, with a bang, a violent explosion exploded instantly!

The shock wave swept everything, and at the same time, the other nine immortal warriors also exploded instantly!

Although the explosion of ten people did not rush into the crowd, it was around the crowd.


Countless fragments flew up, and the people of the Emperor Dao clan were first broken into fragments, and then vaporized!

The waves of the explosion spread.

The Emperor Dao clan has a weakness, that is, they have absorbed too many ordinary people.

They have no blood advantage, and even have heavy shackles on their bodies!

At this time, this is just a burden, a weakness, not an advantage.

After the aftermath of the explosion, there was nothing left here.

Three hundred thousand people, along with five hundred thousand warriors of the Emperor Dao Clan, nothing was left, not even a scum could be seen!

It was as if they had never been here!

And three hundred thousand gray-haired people of the Emperor Dao Clan had already arrived.

Seeing this scene, their eyes suddenly turned red.

They rushed forward, without hesitation, ready to die, and rushed towards the peak of the Immortal Clan!

"Stop them with self-explosion!" At this moment, thousands of warriors of the Immortal Clan also turned gray in an instant, and then rushed towards the three hundred thousand people!

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