Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4821: Madness

Even Taichu, the king, was shocked by this torn corner!

Unconsciously, in front of the gate of hell, it turned out to be surrounded, and there were already so many armies of death!

In a sense, the army of death has indeed begun to lose control.

Every time someone dies here, their anger will be absorbed by Gu Xing.

And here, too many people have died. Although no one has counted them, looking at the recovery status of the dead, it is obvious that they have reached a certain critical point.

Luo Chen could even feel that the terrifying power on the ancient star was becoming increasingly unstable!

"Disciples of the Imperial Clan, follow me to rescue people!" At this moment, Taichu was the first to rush out!

There was a roar, he was the king, his aura was extremely terrifying, he was the first to step out, his power was extremely powerful!

At this moment, Luo Chen no longer seemed to be hiding his clumsiness. He made a sudden gesture with both hands, then raised his hand and threw it away!

The next moment, a ray of light that was ten thousand meters long burst out at this moment!

In front of the gate of hell, it's like there is a huge star!

Then, a magnificent and ancient huge city emerged!

City of Kings!

Boom, the king in the city of kings takes action!

The combat power of these kings is still affected here, especially without the blessing of heaven. In a sense, they no longer have the combat power of kings.

After all, there is no physical body, and there is no blessing from the power of heaven.

This is not to whitewash the weak, but Luo Chen is not a heaven after all, and cannot bless them to give them strength.

After all, heaven and earth give strength to people and all things.

Without the blessing of heaven and earth, the power will naturally weaken.

However, even if they do not have the king's power, they still have the king's fighting consciousness and experience.

Never be any better than ordinary people or warriors.

And there is rescue!

A qualified king definitely has extremely powerful power to save people!

Because most kings have the power of protection!

At this moment, the kings took action, or joined forces to display their supreme magical power, or rushed into the army of Tianren Dao Palace to divide the battlefield!

This move shocked those who came to kill Luo Chen.

They originally came to kill Luo Chen.

But at this moment, he was being rescued by Luo Chen!

One of them was originally desperate. He originally wanted to save people in order to get the rewards given by destiny.

However, he really couldn't hold on just now, and several people traveling with him had died in the battle.

He fought to the death in the hands of the army of Tianren Dao Palace.

He was besieged, with many wounds on his body, the fighting power in his eyes declined, and he was almost hacked to death.

But now, a king rushed over. Although he was a spirit, he scattered the people who came to kill him!

Then the king raised his hand, and a gentle force pushed him away completely, towards the gate of hell!

"Why?" he asked in shock!

This scene is really puzzling and incredible.

Especially those who were rescued were all in a daze!

Later, another group of people were rescued by Taichu from the Imperial Clan and a dozen kings from the City of Kings.

Of course, it is not easy to save them like this. After all, there are too many people, so this is just a drop in the bucket!

The melee continued, and the person who came to kill Luo Chen was the one licking blood from the knife edge.

But they are unorganized after all. Compared with the Imperial Dao clan who are actually arranging their troops, they are far behind!

So, how can they fight?

If Daoxuanjing hadn't done it for fun, he would have killed them all long ago!

On the other side, the casualties he caused to the Heavenly Man Dao Palace were actually heavy.

However, Daoxuan realm just doesn’t care!

How many deaths were related to him?

In other words, the army from Tianren Dao Palace he brought was originally here to die!

For sacrifice!

Luo Chen's intervention was not enough to change the situation, after all, the number of people was too small!

"Hahaha, hahaha!" Daoxuanjing laughed loudly at this moment.

This situation is so ridiculous!

"They're here to kill you!"

"You actually want to save them!"

"Hahaha, indeed, you are crazier than me!"

"Hahaha, I'm laughing so hard!" Daoxuanjing seemed to be laughing, but also like he was going crazy with joy!

It does feel very dreamy.

In fact, Taichu was unwilling to do this, but at this moment he was not allowed to save people according to Luo Chen's request!

And this drop in the bucket approach actually cannot save too many people.

Luo Chen was also hesitating whether he should simply transfer people from the Golden Human Race over and participate in the rescue!

After all, how many people can be saved like this?

How much time can be delayed?

Moreover, Luo Chen's purpose is to save more people.

Saving these people is not just about delaying the resurgence of death.

This is just one of the goals.

More importantly, Luo Chen wanted to cleanse the Imperial Dao clan, or the ancestor of the Imperial Dao clan.

Once these people return alive, they may be able to restore the truth.

Even if the truth cannot be restored, they will still say that it was the ancestor of the Imperial Dao clan who saved them.

This will at least restore the decline of the Imperial Clan!

After all, according to the situation between the Immortal Lineage and the Celestial Dao Palace, the Imperial Dao clan will be labeled a big hat!

Therefore, Luo Chen's saving of people was not in vain.

After all, these people were here to kill, so why would he save them?

However, just because these people came to kill him, he saved them. Once these people go back alive and tell this story, what will this dramatic reversal lead to?

This will make it easier to gain fame, at least he won't be attacked by all the people in the First Era.

So, these are the two purposes of Luo Chen's rescue.

If there were no two purposes that put the overall situation first, Luo Chen would not be able to save anyone, and I'm afraid no one here would be able to get out!

Dao Xuanjing obviously hasn't reacted yet, he just thinks Luo Chen is a little crazy!

Because this is meaningless, the army has surrounded the people who came to kill Luo Chen.

The situation here is already chaotic enough.

Even if the king of the City of Ten Thousand Kings takes action, how many people can he save?

Luo Chen is thinking, if it doesn't work, he can only mobilize the army of the Golden Human Race!

The Seven-Colored Cloud Map has been handed over to the Queen, and the Queen has taken the Seven-Colored Cloud Map to the Endless Abyss.

But the army of the Golden People was left here. The Queen thought that maybe the army of the Golden People was useful.

The key is that they need to protect Luo Chen!

However, at this moment, on the other side of the Emperor Dao Clan, two groups of people came from different places and were ready to knock on the gate!

This gate is the gate of the Emperor Dao Clan. To go to the Death Universe, the nearest route is here!

But the Emperor Dao Clan is fighting, and all the passes are strictly guarded. They will not let anyone pass easily!

But the two parties who came are very strong!

And it’s rare!

"The First Emperor Department is doing things, the rest of you, retreat!" "I only say it once, switch!"

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