Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4822: There are reinforcements

This sentence alone is enough to shock the world!

The First Human Emperor Division!

This is a legend, a legend, and also a force despised by the world!

Those who admire them say that they have the merit of creating the world, and have endless merits in this world, immortal for all eternity!

Those who slander them say that they are like rats crossing the street, everyone shouts and beats them, and no one is willing to pay attention!

However, the real situation is that even the elders of the Five Elements Division who pointed at the Human Emperor Division and scolded them at the beginning, if they really saw the people of the First Human Emperor Division in front of them, they would kneel down and kowtow immediately!

The reason is very simple, because this is the First Human Emperor Division, the tribe of the Old Man Emperor!

The Immortal Lineage can not give face, and the Tianren Dao Palace can not give it, but no other forces will not give it!

The reason is very simple, this is the First Human Emperor Division!

They just kept a low profile, which does not mean that their power and influence have completely collapsed.

They are still a powerful force in the First Era, but they are not fighting anymore, but many legendary figures among them are dead!

It was like the famous first general of the Human Emperor Department had died!

It was like Chen, the young leader under the seat of the Human Emperor Department!

After all, his sister became the fourth Human Emperor later, which shows how powerful their lineage is!

But even so, they still only obeyed the orders of the Human Emperor!

So, the First Human Emperor Department, this is a long-standing name.

The disciples of the Emperor Dao Clan who were responsible for guarding the gate, the army, and the generals, looked down at the tower and looked at the team of people!

Then, they bowed respectfully.

At the same time, they were shocked. Strictly speaking, after the death of the old emperor, the First Human Emperor Department fell silent.

In this world, no one said the First Human Emperor Department anymore.

That was in the past.

Now, this familiar and unfamiliar name has appeared again.

"Everyone, please allow me to ask for instructions!" The general of the Emperor Dao Clan didn't know what to do. He needed to ask his superiors!

"Do you want to ask for instructions?" Under the tower, there was a white-haired old man among the team.

This old man has no powerful aura fluctuations, no Dao essence, and no endless various powers!

He only gives people a feeling of being human!

In terms of the power of the human race, there are also differences in the first era!

Therefore, in the first era, there are also pure human power and impure human power!

And where is the real pure human power?

In the Human Emperor Department, especially the First Human Emperor Department!

The First Human Emperor Department is the real representative of human power and the peak representative!

At this moment, the old man has no momentum, he just said a few words lightly.

However, just one sentence fell to the ground, and in an instant, this huge pass began to shake, and even the countless guardian runes on the city wall began to shatter.

Moreover, the entire pass was cracked with many large holes.

And in the distance, the same domineering aura was approaching, that was the monstrous demonic energy, the demonic energy was sweeping across the world.

It made the whole sky look like it was about to explode.

The demonic energy in the sky fell down, endless.

At this moment, the people guarding the gate of the Emperor Dao clan were shocked again.

Extraterritorial demons!

Extraterritorial demons are here too?

What happened today?

The First Human Emperor Department was very old and low-key, almost hidden to the point of non-existence, but now it suddenly appears.

And now, extraterritorial demons, which are also very hidden, have also appeared at this moment!

What big thing happened?

It made the two legendary and legendary old forces resurrect and want to pass through this pass?

"Please show mercy, I'll open the gate now!" The commander took a look, and he was not stubborn.

He immediately opened the gate and let people pass.

After all, the Emperor Dao Clan is in a bit of chaos and trouble.

These people should not be coming for the Emperor Dao Clan, he doesn't want to cause trouble!

And that team of people naturally noticed the extraterritorial demons.

But they ignored the extraterritorial demons, but hurried away on their own.

The commander and many guards bowed.

After all, the people of the First Human Emperor Department are really full of legendary colors.

When they passed by them, they took a look at the ancient armor.

There were traces of weapons on it, which was the supreme honor!

Just as the people from the First Emperor Department left, the people from the outer demons arrived!

They were called demons, but in fact they all looked like humans, except that they had purple symbols on their foreheads, and some even had red or purple hair!

Moreover, there was a strong repulsive force between their aura and the surrounding heaven and earth environment.

This repulsive force was because the heaven and earth did not recognize them, and the heaven and earth were expelling them.

But because they were so powerful, the ordinary power of heaven and earth could not expel them.

Therefore, a repulsive force that looked very strange was generated.

The stronger their strength, the stronger the repulsive force!

For example, many masters of the outer demons in front of them distorted the surrounding space, which looked very abnormal!

These people did not speak, and several soldiers of the Emperor Dao clan clenched their weapons.

The commander gave a look to indicate that he did not see it.

Then, with a rumble, a distorted space passed by first.

This was shocking, because the stronger it is, the stronger the repulsion is, and just now, almost no one could be seen. How powerful is the other party?

The guarding general of the Emperor Dao Clan was extremely shocked. He really didn't understand what happened over there, and why so many legendary forces were rushing there?

But he knew that it would no longer be peaceful there!

On the Death Universe side, Luo Chen was still directing people to save people!

But Luo Chen took a look and realized that if he continued like this, he would not be able to save too many people.

Luo Chen frowned. The warriors of the Golden Human Clan were his trump card. He didn't want to play it until the critical moment!

So, Luo Chen still didn't let the warriors of the Golden Human Clan come here.

After all, from the perspective of interests, this is not in Luo Chen's interests.

Luo Chen is protecting the Emperor Dao Clan, not himself, so he naturally won't use his own people.

This is not selfish, but responsible. After all, the people of the Golden Human Clan are also dead!

So, Luo Chen looked at the scattered people who were killed by the Tianren Dao Palace.

Luo Chen pondered for a moment, and this time, he simply stepped down and began to command himself!

At the same time, he had already arranged another backup plan!

Luo Chen took a step forward, rushed out of the ghost gate, and then rushed towards the extremely chaotic place!

There was a wounded ancient emperor being besieged! This ancient emperor had sneak attacked Luo Chen before, but now he was seriously injured and could hardly hold on!

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