Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4838 Human Emperor War Soldiers

This old man has white hair, a hunched body, and can no longer straighten his back.

However, his old and aging body still has a strong vitality and an amazing pressure!

He did not release it on purpose. He has tried his best to suppress himself, but he still can't hide the pressure.

It can be imagined how powerful he was when he was young.

Destroy the stars with a thought and shatter the universe with a hand!

This old man is very extraordinary, but at this moment he is trembling and looking at Luo Chen, with a smile in his dim old eyes.

Luo Chen stood there and sighed, because Luo Chen could feel that the old man had an obsession that spanned countless years!

He seemed to be waiting, waiting for that person to come back.

Waiting for that person to appear again!

Not only him, there was also an old woman beside him. The moment she saw Luo Chen, she had already burst into tears.

She was also old, with wrinkled skin. She covered her face and cried, a little worried about her appearance, but she couldn't suppress the emotion in her heart.

In a trance, she released a powerful human force, as if she had suppressed the years and turned back the time.

Luo Chen saw a tall and perfect woman in a green dress standing in front of him, with long black hair, delicate and perfect facial features, fair skin, and peerless beauty!

Standing on the street, everything around her seemed to be eclipsed.

However, this was only in a trance. Luo Chen looked again and saw that the other party was old!

They were all subordinates of the First Human Emperor and had followed the Old Emperor!

Now, even the group of people who followed the Old Emperor are old and have reached the end of their days!

Luo Chen took a deep breath and shook his head.

"I am not him!" Luo Chen couldn't bear to tell the truth, because these people were looking forward to it and expecting it.

Waiting for the return of the Old Emperor, perhaps this is their only obsession and hope to survive.

Luo Chen's words cut off the hope of these old people.

It was quiet all around, and there was silence.

Even the ancient emperor Qi Guan did not expect Luo Chen to be so direct and directly deny that he was the old emperor!

There was silence all around, as if someone was heartbroken, or as if someone had lost hope.

Luo Chen did not want to deceive them, after all, he was not the old emperor.

"But?" The old man's obsession was very deep, she always did not believe it, or she was unwilling to accept this fact!

"In fact, I have seen him!"

"He is still there, always there!" Although Luo Chen denied that he was the old emperor, it seemed to have extinguished everyone's hope.

But Luo Chen's words ignited new hope for everyone!

"Have you seen him?"

"He is really still there?" At this moment, some people could not hold back their tears, and the tears burst out like a flood!

"He is, he has always been in this world. If you leave one day, you may see him again." Luo Chen said.

At this moment, even Qi Guan was shocked.

He doubted whether Luo Chen was deliberately comforting these old people!

After all, the old emperor has been dead for many years and has disappeared for many years!

But this is also very likely, because it is a top-level creature, and it should not die easily!

"Is he there?"

"He has always been here, in this world, in the sea of ​​consciousness, he said, he is tired and resting." Luo Chen said.

At this moment, many people smiled again, and they felt much more relieved.

"Good, very good!"

"You are also very good!" Someone looked at Luo Chen.


Qi Guan looked at Luo Chen in disbelief, and he also wanted to confirm that Luo Chen was not comforting them.

"It is indeed still there, just in a different form of life." Luo Chen looked at Qi Guan and nodded.

Qi Guan's eyes were filled with tears instantly.

It turned out that he was really still there!

This was like a reassurance.

Luo Chen could understand that if one day he was gone, then the secular group of people would probably be the same!

Humans are emotional animals after all!

Emotions are constraints, and they are low-level animal instincts, but they are also the essence of life.

Only with emotions can life survive in this world.

It is also because of emotions that life will cherish itself and have ties!

The people of the First Human Emperor Department have deep feelings for the Old Man Emperor.

"Let's go in first." Qi Guan said.

He led Luo Chen to the dojo of the old man emperor.

The whole way in, it was very large, and there were no longer some old people, but more young people.

They were full of energy and had a strong breath.

Although they had shackles on their bodies, they were not like those in the later generations, with no shackles at all, and became ordinary people.

After all, they are the most powerful warriors of the human race, and they have the most ancient and terrifying human combat power.

Pure human power.

Although the First Human Emperor Department was suppressed by the pressure of the Undead Heavenly King, there was a way to break it. Luo Chen saw more than one king here!

But the Ancient Emperor Luo Chen didn't see much.

However, Qi Guan and others were ancient emperors themselves. Luo Chen felt that the First Human Emperor Department might not be as weak as it seemed.

After all, this is the First Human Emperor Department, and it is probably done deliberately for people to see.

That’s why the first impression is somewhat weak.

Soon, Luo Chen and others approached. There was still a tribal form there. There were no magnificent buildings between heaven and earth, and no unparalleled paradise!

There were only green mountains and clear waters, a few scattered thatched houses and some small wooden houses!

There was also a medicinal field in the distance!

It was hard to imagine that this was the Taoist temple of the old emperor!

Let alone the Emperor Dao clan, even the Five Elements tribe or any other tribe would have a more magnificent and magnificent Taoist temple than this!

And the Taoist temple of the old emperor was really ordinary and ordinary!

However, other people needed magnificent buildings to bless their status.

However, the old emperor did not need it. Wherever the old emperor was, that was the center of heaven and earth, that was the paradise, and the most sacred place in the world!

Because the four words "the first emperor" were enough to glorify everything!

Luo Chen and others stopped and did not move forward.

Because that place did not allow ordinary people to set foot.

However, when Luo Chen walked here, suddenly there was a wave of power surging in the thatched house!

But Luo Chen couldn't see anything, nor could he detect what kind of power was surging!

"Here are the Human Emperor's soldiers!"

"He left a prophecy that one day, someone will come to take it!" Qi Guan looked at Luo Chen!

"Is this breath the Human Emperor's soldiers?" Luo Chen looked around in confusion.

Luo Chen's consciousness could not detect the thatched house and the wooden house, and Qi Guan would not let him in.

Luo Chen did feel a strong breath, but he didn't see anything!

The only thing that was relevant was perhaps a series of strange breaths?

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