Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4839: The Emperor of Humanity snatches people away

Luo Chen was very confused. In the distance, whether it was from Luo Chen's consciousness or from somewhere else, a spear flew over with a swoosh!


The spear cut through the sky and came in an instant!

This is the Human Emperor Arrow!

This Human Emperor Arrow vibrated, and Luo Chen was confused, because he had broken the will of the Human Emperor, and what was left was his will.

At this moment, it flew out from nowhere.

Then it caused a resonance!

The next moment, another powerful breath came in an instant!

Another spear cut through the sky and the earth!

Then it flew around Luo Chen and hovered beside him.

The second Human Emperor Arrow!

Then, the next moment, the third spear flew over, with endless shimmering light, glazed brilliance, and a momentum that spread to the sky!

This is the third Human Emperor Arrow!

All three Human Emperor Arrows appeared!

"The Human Emperor Arrow is indestructible. No matter where it is, even if it is separated by time and space, even if it is broken, as long as the Human Emperor calls, the Human Emperor Arrow will reappear!" At this moment, Qi Guan spoke.

Luo Chen's eyes flashed, and he suddenly remembered something.

Kirin Knight!

That's right, isn't this the same attribute as the Kirin Knight?

The only difference is that the Human Emperor Arrow is a weapon, while the Kirin Knight is a self-acting undead!

Luo Chen also remembered that the Human Emperor Arrow has a tracking function!

This means that the Human Emperor Arrow may be able to restrain the Kirin Knight.

Of course, the Human Emperor Arrow seems to be stronger as the master's strength increases.

Therefore, Luo Chen's Human Emperor Arrow cannot kill the Kirin Knight at present.

However, at this moment, a breath vibrated, and all the Human Emperor Arrows came.

Obviously, Luo Chen felt that he had not wiped out the Human Emperor's breath on the arrow!

"Is this the Human Emperor War Soldier?" The Demon King took a look, with a hint of disdain in his eyes!

"No!" Qi Guan shook his head.

"What is the Human Emperor's Battle Soldier?"

"You need to sense the real Human Emperor's Battle Soldier yourself!" Qi Guan said.

Luo Chen looked around, and there was indeed a strange force vibrating.

He channeled the Human Emperor's power in his body, and the next moment, the power around him vibrated even more strongly.

But the power in Luo Chen's body and the power around him were obviously not at the same frequency.

So, Luo Chen simply sat down cross-legged.

Then he began to adjust his own frequency!

Luo Chen kept trying to make his frequency closer and closer to the power of the Human Emperor!

Time was slowly passing!

I don't know how long it took, Luo Chen's eyes flashed, and he looked around.

It was different, he was no longer in the mountains.

The surroundings had changed a lot.

Thousands of stars, constantly born and destroyed, everything seemed so shocking!

And at this moment, Luo Chen also saw that this time Luo Chen no longer saw the inner world of Neiguan.

But the inside of the soul!

The inside of his own soul!

Luo Chen saw at a glance, the dense array, and at the same time, there was a red hair, which actually grew in his soul.

And the dense array was very complicated and very complicated!

At the same time, Luo Chen looked at the deepest part of the array.

There, the moment Luo Chen looked, some figures from his previous life suddenly flashed by!

"That is!"

"My memory!" Luo Chen's eyes suddenly darkened.

His memory was tampered with!

At the same time, at this moment, Tuoba, who was on Mount Tai, had the cup in his hand crushed in an instant.

"Why did he go there?"


"It's a big trouble!" Tuoba's face changed!

"The old emperor is going to rob people?"

"He is so calculating. We worked hard to send people over, and now he wants to pick the fruits?" Tuoba's face sank!

This time, Tuoba was rarely visibly nervous!

Because if the old emperor took the fruits away, then all the plans would be ruined!

Moreover, this is beyond reach. At this moment, no one can influence Luo Chen!

"Where is Emperor Shitian?" Tuoba's eyes flashed at this moment.

"He is not awake again. Although he is there, he can't stop it." Emperor said at this moment.

"Then this is troublesome. What if the old emperor snatches people?" Tuoba said seriously.

On the other side, Luo Chen looked at those memories. They were close at hand, but there was a powerful formation, and Luo Chen himself obviously couldn't break it!

Because this is the seal placed on him by the top creatures!

"Can't he know the truth?" Emperor asked at Mount Tai at this moment.

"Of course not, there are still several steps to go!" Tuoba sighed.

"Knowing this in advance?"

"All plans are ruined!" Tuoba sighed.

"Memory is the last step!" Tuoba's expression became more and more serious.

"Why didn't I notice that the old emperor also had his eyes on him?" Tuoba was a little regretful!

However, at this moment he really had no way.

There was the old emperor's territory and means.

Even if he went there in person, there was nothing he could do!

And Luo Chen himself was also confused when he looked at the sealed memory.

What was there that he couldn't know?

After all, it was his own memory!

Why was it sealed?

At this moment, Luo Chen's eyes flickered, as if he was thinking.

However, Luo Chen also felt that the frequency of the power vibrations around him was getting closer and closer.

The vibration frequency of his human emperor power and the old emperor's vibration frequency is getting more and more consistent.

Obviously, it is the power of the old emperor that makes some things in his body that should not be manifested manifest.

That's why the current scene is caused!

In the endless sea of ​​stars, Luo Chen continued to adjust the frequency. He wanted to see what the old emperor's war weapon was.

Moreover, what was the sealed memory?

At this moment, Luo Chen vibrated his own power, and the surrounding sea of ​​stars also vibrated with it!

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

As the frequency vibrated, Luo Chen heard a series of sounds, like thunder, and like Huang Zhong Da Lu!

The sea of ​​stars also fluctuated with this vibration!

Gradually, a sharp breath spread in the sea of ​​stars.

The stars began to gather, and a powerful force was revealed from there!

Very rhythmic, like breathing.

At the same time, those seas of stars began to emit endless light, and the light became more and more blazing!

The powerful force was surging, just like the pressure and power of facing the top creatures.

Sure enough, the Human Emperor's War Soldier is powerful!

As soon as it came out, it had a top-level pressure!

The starry sea in front was slowly solidifying, becoming brighter and brighter, and the power was getting stronger and stronger!

As the light became brighter, when it reached a certain extreme, all the light was finally recovered!

The next moment, the Human Emperor's War Soldier finally revealed its true appearance, quietly suspended in the dazzling starry sea, releasing and exhaling endless breath.

And Luo Chen glanced over, and then couldn't help showing a puzzled look!

"What is this?"

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