Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 228 5.20 The lizard man appears again! (Added chapter for book friend

In the last life that Nefertiti lived, the "Volcan Cult" and the god "King Xin" that the sect believed in had not yet appeared.

This sect originated and flourished after the emergence of the powerful enemy of ancient Greece, the Persian Empire, which was already in 600 BC.

During this era, Nefertiti had been mummified for 700 years.

"This sect is quite interesting!" Nefertiti said to herself as she followed Eunuch Shang, "During my time as Pharaoh, I have seen many foreign gods living in Kyushu."

"I have seen many miraculous powers, but people like this can change their appearance, appearance, voice, and even temperament at will.

This is really the first time I’ve seen it! "

The "Eunuch Shang" who just appeared in Mohlantin's room and the middle-aged man who gave orders seen in the Fire Sacrifice are not the same as each other.

It is impossible for any mortal with normal eyesight to connect these two completely different people.

I'm afraid that in the entire Scandinavia at this time, only Nefertiti, who put on the Horus mask and opened the "Eye of Horus", could break all illusions by observing psychic waveforms.

Only she can see clearly this man's true face.

"Haha, if that Viking princess learned that her snow-white body was stared at by a wretched middle-aged man for two hours, I really don't know what kind of reaction she would have!"

Only two blocks away, "Eunuch Shang" had already taken advantage of the brief darkness at the corner of the street to change at least three appearances. As long as he steps into the darkness, it won't take three breaths. When he appears in the light again, his whole temperament will become completely different.

Even someone as powerful as Nefertiti could barely tell that they were the same person, but couldn't tell which one was his true body.

As for the coachmen, laborers and lame girls accompanying him, they were already used to it.


The night at Storm's End was extremely dark, and the cold wind mixed with broken snow kept hitting them. No one in this fast-moving team spoke.

As he approached the city gate, Eunuch Shang transformed back into the appearance of a merchant from the Eastern Continent and showed off the "Sabertooth Family Emblem" given by the O'Sullivan family. The guards stationed at the gate of Storm's End saw the token and immediately opened the door to let people in.

Nefertiti continued to follow them, and the group walked quickly in the wind and snow for nearly half an hour and finally stopped near the "crematorium" on the outskirts of the city.

The Vikings used to cremate their bodies after death. This is most likely due to the barren living conditions in Scandinavia.

The food here is so poor that it is very likely that the corpse will be dug up and re-eaten by hungry beasts after burial.

As for water burial, a treatment method that seriously pollutes the environment, it is even more unacceptable. Even in midsummer, the water temperature in the peninsula can only be maintained at about 4-8 degrees.

There are often corpses soaked in the river for 3 years without decomposing, which is very scary.

Not to mention that among the Viking social groups, a considerable number of people fought abroad as "Varyag mercenaries".

Once they die in another place, they can only burn the body into ashes and take it back to their hometown through cremation.

Because ancient Egypt, which was good at anti-corrosion technology, has perished, and freezing technology has not yet arrived.


Eunuch Shang's second target is the gravedigger who was assigned the task of "hiding the corpse" in the fire-passing rally.

His codename is "Idle Dog."

This house stands alone in a deserted stone field on the outskirts of the city. There are ownerless tombstones all around the house. Some Viking warriors who had neither heirs nor families were left unclaimed after their deaths. After they were burned, they were buried on the spot and then erected on unmarked monuments.

After passing through a long series of inscriptions without words, Eunuch Shang stood in front of the door and knocked respectfully several times.

It was already late at night. The gravedigger codenamed "Idle Dog" in the house yelled after hearing the knock on the door: "If there is a corpse, put it on the porch first! I will burn it again tomorrow morning!"

"In three days, when I have finished the urn, come and collect the ashes!"

But Eunuch Shang didn't reply. He still slapped the heavy wooden door with his big hands.

The gravedigger cursed twice, lit the oil lamp and opened the door. Just when he was about to use all the vicious words he could think of to scold the bastard who knocked on the door in this cold night, he saw the gloomy face of the Flame Herald.

"Sir, according to the rules of the Fire Sacrifice, aren't we not allowed to meet in public?"

"Haha, my brother! Look at this cold snowy night, how can there be another living person within a radius of a thousand meters?" Eunuch Shang took out a heavy money bag and put it into the hands of "Xiangou".

That was the price they agreed on at the Fire Sacrifice: 200 gold dinar coins.

Nodding slightly, the old man opened the wooden door, turned around and walked inside.

However, at this moment, Eunuch Shang suddenly took out a dagger with a cold light from his arms and stabbed it into the old man's throat along the back of his neck!


This turn of events is something that Nefertiti did not expect.

However, as she hid in the shadows and slipped into the gravedigger's room, a more ferocious scene began to unfold in front of him!

Hidden on the rafters, she saw Eunuch Shang cleanly cutting open the old gravedigger's skin and peeling off his entire "human skin"!

Then, he faced the lame girl behind him who had been scolded by him for a long time, and said softly: "Dear academician Gures, I have prepared it for you!"

The next second, the horrific scene was staged again.

The fat girl from Donglu named "Xiao Hui'er" nodded slightly. She took off all her clothes, then stretched her hands behind her head, peeled off the scalp on the back of her head, and pulled hard!

A bloody "human skin coat" was peeled off from head to toe!

"Haha, that's it!"

"The lame lizard man whose leg was cut off by your father unexpectedly hid himself among the entourage of this father-in-law!

And like a chameleon, the old eunuch who can change his body and appearance at will is really worthy of his superpower!

He turned out to be a double-faced man with a dual identity, hiding in the "Volcan Cult" and the "Illuminati" at the same time! "

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