Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 229 5.21 Lizard Man Gurez

The lizard man Gures firmly remembered what the sect master once said in his heart.

"The maester is the most important resource in the clan."

"When you go out on missions, you must always remember that your life does not belong to you, but to the tribe!"

"This planet is just the first step for us to conquer the galaxy. If our tribe can only survive on one planet, the chance of our extinction is very high! In my lifetime, I will definitely drive the Leviathan and lead the tribe to become a Praise the galaxy group!”

"In this way, our footprints will be all over the universe. Sooner or later, we will even surpass the 'Creator of Light' and evolve to the top of the universe!"

"And all of this needs to be completed by the bachelors!"

When the sect leader said these words, Gurez's mind was filled with yearning for the stars and the sea. In his nearly three thousand years of life, he witnessed countless alien gods visiting the earth. He wore different human skins one after another and blended into the ethnic groups they controlled, learning their language and culture, and secretly stealing their technology. .

In three thousand years, his identity has never been revealed.

Especially when two years ago, he lurked beside Nefertiti and conspired with other companions to launch a coup to oust the glorious female pharaoh from her throne.

Even the "sect leader" praised him as the light of the clan.

It was precisely because he had completed one seemingly extremely difficult lurking mission after another that the suzerain sent him to Scandinavia to carry out a very important mission within the community-exploring Asgard.

Gures knew his mission, and he also knew what a terrible bet the tribe had placed on him by arranging for him to enter the Holy Mountain to conduct research.

In the hundreds of years since entering the Holy Mountain, there have been several invasions in Scandinavia. Relying on the lizard people's global intelligence network, he was able to retreat in advance every time and avert danger.

Until this fall, he met Buchan Bushi, who acted unconventionally, and Rocky, a lunatic.

When the invaders and defenders worked together unprecedentedly closely to attack the Vikings' sacred mountain, Gurez had no time to prepare and had no time to retreat. Out of helplessness, he could only open the portal and release the portal guardian.

He doesn't care if the portal guardian wins.

In his eyes, this guy was just diverting his attention and delaying time. When the guardian appeared, he turned around and ran away without thinking.

He must escape!

Because all the 700 years of research results after he entered the Holy Mountain are in his brain!


Gurez, the lizard man who successfully escaped from the Holy Mountain, is in a very difficult situation. The "human skin" he was wearing was almost completely broken. Inside the human skin, the defensive soft armor made by the "Sect Master" was also severely deformed under Loki's powerful chops and was on the verge of breaking.

Gurez's lifespan is close to 3,000 years old. This number may sound exaggerated, but among the lizard people, he is still an out-and-out young man.

He spent most of his life in the laboratory, and he didn't even have time to conduct any training in "combat skills". Escaped from the cave in the chaos, relying on a lot of luck, he successfully escaped from the top of the Holy Mountain.

But this was just the beginning of another disaster for him.

Broken legs, injured, hungry and cold, this young lizard scholar survives alone in the wild, unable to complete even the most basic hunting. In the end, he could only survive by eating the "human skin".

If he hadn't received the purchase order from Mohlantin, Eunuch Shang, who was traveling through the Tianduan Mountains, accidentally discovered the rescue emblem he had carved. In three days, the most knowledgeable Asgardian researcher among the tribe may even starve to death in the cave of Tianduan Mountain!

Fortunately, Eunuch Shang also has another identity. He is a peripheral member of the "Illuminati" who is trying its best to win over.

After rescuing Gures from the cave, Eunuch Shang urgently contacted his "superior" to take out a piece of "human skin". However, he was destined not to use this skin for a long time because it was the skin of a girl from the East China.

And Maester Gurez doesn't speak Chinese.

A lizard man who cannot speak or "dress up" in the female form of the Eastern Land cannot hide his identity at all. In desperation, Eunuch Shang could only discuss with the lizard people, trying to use their evolved "hibernation" characteristics to disguise him as a corpse and hide it in the homes of the fire gang members.

Wait until the sea surface thaws in spring and then find a way to transport him away.

Gures certainly didn't like this approach. Because long periods of sleep can put his brain to a standstill. In the Illuminati, the lizard people enjoy almost absolute control over humans. After many communications in the middle of the night with no one around, Eunuch Shang promised to try his best to come up with a way for this distinguished man to avoid hibernation.

At the moment when the old gravedigger opened the door, Eunuch Shang saw the opportunity to complete this task perfectly.

Living alone outside the city, with no other residents within a dozen kilometers, this crematorium is simply a natural place of refuge. Not to mention that a tragic war had just concluded in the river valley. Apart from the old people who died of illness, there were not many dead people in the river valley this winter.

Even if someone comes occasionally, Gures, wearing the skin of a gravedigger, can easily complete it himself.

After all, he hid in the Holy Mountain for many years as the Acolyte of the Storm. He is fluent in Viking language.

"This is basically the situation

Sir, you are hiding in this crematorium. Apart from burning the corpse on time and regularly attending fire-passing rallies, there should be no other more serious problems. I'm really sorry that I can't take you with me. After all, you have a problem with your leg, and I

Sir, you also understand. "

Of course Gurez understood what Eunuch Shang meant. The Illuminati's cultivation and development of "hidden stakes" among humans is not like the Vulcan Cult, which has an extremely low threshold for membership.

The Illuminati has been able to remain mysterious in the human world for a long time by relying on thousands of years of operation and development. This is directly related to their long-term absorption of the elite in human society.

In order to maintain his own net worth, Shang Gongping's business is also very busy every day. For Bachelor Gurez, who was accidentally discovered in the Tutian Mountains, he was able to do this to the best of his ability.

After simply explaining all the tasks that needed to be done, Eunuch Shang stood up and left as he saw that the sky was almost turning white.

Gures was just about to take off this brand new human skin and take a rest, but suddenly found that the lights in the room dimmed.

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