Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 230 5.22 Old friends meet

"Hey, I never thought that in this deserted wilderness, I could actually meet an old friend!"

A once-familiar mezzo-soprano emerged from his ears. He was speaking the ancient Egyptian language that Gures was once very familiar with. He still remembered the terrifying woman who died at the hands of the "sect master" during his apprenticeship.

(Oh my God, how could I hear her voice for no reason? If I remember correctly, this person should have been dead for a long time, and even his soul has been sealed in the Mask of Horus)

However, what happened next was a scene that completely shattered Gurez's defenses.

"Little brother Gurez, do you still remember your former master?"

As the heavy wooden door slammed shut, turning his head to look at the door, Gures saw a golden figure slowly appear in the darkness in front of the door as the light deflected.

Her face wore an exquisite Horus mask, and her two pupils, one golden and one black, were constantly flashing with a strange light. At the same time, she was holding a corpse in her left hand.

That was the "Eunuch Shang" who had just escorted him all the way.

A 5-year-old girl quietly killed a sword cultivator of the Tang Dynasty. He felt more and more that the petite figure in front of him was the woman in his memory.

This was the first teacher he met after entering human society.

"Lord Pharaoh?"

"How could it be you?!"

The stunned Gures rubbed his eyes vigorously, not believing that what he was seeing was true. Back then, he personally returned to his hometown and presented the Horus mask on Nefertiti's face to the Cyclops who guarded the obsidian pyramid.

(Is it possible that the ‘hometown’ has been exposed?)

(Someone stole Nefertiti’s golden mask from ‘Hometown’?)

The lizard man blinked his eyes hard, and it was too late to hide the pair of golden vertical pupils that belonged to his body! When he was sure that everything in front of him was not an illusion, he quickly ran to the window sill and opened the wooden window sash.

Facing the wind and snow outside the window, an Anubis warrior emerged from the darkness and stood quietly in front of him.

This dark undead creature emits extremely powerful spiritual energy fluctuations. Looking back, he found that the light in the room was quickly dimming. Anubis warriors kept appearing under the bed, in the closet, and even on the ceiling of the dilapidated wooden house.

And each one is extremely powerful!

"No way this is impossible!"

"Only gods can emit such terrifying spiritual energy fluctuations! Halfway through Scandinavia, unless you cross the portal and enter the Æsir domain, how could you possibly do that?"

"No, I have to escape!"

The treasures in the Obsidian Pyramid actually appeared on the land of the Vikings. Not only that, Nefertiti, a female pharaoh who had been dead for two thousand years, was resurrected and created such a terrifying Anubis. Legion!

Something terrible must have happened in "hometown" to allow this female devil to escape!

Taking off the human skin coat he had just made, Gures jumped towards the window. The heavy black iron scepter hit his back and made a crisp sound like metal and stone hitting each other. However, his body Just staggered.

In mid-air, he quickly stabilized his body, landed on the ground with two hard lizard palms and one leg, and then quickly climbed away.

The lizardmen are formed by the light giant using the genes of dinosaurs and the light giant's own mysterious technology. In 200 million years of evolution, this group has experienced many disasters, and finally decided to focus its evolution on two aspects.

1. Life span.

2. Defense.

Each lizardman has an extremely long lifespan. At the same time, they may not be born warriors, but during the 200 million years of living with Leviathan, they have continued to study this giant beast, making the lizard people's own "defense" and "life-saving abilities" very good. .

They can cut off their stumps at any time and block the flow of blood from the wound. After successfully escaping, you can use your powerful body regeneration ability to regrow new limbs in a short time.

(Of course, short is only for the long life cycle of the lizard people. Even with the lizard people's system, it will take at least a year to completely grow the severed limbs.)

At the same time, the defensive power of their scale armor is extremely amazing.

This outer skin can be called the essence of lizard people's 200 million years of evolution.

In the cave at the top of the Holy Mountain, Gurez, who was still wearing the skin of the Storm God at that time, used this scale armor to withstand the blow of Loki's blood axe. Loki's blood ax imbued with psychic energy once slashed through the shell of a prehistoric hermit crab, slashed through the skin of Leviathan, and even slashed through the head of a golden-armored giant.

But the only thing that didn't penetrate Gurez's scales was his!

Looking at all the gods on the earth, the lizard man's skin and physical defense capabilities can be said to be unparalleled in the world! If he was not caught in the giant palm by Bakan Bush in the later period, his left leg was broken with brute force , he won't even get hurt at all!

So now, when his back was hit by Anubis' heavy scepter, he only staggered two steps and did not receive any serious damage.

But in the end he forgot something.

Nefertiti was completely different from the half-hearted rulers of this era. She comes from a time 2000 years ago when outer gods, ancient gods and old rulers were rampant on the continent.

In this era, all the lords have to deal with are mortals, at most the chosen ones.

When Nefertiti came to power in 1300 BC, at least half of the enemies he faced were alien gods who came from outside the earth!

In that era where bloody killings occurred almost every day, any ruler who could leave his name in the long river of time was by no means incompetent.

Since Nefertiti decided to set up an ambush around the fire field, she had no intention of allowing Gurez to break out of the siege alive.

Just before walking out, a hand made of yellow sand appeared in the soft sand on the ground. This big hand grabbed Gures's single leg, and then a huge figure made of yellow sand condensed behind him.

This man is not an Anubis warrior, but a mummy whose whole body is composed of yellow sand elements.

This is exactly the mummy made by Nefertiti using the body of "Master Irushil". After two months of "maturation", it has now evolved to a complete body.

The mummy pressed down on Gurez's body, making it almost impossible for him to move. Under the cold soil, a golden scorpion emerged from the soil, showing its tail stinger and gently piercing the soles of his feet.

When he saw the scorpion, Gures already knew that he was dead.

This kind of golden poisonous scorpion was a targeted killing weapon designed by Nefertiti specifically hired by outside gods to fight against the lizard people when she was in power. This toxin can quickly disintegrate the anti-aging enzyme substances in their bodies, and then rapidly consume the spiritual energy in their bodies at an exponential time and speed.

When the psychic energy dissipates, the scales on their bodies will no longer provide any defense, and the lizardmen will no longer be able to wear human skin, and they will become as fragile as mortals.

When the poisonous scorpion's tail stinger penetrated Gurez's body, he did not feel any pain. He roared unwillingly with all his strength, but in just a few seconds, his screams quickly weakened. At the same time, all the hair and scales on his body turned old and gray at an extremely fast speed.

"No, don't kill me!"

"I still have a lot of knowledge about 'Asgard' in my brain. This is the result of my research for more than seven hundred years. I am still useful to you!

I'm still young, God and the Lord finally allowed me to be born into this world, and I don't want to die yet! "

Gures screamed for mercy, but at this time he was helpless and could only be slaughtered.

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