Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 247 5.39 Entering the other world

Taking a deep breath of cold air, Loki moved his re-grown legs again.

After drinking the golden potion, he did indeed grow new legs as he thought. Not only that, there are also strange tattoos on his body that resemble ancient murals.

On it, humanoid creatures with hands raised in the air are depicted worshiping the sky, and giant beasts are running across the vast land.

But he did not completely remove the traces of the Bloody Creator from his body.

Stretching out his right hand, he could still see the lines of "product description" that looked like barcodes. He really wanted to see if his blood could create the illusion of blood mist at this time.

But he didn't do that.

Because he has begun to feel the anger from the "Scarlet Creator".

In his dreams, he could often see three huge heads staring at him from high in the sky. They tried to reach out their hands to grab themselves, but they couldn't really touch their body.

At this point, Loki's conclusion is basically correct. The Bloody Creator wanted to pull him into the petri dish. If he didn't swallow the ancient god's inner elixir himself, he would have to pass through the blood mist illusion!

As long as they don't generate blood mist, there's nothing they can do to them!

Secondly, even during the day, he often heard the "Scarlet Creator" whispering in his ears that he couldn't understand in a weird accent.

No one likes an unknown god whispering silently in their ears all day long.

Neither would Loki.

Just when he was about to end this adventure and return to the city, a bold idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

This idea comes from two points.

1. The old lizard "Salivan" who transformed into a light giant was still alive after being pushed to the ground and poured with several basins of cold water.

However, he became old and frail.

The immortal power that the lizard men had evolved over 200 million years completely disappeared from his body.

Like an eggplant beaten by frost, he gave up all resistance. In the exchanges in recent days, he only hoped that Loki would let him go and let him bring the research results back to the tribe.

He assured Loki that his fellow Illuminati would reward him handsomely.

"Our guild is so powerful that it goes beyond your imagination! We are richer than the French, the Tang people, and even many foreign gods in the world!"

"The wealth owned by the Illuminati is simply beyond what you, a country lord, can imagine!"

These are Saliwan’s exact words.

2. Sartre drank the last remaining bottle of "golden potion"

Ever since I read the Book of Saga, I learned that the potion made from rotten animals in the dungeon only has a lifespan of 10-15 years once drunk. This matter was stuck in Loki's heart, making him very uncomfortable all the time.

Among the Vikings, only warriors like Ahai the "Learner" or Duke Bernard who awaken their power through battle can live longer than 40 years.

Among the 10 brothers who initially followed him on his adventure at sea, 3 died of explosions, while the remaining 7 are still alive.

These brothers who grew up with Loki are his most solid team members, and they are also the only people who can gain his unconditional trust in this cold alien world.

If there was a way to extend their lives from brothers who could only live for 10 years, he would do everything possible to help them accomplish it.

The method that Loki came up with was the magic potion obtained from the inner wall of the city wall.

After the lizard man drank the potion, the bloodline belonging to the old ruler "Light Giant" was activated in his body. If he hadn't just drank the only 13 bottles of potion in his hand, with his combat power of transforming into a light giant, only He alone is enough to destroy Loki's entire team.

After Loki drank the potion, he awakened the thin "boiling blood" blood in his body and greatly suppressed the power of the "Crimson Apostle". Successfully aroused the anger of the "Scarlet Creator".

What is known so far is that the lives of these two people are at least not in danger.

With the attitude of giving it a try, Loki asked his brother Sartre to drink the third bottle of golden potion. The next day, he turned into a mortal without any power.

The golden potion successfully washed away the divine power that evolved from drinking the rotten monster potion.

After a short rest for a day, when he drank the berserker potion made by the hunting team again, Sartre regained the new Chosen One ability.

In other words, the golden potion that Sullivan calls "God's Water" does have the power to cleanse the marrow and change the body.


Not to mention the four western provinces that did not participate in the fighting.

But just talking about Loki: in the three provinces of River Valley, Dragon's Breath Plateau and Frostfree Ridge, there are nearly a thousand chosen ones who have drank the "rotten potion". If he wanted to save their lives and give them more "pure" power, he would need more of this golden potion.

He needs to enter the "other world" of Jotunheim.

Loki knew that there would be risks in this trip, but from the time he set sail to England, which step was without risks?

If he wants to pursue safety, perhaps he is still sitting in Hanshui Village as the son-in-law of Duke Bernard. Already a traitor to the Vikings.

"So, brother, have you listened to my advice?"

Loki held an iron chain in his hand, and the other end of the chain was fastened around Sullivan's neck.

"I will open the time and space rift for you to enter the other world. From now on, I will open it every two days to allow you to return. As long as you come back successfully, you will let me return to the atrium." Sullivan replied.

"That's right.

So if I were you, from now on, I'd better pray day and night for my safe return! "

As Loki spoke, he picked up the huge package and walked into the walled compartment filled with chocolate, coffee and various foods without looking back.

"But sir," the lizard man added at the last moment when he entered, "Since I discovered this time and space rift, I only transfer some supplies every time. Letters and other things have never been transmitted to the 'other world'. people!"

"I am not completely sure whether you can enter the other world alive!"

Haha, Loki chuckled twice, pulled him to the city wall, and pointed to the big lake under the corner of the wall.

"See this big lake?"

The lizard man nodded.

"I know people like you are hard to kill. But that's okay.

If I die, my companions will tie your hands and legs with the toughest animal tendons, then tie them to a strip of stone and throw them into the lake!

If you haven't evolved a pair of gills, you'd better use all your abilities. I hope I don't die on the way! "

The old lizard was so frightened that he forgot about the lake opposite his eyes. After entering Jotunheim for more than two hundred years, he didn't even know how deep the quiet lake was.

If you are pressed by a heavy stone into the dark bottom of the water without any light. Immortality would become an unbearable torture.

Seeing the old lizard nod vigorously, Sartre released his hands that were fixed to reach out.

Loki walked into the city wall carrying a heavy package.

Accompanied by a blinding flash of light.

When he opened the door again, his figure had disappeared.

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