Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 248 5.40 Hell No. 025

What would it be like for a group of people imprisoned in a space prison?

What do they usually eat and what do they use?

How was the mysterious golden potion made?

Will these people wear chains on their hands and feet like the prisoners before they crossed over, and spend a long time in a narrow cabin every day?

Loki had no idea in his mind how one group of gods imprisoned another group of gods.

The only thing he knew was that in Norse mythology, the frost giants were permanently exiled to this bitter cold place called "Jotunheim" after losing the battle with the Asirs.

There is no prison term.

There is no punishment either.

Before entering, he had thought that this place would be as filthy as the cave at the bottom of the Holy Mountain where rotten monsters were imprisoned, or that it would be like the science fiction movies he saw in his previous life, with towering ice coffins standing silently erected one after another. In the cold corridor, the ice coffins are all filled with tall frozen giants.

However, when the illusion disappeared and he truly stepped into the other world, he discovered this place

It's as perfect as a dream!


This is a perfect castle that only exists in dreams. The golden sunset casts golden light, and you can see a group of unknown birds circling and playing on the lake in the distance.

Below them, a siren was lying on the rocks, and its delicate voice was singing a gentle tune. Beside her, colorful fish jumped out of the sea from time to time, glowing mysteriously under the sunset.

On the beach by the lake, several tall blue giants were lying.

They were not wearing shackles.

Nor is freedom constrained in any way.

Instead, after they picked a few fruits from the big tree with golden leaves next to them, they excitedly waved behind them.

Several smaller frost giants with slightly shorter stature ran out of the dense forest behind them. In their hands were chocolates as big as heads that the lizardmen had traded.

Everyone is enjoying themselves, just like the happy family vacationing on the beach in a previous life.

Loki's first reaction was that the old lizard was playing tricks and teleporting him to an extremely strange place. But the chocolate in the hands of the frost giant is real.

The lizardman's supplies did arrive in this space after passing through obstacles and avoiding obstacles.

However, everything in front of him gave Loki an unreal feeling of seriousness.

A group of tall alien gods live next to a dreamy castle surrounded by mountains and rivers. They have inexhaustible food, are accompanied by alien races and creatures, can give birth to children freely, and live happily in this lake and mountain scenery.

Is this called exile? ? ?

This is obviously a more advanced vacation!

Even more untrue is the lack of supervision in the portal zone.

Before Loki entered, he was prepared that he would die. He had imagined that he might be surrounded by this group of thugs as soon as he entered.

No matter how bad you are, you will be surrounded by a large group of guards.

However, he had been standing on the city wall for more than ten minutes at this time. During this time, no one came up to ask him why he was here.

In the city, the frost giant residents on the streets greeted the people around them while walking around.

Standing on the city wall, Loki could see groups of residents wearing coarse robes like human farmers. The women carried vegetable baskets filled with vegetables harvested from the fields near the lake.

The taller men carried the monsters they had hunted on their shoulders, and walked around with drinks shaped like wine bottles in their hands, pouring them into their mouths.

Everyone is living a relaxed and comfortable life

Only standing on the top of the city wall was a frost giant wearing a crown.

He looked forward with a serious face.

There was deep worry hidden in his eyes.


"Oh my goodness!"

"I never expected that nearly 10,000 years later, a human being would actually be transported through the portal, haha! Don't worry, we won't hurt you!"

"Let me tell you, all of us really like the food you sent us. These are some rare toys that you can't see in our little world. The children like it very much!"

Loki stared at the frost giant who spotted him on the street.

In his impression, gods have always been malicious towards humans. They always have a high-altitude posture, looking down at the tiny humans from high in the sky.

Human beings must worship and pray day and night before the gods will bring a little blessing.

Of course, there is another kind of god similar to the Scarlet Creator, who uses humans and all creatures on the earth as guinea pigs to study.

Even the slightly better ones, such as the Holy Lord Christ who became a holy bishop, the Quetzalcoatl of the New World, etc., they regard humans more as tool people and use humans as much as possible to achieve their own goals.

Needless to say, the old rulers like the Lizardmen wear human skins and secretly rule the world in the form of secret societies.

However, these friendly "frost giants" who were like family members in front of him completely shattered Loki's stereotype of gods.

Don't call it a high-altitude god.

Compared with many human beings in the Middle Ages, they were much more enthusiastic and gentle!

"If I remember correctly, thousands of years ago, when the frost giants and dragons ruled Scandinavia, it was Olaf the Bloody Conqueror who led the blood-boiling warriors to drive the giants away from the human world. Return to Asgard"

"They shouldn't be so gentle to humans due to emotions and reasons.

What happened in this strange cage?

Why is everything in front of me

So creepy? ! "

The four words "creepy" are the truest portrayal of Loki's heart. Because since entering the "other world", everything he has seen has no resemblance to what he originally expected.

After swallowing hard with fear, Loki spoke and asked the first question.

"Everyone, can you get out of here?"

This is his biggest question at this time.

After entering the other world, everything in front of you does not look like a "cage" at all. If you insist on a metaphor, this is more like a 7-star Nordic resort.

The kind of person who has been president, slept with young models, and made hundreds of millions of dollars in his lifetime. Finally, he returned to his hometown in rich clothes and spent billions to buy a castle for the rest of his life in a wealthy nursing home.

(If they can leave, it means that the legend about Norse mythology in the previous life is false! The frost giants did not lose the war with the Asa Protoss. Maybe they just experienced a change in mentality and chose another way to fight with the Asirs. The way to live without fighting)


Is this place a "Universe 025" created by "John Calhoun"?

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