Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 252 5.45 The dormant new king

After reaching an agreement with the Giant King, Loki obtained all the golden potions in the 'other world'.

During the thousands of years of imprisonment, the tribesmen who left never returned. They may also know what drinking the potion means to them. But this group selectively forgot about it, like an ostrich with its head stuck in the ground.

Finally, he reaches his end gently.

In contrast, humans on the Eastern Continent are extremely lucky. Because they ushered in many thinkers such as Zhuangzi, Laozi, and Mozi during the Warring States Period.

They realize that alien gods descending from the sky will always harbor deep malice toward humanity.

The only way to escape the control of the gods is to cultivate yourself.

This is how the pre-Qin Qi masters emerged.

They abandoned all external gods, including the two gods of Sheji, the three-legged Golden Crow, and their descendants Chi You who were born in the land of China.

All books recording their existence were burned to ashes, and all temples were uprooted!

After he unified the world, the First Emperor even sent Qi Refiners to patrol, search for all the ancient gods that could be seen, and eradicate them!

At this point, there is no longer any belief in foreign gods in the land of China.

There were whispers in his ears again, and Loki could only ignore them for the time being.

(First step, I need to get rid of the control of the Scarlet Creator.)

As for how to free the Vikings from Asgard's control, it is still unknown. After all, all the power of the Vikings comes from Asgard.

If you lose your power, you will lose everything.

Now I have eliminated the lizard men who were wearing human skin and mingling among humans!

Freeing the Vikings from the control of the O'Sullivans and the Lizardmen was only the first step in a long journey of thousands of miles.

The next step is to solve this huge problem for England. Occupy the fertile lands of the English Isles to further enhance people's livelihood

Only then can we consider how to fight against these gods!


Three days later, Loki led hundreds of bottles of golden potion back to the surface world through the portal.

That night, everyone in the Valley Province felt the tremor of the giant's feet stepping on the earth.

As soon as he returned to Storm's End, he immediately summoned his vassals, disclosed all the magic potion formulas recorded in the "Book of Saga", and ordered all the hunters in the group to form their own teams and enter Asgard to hunt for the magic formulas required. medicine.

At the same time he issued two new decrees.

1. After the first heavy snow falls every winter, all hunters over 16 years old in the River Valley, Dragon's Breath Plateau and Frost Ridge can be qualified to enter Asgard to hunt monsters on the recommendation of the hunting captains of each village or town.

Villages and towns can form teams freely, bring their own supplies, hunt and collect the raw materials needed for formulas. You can trade between different villages and towns, but you can't plunder.

Failure to do so will result in permanent deportation.

2. For warriors who have never obtained magic medicine but fought bravely in the invasion of foreign enemies. If they were out fighting for years, they wouldn't have time to enter Asgard to hunt.

Centurions in the army can report to the lord for the opportunity to redeem their military merit for promotion potions.

As soon as these two new laws appeared, the Vikings in Storm's End immediately exploded.

Two months ago, after repelling the Bakan Bush invasion, he did not choose to announce the existence of the Asgardian portal. After all, he only gained the qualification to enter the portal by killing the guardian of the portal.

He needs to personally lead a team to conduct an acquaintance inspection in order to judge that the Vikings are hunting monsters after entering the portal, rather than being hunted by monsters.

Another day passed, when the news had been digested by the tribe, Loki announced the existence of the golden potion "Water of Gods".

For all the Chosen Ones who have drank the "Rotten Potion", as long as they swear allegiance to him, they can exchange for a bottle of golden potion that can cleanse the blood, and get a new bottle of potion starting from Sequence 9.

The new potion was made in Asgard by Loki himself and led the hunting team. It contains more powerful power than the rot potion, and there is no risk of death from explosion or shortened lifespan.

Of course, he doesn't force it at all on brothers who don't want to have their marrow washed and don't mind their lifespan being shortened.

All choices are yours.

However, just one week later, the Chosen Ones who heard about the true existence of the Viking ancient scroll "The Book of Saga" began to gather from all aspects. Seeing that more and more of the Chosen Ones under them swore an oath to Loki.

In the end, both Elizabeth Coldstone and Duke Angus Mockrash had to pledge their allegiance to him.

By this time, they had lost the castle and the fiefdom was in ruins.

If they lose their Chosen One, they will completely lose all the chips they have to survive in this troubled world.

Loki knew that he could donate the potion selflessly, and in this way he would indeed gain a good reputation as a "benevolent and righteous" person. But think about it, how much is a "good reputation" worth in this chaotic market?

If the River Valley, Dragon's Breath Plateau and Frostfree Ridge still work on their own, I am afraid that without the help of England on the other side of the North Sea, a single O'Sullivan can defeat the three of them one by one, and then take the Asgard portal back into his hands.

But if the three provinces of their own merge into one force, this force will directly pose a threat to the O'Sullivan family.

O'Sullivan, who was born as a businessman, is not a reckless man who only thinks about muscles like the Slavic King Buchan Bush. He knew that if he forced his soldiers to fight Loki, the end result would be that Scandinavia would completely fall into war.

The English watched from the other side and entered the field to harvest when both sides were severely weakened.

If I understand such a simple power relationship, Ivar O'Sullivan must also understand it. This is the advantage of playing against a smart person, because he will play by the rules of the game and avoid all options that lead to self-destruction.

It is precisely because of this that Rocky started preparing to go to England next spring.

Compared with the Slavs on the other side of the Baltic Sea, the English people west of the North Sea were his biggest worry! Because the national power of the seven countries in England is too strong!

As long as they are given a short respite, they can immediately transform the abundant gold and silver in the treasury into warriors and sharp blades.

If you want to defeat this enemy, you must act immediately and cannot give them any time to prepare for war.

There are at least three more months of this long winter. If more than half of the 6,000 Viking warriors under his command can successfully obtain the magic potion and be promoted to the Chosen Ones, and he goes to England next spring, he will have a great chance of winning even if he attacks the seven-nation coalition alone.

Walking out of the castle, large clumps of sticky snowflakes were falling from above. He looked towards the sea and saw the more than 300 longships left by Barkan Bush outside Storm's End.

At this time, he had a strong enough force, a sufficient number of ships, and a group of subordinates who were loyal enough to him.

After two long years of preparation, he finally had enough chips in his hands to win the qualification to compete for the Viking King!

(End of Volume 5)

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