Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 253 6.1 Princess of Mercia

When the warmth of the rising sun pierced the fog and reflected into Elizabeth's room, she got up, combed her long golden hair, and lifted the quilt, briefly exposing her snow-white body to the sun.

It was still cold inside the castle, but seeing that the cold winter was about to pass, the girl began to long for the warm sunshine of spring.

Looking out the window at the big tree. She found that a few buds had grown on the dead tree. This little bit of spring green comforted her. Putting on knitted underwear and a snow-white dress, she began to wash her face and brush her teeth.

The girl didn't like the feeling of being served by maids. When she thought that while she was sleeping, there were more than a dozen servants waiting respectfully outside the door beside her and not far from the room, she couldn't fall asleep at all.

After cleaning her youthful face, the girl stood in front of the bronze mirror and admired her graceful figure.

Elizabeth's full name is Elizabeth Elam.

She is the youngest daughter of Elam the Honest, the king of the Kingdom of Mercia among the seven kingdoms of England.

She is also the only princess who is not yet married.

Ever since Elizabeth was born, her interests and hobbies have been completely different from other princesses. While her brothers and sisters and the princes and nobles in the neighboring kingdom were keen on polo, the luxury goods in Paris and the magic of the East, Elizabeth chose to enter the Holy Bishop and become a devout believer.

She wore the most ordinary linen clothes and mingled with the poor, orphans and disabled soldiers in Oxford all day long. The daily work is the same as that of the most ordinary priest in the city.

Cooking porridge, sewing clothes, growing medicinal materials, and treating the wounded.

All Oxford residents living in the lower town recognize this 18-year-old girl who walks through dilapidated houses all day long. Every time they see her, the old people will clasp their hands and thank the Holy Lord Christ for sending them a real angel.

What they didn't know, however, was that Elizabeth was not a Holy Episcopalian.

Her faith comes from her mother.

The first stop Elizabeth went to after getting up in the morning was the top floor of the castle. In a church of light whose entire body is made of transparent crystal, a woman in white robe wearing a golden six-pointed star mask is opening her arms and reciting sacred prayers to the rising sun.

Beside her, eight red-clothed acolytes knelt down respectfully, stretched out their hands, and respectfully handed scepters, helmets, badges and other ritual objects in front of them.

"Twenty-four years later, the profoundness in my heart still exists."

The woman in white robes chanted softly, and then the acolytes in red who gathered around her chanted quietly——

"Bury the dead, lest they end up in that solar hell."

"I huddled in the shadow crevices like an ant."

Red-robed monk: "Avoiding the light of death that buries everything"

"Come, in the eternal place of passing light!"

"Destruction, on that gentle night"

“Shepherds shout fragile kindness!”

"The berserker seizes the soaring sun"

Elizabeth stood at the door of the church, looking at her mother anxiously.

This woman's name is Diolenna Lightdead, and she is also a saint of the Kingdom of Mercia.

Ever since she was born, her father had said that this woman was his mother. However, from the time Elizabeth had memories, she had never seen her mother's true face.

She lives almost permanently in this sunlit church on top of the castle. Every time I see her, I can only choose to see her in the early morning when the sun rises.

Once the daylight fades after noon, the top floor of the castle is immediately closed.

No one, not even Ulysses Elam, could enter.

And even if I could enter this weird church, my mother would always look like this.

She always wears the golden mask that covers her eyes. The huge golden six-pointed star covered most of her face, leaving only her smooth chin and lips exposed.

My lips look a bit similar to my mother's.

This was the only reason why she was willing to believe that this woman was her mother.


As a girl, Elizabeth used to be very envious of the parents of her friends who could hold their hands and play with them.

Not compared with common people, even if compared horizontally with other brothers and sisters of the Elam family, the other concubines of the father may be busy with official duties.

But at least they are all visible and tangible normal people.

But my mother is far more like a god than a human being.

First of all, she had never seen her mother or the red-robed monks who served her take a bite of human food.

Secondly, since she had the memory, she has watched herself growing up day by day and her father getting older year by year. However, my mother still has the same figure, the same appearance, and the same voice.

Nothing has changed.

Finally, there is the distance that she always maintains between herself and mortals.

Not to mention hugging or holding hands, the closest distance between Elizabeth and her mother is at least three meters. Trying to get closer again, she'll hit a gentle wall of air.

This wall blocked him from moving forward even half a step.

Even when he mentioned it to his father sometimes, his eyes would always be filled with confusion and a hint of hidden fear. When Elizabeth was young, he could still use excuses such as "mother was suffering from a strange disease" to excuse her.

However, as she grew up day by day, the father and daughter seemed to have acquiesced in their strange social distance from "Diolenna".

This morning, Mother's prayer seemed unusually long. Unlike the Holy Bishop’s Gospel Bible, the prayers Mother Mother uttered during her morning prayers could not help but be the same every day.

If I had to describe it, it was more like an obscure conversation between her and the gods in the distant sky.

Most of the time, Elizabeth was unable to understand what kind of thoughts they were trying to express, and her mother never allowed herself to join in this strange prayer.

But one thing is certain.

She herself is also a member of this weird religion.

And it’s a very important part!

After the mysterious morning prayer "ends" every morning, her body will be filled with surging holy light energy. This power allows it to easily use "miracle spells" that are a hundred times more powerful than "holy light spells"

Mother called her "the child of light."

In several conversations held in the glass church, she once vaguely mentioned that the ancient god "Jehovah", the predecessor of Holy Lord Christ, was a light speaker who traveled from another world.

The inferior holy light spells used by the holy bishops today are not as powerful as one ten thousandth of the "miracle spells".

However, when Elizabeth asked her mother for advice on how to start practicing miracle spells.

Mother turned her head slightly and avoided talking about this issue forever.

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