Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 259 6.7 Ecbert’s Worries

The long meeting lasted for a day, and in the end, the three countries of Northumbria, Kent, and East Anglia funded part of the warships. The four countries totaled nearly 100 ram warships and 3,000 navies.

This number was enough to defend against Viking longships crossing the sea from any line of defense east of the North Sea.

Although Ecbert lost three Dragon Riders last fall, he didn't skimp this year.

The Kingdom of Wessex plans to once again dispatch three dragon knights to patrol at high altitudes in the North Sea every day and report immediately once a longship is found.

East Anglian and East Saxon, two countries that are often tied together, also sent nearly 100 moa knights.

This is a "new species" discovered by the Holy Bishop monks in the New World under the rule of Quetzalcoatl when they traveled across the ocean.

After being carefully transported back to Constantinople for cultivation and breeding. The monks of Constantinople only regarded them as ornamental animals in the zoo. On the contrary, across the east and west continents, the Arab Empire under the rule of the "Abbasid Dynasty" discovered their strategic value.

This kind of bird with a thin frame but huge wings has been through eugenic selection and breed improvement. Their strength can carry humans weighing less than 50 kilograms. Therefore, slender "Moa Knights" carrying bows and arrows began to appear in large numbers.

Although moas are not as powerful as dragons, they are better at flying faster and farther.

From high in the sky, knights can use bows and arrows to snipe dragon knights. As long as the dragon knight dies, the dragon that loses control is not a huge threat.

After all, wild subspecies of dragons are often sighted in dark corners around the world.


The nearly full-day meeting lasted until late at night. Regarding this crucial joint defense operation, the seven kings of the country, plus the Celts living on the desert island in the north, all reached an unprecedented consensus.

They finalized many details, including how to send troops and how to manage logistics, and tried to make all the countries in the seven kingdoms equally bear the expenses of this war. Everyone showed full confidence in being able to defeat the invading enemy on the sea.

They are also all aware of the crushing damage caused by the Mercian Navy to the O'Sullivan family's reinforcements on the North Sea last year.

After the meeting ended that evening, everyone returned to their suites with smiles on their faces. Only Ecbert, the lord of the Kingdom of Wessex, still felt that something was not quite right.

After returning to the room, he dismissed the maids and servants in the house. Standing alone by the window, he opened the thick glass and wooden window and let the cool evening breeze of early spring flow into the suite.

Facing the cold spring breeze, he closed his eyes tightly and let the cool evening breeze soothe his hot forehead.

For the heads of the seven countries of the English Isles, this day's meeting seemed to be about drinking and talking, but in fact it was no different from warriors wielding giant swords to attack each other.

The seven countries seem to be united sincerely, but in fact there are undercurrents. All countries want to obtain as many benefits as possible for their own country.

To put it more bluntly, it means that others have to work more, and I myself have to work less.

"its not right"

The cool night breeze not only failed to calm down his overheated brain, but instead made his heart beat faster.

He felt chest tightness and nausea. Just when he was about to feel the discomfort of vomiting, a gentle external force, like two warm palms, soothed his heart that refused to pump out blood.

Look back again. A pair of cold palms pressed against his temples.

"Your Majesty, what troubles have you encountered today?"

This is a woman covered in a bright red robe. That was Ecbert's wife, and other countries in the Western Continent called her the "Red Queen."

Her name is Iphitus Xueqin.

Compared with Ecbert, Queen Xueqin is obviously younger. She looked to be in her early thirties at most. There was not a single wrinkle on her tight skin, and there seemed to be water flowing in her purple eyes. While she looked charming, this strange outfit added a third degree of danger to her appearance.

Whenever Queen Xueqin appears in front of the world, she always wears this traditional dress of linen red robe wrapping her body.

There are different opinions about her origins. Some people say that this costume is inherited from the red-clad lama of Tubo in the Tang Dynasty. Some people say that she comes from the top of the mountain, where there is a group of prehistoric "ancestors" who have lived alone for tens of thousands of years.

Of course, there have always been rumors about her being an evil god in disguise. Most of this information was secretly spread by the monks of the Holy Bishop, and the biggest reason why they compiled these rumors was probably because Ecbert was the only one among the seven kings of the English Islands who had not experienced the baptism of holy water.

He was not a Holy Episcopalian.

"In all these years, whether it is the political situation or the war, I have never felt so panicked." In front of his queen, Ecbert did not hide anything.

All the achievements of his half-life struggle are inseparable from the mysterious woman beside him. There are no secrets between the two of them.

"Why is Your Majesty so flustered?"

"This group of rough Vikings across the North Sea did something that I thought they would never accomplish." Ecbert read about the beard on his chin and looked at his queen.

"They actually eradicated the 'Fire Sacrifice' hidden in the river valley!"

"There are no survivors, no news, and the group of intelligence dealers in the Vulcan Cult can't even tell whether they have really been uprooted!"

"Don't talk about those rough northern bumpkins. Completely eradicating a fire temple is an extremely difficult thing for the English to accomplish. You were as stubborn as this group of cockroaches in Southampton. Having fought before, you know how difficult they are!

But this group of Vikings silently cut off all the hidden stakes without the knowledge of the "Vulcan Cult"! "

"Not even a hint of news was revealed!"

Ecbert was a king who possessed two precious qualities: ambition and prudence. He was born to think better than his peers around him, and he could see the flaws at a glance in many of the conclusions that ordinary people would rack their brains to arrive at.

And all the flaws actually stem from this slight "unreasonableness".

"In the past few years, there was a lot of information about the Vikings on the intelligence market! As long as you wanted to spend money, you would even know what color underwear the Viking king wore, which concubine he served at night, and which pit he peed into when he got up at night. Clearly!

But this year

For a whole winter, there was no news about the new Duke of Riverdale since "Loki Starrag" took office. If we want to obtain intelligence, we even need to rely on the hidden stakes run by Hummel Blood Pigeon himself!

If he hadn't sent someone to find me at the right time, I wouldn't have known that these Viking bastards would have dared to spend all their money to invade my English Islands! "

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