"My King, relax"

Queen Xueqin stretched out two cold fingers and gently massaged Ekbert's temples. On the top of her white fingers, her fingernails were painted a coquettish red.

As she kneaded slightly, wisps of faint blood-colored mist emerged from the tops of her fingers and poured into Ekbert's brain along her temples.

His eyes were immediately stained with a layer of blood red, but his whole person seemed to calm down immediately from his anxiety.

"If this young lord is aiming to eliminate spies, he will definitely start from the Viking hidden stakes which are easier to target!"

"It's very easy to get rid of them. Just look for ravens in any house and monitor them day and night!"

"It's much easier to find them than to search for the 'Fire Transfer Gang' who are hiding underneath and specializing in underground activities!"

"So, my concern is, is it possible that the new lord 'Loki' and 'Hummel' joined forces to set up a trap?"

Wisps of red mist entered Ekbert's brain one after another, making his thoughts extremely clear.

"Loki took the initiative to contact this old man and asked him to come in and act like a traitor, get money and soldiers from us, and then release some false information to lead us into a trap.

But what trap can they set?

So far, all the combat suggestions given by Hummel Blood Pigeon, whether it is to block the North Sea or defend the coastline, all of them do not have the slightest trace of any conspiracy.

I even dare to say that as long as this group of Vikings dare to appear on the sea, they will immediately suffer a devastating blow.

My dear queen, I don't understand what they want to do? "

Threads of red mist penetrated into his brain, and his eyes were already red at this time. If all this was seen by Loki, he would be surprised to find that the energy emitted by Queen Xueqin's two fingers is the bloody spiritual energy from the "Blood Creator".

However, this woman's method of controlling psychic energy is obviously much better than Loki's. She does not need to use passive methods such as "creating wounds" or "reducing blood" at all.

It was like a large amount of bloody spiritual energy was hidden in her body, and could be released at the drop of a hat.

"Your Majesty, we already bought the news last year. I can basically confirm that this little brother Loki is a follower of the Scarlet Creator who shares the same sect as me!"

But he and I are not from the same ‘Creator’!

In the last round of civilization, the Scarlet Creator visited this planet and established many cities in the mountains or deep sea. Most of these cities are hidden in deserted areas. In some cities, there are even surviving Bloody Creators sleeping peacefully.

Therefore, the acquisition of their divine power may seem accidental, but it is not surprising. "

Queen Xueqin continued to rub Ecbert’s temples. The two discussed household matters in a calm tone, and the strong confidence she revealed in her words slowly calmed down Ecbert's manic and depressed heart.

"Even if Loki's sequence level is not the lowest level of ghoul, there is a high probability that he will not be able to escape the role of a miscellaneous soldier like the Crimson Apostle!

The Scarlet Creators are a group of emotionless machines, but when they judge that the threat level of their host is too high, no matter how shocking achievements they complete, they will never gain half a point of growth.

If you want to stand out in this group, you can't just work as a coolie! If they become experimental subjects, they will even use them as eagle dogs. Only by becoming a god in the flesh can we in turn threaten these emotionless machines! "

Ecbert stood up, and Queen Xueqin also raised her hands and held up her red hair.

When she raised her arms, her scarlet robe slipped from her arms, and a few lines of cuneiform writing were revealed. Above it was written clearly - Bloody Creator, Blood God Path, Sequence

Red Queen!

"Children, come in"

As she waved gently, the thick wooden door of the suite opened, and six beautiful women with slender figures entered neatly from the door.

Each of them has an oriental face.

Long black hair, red phoenix eyes, water snake waist, and three-inch golden lotus.

The most shocking thing is that these 6 women look exactly the same!

Each of them is a Crimson Apostle who can summon the Fallen Titan!


"Since when did you create two more?"

Your Majesty, this is not difficult. "Red Queen Iphitus Xueqin moved lightly, walked up to the six girls, and patted their cheeks gently.

"I still clearly remember that hot summer, when I was chased by the enemy and fell into the cave thousands of meters deep.

When I followed the red light to discover the city hidden in the center of the earth, I saw the red giant sleeping in the crystal coffin.

I was seriously injured and could barely move.

But I am still a Vulcan witch! I forced myself to use the power of the Happy Witch to enter the dreamland of the bloody Creator. As a result, I discovered that I could actually use my human mind to control these huge giants!

I used the bachelors in their minds to 'patch' and upgrade my human body, and then killed and copied 6 powerful Eastern Continent monks to become the Crimson Apostles!

He is a pawn in the hands of the Scarlet Creator, and I am the saint who controls the Scarlet Creator! We have the dragon, we have the 6 Crimson Apostles, and I

Your Majesty, I can't imagine any way for him to defeat me.

Your Majesty, there is no need to be nervous! "

Looking into Iphitus's calm eyes, the red blood receded from his eyes. Ecbert regained consciousness.

"According to the last intelligence obtained last year, Loki and Buchan Bushi have captured the Vikings' sacred mountain."

"If things really develop in the worst direction, they will most likely have seen through the O'Sullivan family's plan!"

My dear queen, you can despise those half-hearted "saber-tooth mercenaries", but you must never despise the Chosen Ones who have inherited the orthodox Odin power.

Hummel Blood Pigeon does not represent the strongest combat power of the Vikings. The power they possess is simply beyond the understanding of today's fragile group of "New Gods".

No, my eyelids are still twitching!

Let them out, I don't need an escort today.

I need to start writing letters and practice my "Knights in the Sky" now! I need his mercenary regiment in Freeport to leave for Wessex immediately! "

“My lord, this will cost a lot of money.

Although the treasury is still well-funded, is it really worth it? "

Ecbert looked out the window at the dark night and didn't answer for a long time.

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